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Conversational Threads

Threads for leather

Lornasa | Posted in Notions & Tools on

Hello everyone! I’m quite new to leatherworking and have some doubts about the threads.
I’ve already visited some forums like Instructables and have read there posts about leather threads https://www.instructables.com/community/Best-thread-for-stitching-and-sewing-leather/. And now I don’t know what to do and which threads do choose. So, I want to sew leather leashes for my 2 beautiful dogs (and maybe in the future as a gift for my friends who own dogs too). But there is the question: are polyester threads necessary for this kind of work? I’ve read that the problem of nylon threads is that it has not to be used with products that are going to be outside. Logically, the dog leash is going to be outside. But it won’t be there full-time. Should I buy polyester threads anyway, or can I do my work with nylon threads? Then comes another question: which polyester threads good? I’ve found this article https://sewingland.org/best-sewing-thread/ and it says MILIJIA polyester threads are the best ones. I’ve checked the rating of this product on Amazon https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07HHXJ2TR/?tag=sewingland-20#customerReviews and it has a lot of good reviews (4,5/5). Is that true? I’d like to hear more recommendations and opinions about polyester threads (not only about this brand).
Thanks in advance!


  1. Rapunzel42 | | #1

    Polyester threads are better for outside as they don't sun rot like cotton or nylon. Also nylon over time can cute the leather but have never seen that with polyester. If the leashes are heavy duty, you might want to get a polyester buttonhole thread which would be heavier and require a size 16 needle. Hope this helps.

  2. CoralWurth | | #2

    It's not a big deal if you say that you're not gonna be outside full time. You can just avoid going outside when it rains, and even if it rains, it will take a long time for it to wear off, so there is no reason to worry from my point of view. You can find all kinds of materials and models on amazon, and here is a big surprise, you can participate DontPayFull Giveaway https://www.dontpayfull.com/page/sweepstakes and win a bonus 100$ which you can spend on buying what you need for your dog, this is a very addition to your budget.

  3. Alizeiiiiii | | #3

    Agree with Rapunzel42

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