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Conversational Threads

Threads Fitting DVDs – New

blondielou | Posted in Fitting on

I’ve been looking at the ad for the new Threads Fitting DVDs.  It looks quite interesting and that it would be helpful


Has anyone bought it and used it yet? I am in the middlle of sewing  an old fitting shell from an old sloper (1985-86) from gingham…..my measurements are very similar and will be having a new set taken taken by an expert at a local fabric store.




  1. Ckbklady | | #1

    Heya Blondielou,

    I asked the same question a couple of days ago and no responses yet. I bet a lot of folks got them quickly but haven't fired them up yet.

    If I see responses in my thread, I'll drop you a line here to send you there. If you get responses here, can you do the same for me?

    My thread is called "Threads Fitting DVD reviews?" if you want to find it. I put it under "Talk With Us" because I expected that the Threads staff would also appreciate the replies.

    Between us we'll get to the bottom of this! :)

    :) Mary

    Edited 4/10/2008 11:54 am by Ckbklady

    Edited 4/10/2008 11:55 am by Ckbklady

    Edited 4/10/2008 11:55 am by Ckbklady

  2. Ckbklady | | #2

    Hiya Blondielou,

    Still no reviews here that I can see, but someone did post a review of the Torso DVD on Patternreview today:


    She describes it in detail. I hope she reviews the others, too!

    :) Mary

    1. blondielou | | #3



      I'm very glad to see this.....  As I have now a Uniquely You dressmaking dummy that fits me probably close to 98% and a pattern fitting dress form in gingham that fits but may be a tad bit loose as well as a separate bodice and skirt out of gingham also a little loose as when I had taken a 16 week adult education course in flat pattern making course in the mid 80's I had full measurements taken, had a muslin dress fit to me that was then transferred to a cardboard sloper.


      As I am now very close to that size again (maybe 5-10 lbs less), I took the cardboard sloper pieces and made them into the gingham dress and bodice and skirt.  I am doing the final touch ups and then will go to G Street and spend the $79 to have an expert there fit these on me, trace my body on a piece of brown kraft paper (which I have) to understand my proportions (Singer fit book goes into the importance of this for fitting) and will get a complete set of measurements and also an assessment of what body issues I may/may not have that I need to fit around.  I don't think I have any unusual back issues but how in the heck do I know???


      I have probably 8 to 10 fitting books.....bought through Ebay and Amazon.com (you can buy used or even cheaper new books through them) and once I know what issues I do have I will highlight those sections and read thoroughly about them. 


      Do you have sewing friends who live near you who can measure you and who help you with your sewing?  I have always wanted to find women who sewed but I have never had such luck.....or if I have found them they only quilted and/or did home dec or they only did extremely easy elastic waistband skirts (nothing that required fitting!!!).... 


      Living right outside of both Baltimore, MD and Washington, DC, people here are so career oriented and the commute driving or train/Metro is so heinous very few have any time for much else than just the basics of life....no time for hobbies or even friendship....very lonely here I can tell you!


      I don't think I'll be buying those DVDs, will you?



      1. Ckbklady | | #4

        Hiya BL!

        A 98% fit on a dressform is wondeful - congrats! I like the G Street Fabrics plan. Just like a hairstylist can see the back of our heads and cut properly, the fitters will identify back fitting specifications (sounds more positive than "issues" :) that you can't see. Great idea.

        I'm on my own at the moment for fitting help. I have pals who "sorta-sew" - they haul out the machine every 4 years whether they need to or not and make new tab curtains. Nah, I'll probably join the local ASG for "fitting friends".

        I'm so sorry you're lonely in DC. Big cities are just too frenetic and career-driven, aren't they? All your energy is used up in just living and getting around. I found that too when we lived in Toronto and in Vancouver. We're now out in the burbs of Seattle, and it's much better - we have neighbors who have become dear friends, and we're closer to my folks. The East Coast really has a too intense career vibe for hubby and me. We couldn't get out fast enough. Hubby's a "recovering executive" after the dot.com thing here in 2000. But even when we were on the "fast track" here back then, everyone went home at 600pm (630pm was pushing it) and had social and active lives outside of work. That's why we stayed when we started our own company. The beauty of being here is that no one at parties asks you what you do for a living as an introduction. They ask how you know the host, or whether you like boating, or whether you care about how the Mariners (baseball team) are doing this year. Careers are pretty low on the list - the priority is lifestyle, and we're the happiest converts. Wanna move? I'll help you unpack and arrange your sewing room! :)

        And in the meantime :), maybe you could make pals in your local ASG? Or put a shout out here to make local sewing friends by posting a request for off-list direct email contacts and arranging a meeting (say, at the public library meeting room)? I did that on a cooking discussion board ten years ago when we first moved here and I needed friends. I made several fond acquaintances and one friend so dear she's like a big sister to this day. It's worth the risk, just go public on all meetings and you'll be fine. Would you consider that?

        I'm still sitting on the fence about the DVDs. I really do learn such things better by seeing them done. But how much can they do in 34 minutes?

        :) Mary, your cyber-neighbor!


        1. blondielou | | #5



          I'd love Seattle ...the weather is my type....my new husband of 2 years just got his law degree (2nd career after ending a 32 year government environmental career ....has to give his ex of 26 years half the pension which leaves not enough to live on so he went to law school at night after commuting to & from 1 hr 30 min each way....his new practice is only a year old and not even making money....living on house equity loan.....he can't take another bar exam at 57 and we couldn't afford the move!).


          I've looked at ASG but they seem here to be into making blankets, baby things and quilts to give away to deserving people....not into learning for yourself....  I am selfish...I want to sew for ME...  I have enough fabric that if I sewed one outfit a week I will leave fabric for my heirs so I don't have time to sew for anyone else!  Plus I want to learn to sew even better evening dresses, full skirts with uneven hemlines, dresses with cleavage and low backs that fit, ballroom dance dresses that you can sweat in and move in (my other strongest interest) as you can't buy those that fit.....


          I agree with everything you said about the east coast!!!  I hate when they ask you what you do as I am ill with chronic pain and haven't worked since 1990 having to deal with daily chronic headaches/migraines as well as fibromyalgia/myofascial pain syndrome and take strong medication for a failed cervical fusion for my chronic intractable neck pain syndrome.....  I live by rest 2-8 hours, activity of 30 min to 3 or 4 hours, rest 2-8 hours.....but when I get that first twinge of a migraine everything stops immediately and I have to go to my totally dark bedroom with black out drapes with a gallon size baggie 1/3 full of ice cubes (no other type of ice pack is as cold or works as well as straight ice) that I balance on the side/top of my head lying on one side or the other, no noise (earplugs), and take strong medication and only until I sleep it off ....  I live by avoiding my triggers of light (fluorscent, strong outside (always sunglasses, visors/hats), night glare, flickering, etc.), noise (no concerts for me), odor (cigarette/cigar, perfume/cologne, household/work chemicals, etc.) position (staying in the same too long, neck getting sore or spasms, etc.), stress (not working does help with this), inconsistent sleep (that is very tough one as I don't get sufficient pain medications thus I have difficulty sleeping and my doctor also won't give me sleeping medications either... I have tried over 55 different medications, modalities and treatments and paid out of pocket after good BC/BS insurance over $250,000 and ruined a great 20 year marriage trying to find a cure for my incurable health situation....management yes (I am 3/4 managed and could be more if my doctor would give me sufficient titrated to effect opioid pain medications)....


          Being treated for chronic pain in this country is extremely "hit or miss" and mostly "miss"....especially non-terminal and even terminal!   Yes, I am physically dependent on these medications but I need them just as a diabetic needs insulin and a person with heart problems or high blood pressure needs their medications, yet no one would dare call them "addicted".  I take opioids to have some semblance of a life....I don't live to take the opioids; therein lies the difference.  I take a consistent amount and take it by mouth through the stomach which is a slow route of administration; an addict takes ever increasing amounts to get "the high" and also liquidifies it to inject it into a vein or crushes to snort it....which is what is a fast route of administration.  The Republican "Just Say No" to drugs has gone too far ......it should not include legit medications for documented chronic intractable serious severe suicidal patients like myself.


          Sorry I got so serious....I've had a tough migraine week!

          Hope you and yours are healthy and stay that way but changes are that either you or your family or someone you dearly care about will have chronic intractable pain in their lives and that you will want to see that their pain is totally fully taken care of and that it will not be.  Even my grandmother, age 98, in Ohio 2 years ago the last week of her life was not given pain medications and was screaming in pain.   Good thing I wasn't there or I would have broken into the medicine cabinet there and given it to her and I would now be in jail.





          1. Ckbklady | | #6

            Hey Laura,

            Oh, I so wish I could mend your ills and give you a big hug and set your hubby up in a law firm here! Nothing is more precious than your health. Living in daily pain must be horrible. I hope and pray that more good medications are developed, and FAST!

            I chuckled when I read your mention of having a lifetime's worth of fashion fabrics. I prefer fashion sewing to quilting and such too, and it's the same reason I've hemmed (pardon the pun, giggle) and hawed about joining the local ASG. They even meet in a quilt shop! :)

            I'm here cheering for you. May the pleasure you get from sewing take your mind off any pain.


            :) Mary

          2. blondielou | | #7



            I'll take that hug anytime!  Support produces endorphins which helps pain.... 


            Maybe a group needs to be formed that is more into garment personal sewing!  Quilts, blankets, home dec has nothing to do with fitting and sewing a round object that moves and cares how it feels and fits, right???  People rarely go to each other's homes anymore....  I believe in decorating myself first and foremost!!! 


            I want to find groups and activities to do during the day; unfortunately in the DC/Baltimore area unless you have a baby or very young children 98% of women are at work!  My husband wants my attention at night....and then with my interest in ballroom dancing that takes me away 2 or 3 nights as it is....I can't fit in another night doing something else.  I'd like to find a singing group and again that would probably mean another night..... 


            So I think that leaves the internet!  It is amazing how the internet ends up being where we find people with our interests, isn't it?  And where we ask our questions and get our answers because we can't find people close by?  A whole new world....I love the internet and typing but I wish there was a little more of a balance....


            Have a good day!



          3. Ckbklady | | #8

            Hey back,

            Well, consider yourself "endorphined"! :)

            I have often thought about trying to form a group for fashion sewing, but I'm kinda burnt out on groups. Ten years ago, I organized a women's culinary network here of a couple of dozen lady food pros, and as enthusiastic as they all were about being involved, they left me to do most of the work. I'm all for the internet at the moment! :)

            Ballroom dancing and singing, wow - you should be on stage! (And then you go on tour and visit Seattle and stay...) Another good reason to come here - lots of ladies who are free during the day, either with flexible work-at-home jobs (like me) or who are Undercover June Cleavers - there are a lot of 70s-style housewives with older kids or even with nannies (!) here. I haven't figured out the reason for the pocket of them, except that there is so much less emphasis on career that many women devote themselves instead to rearing the kiddos when they're little and then nanny them up when the kids are school age. Many also have spouses who make enough for two people, thus creating a unique shot at the lifestyle. There are also an awful lot of people without kids, again for no reason I can clearly identify. We just shrug and go with it.

            So when do you have time to sew??

            :) Mary




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