I have a question about the Threads Magazine on DVD/USB. Basically, does anyone have a list of the specific issues (and ideally pages) which are incomplete on the DVD/USB? (Didn’t know what category for this–but using the archive would be “new” to me)
Here is the background to my question:
I have every Threads issue sans one, and am thinking of buying the archive so I don’t have to store the old issues, BUT I want to retain FULL content. However, I understand some “early” articles have missing/blanked out content–sometimes whole articles (supposedly an example in Issue 2, pages 20-23), sometimes just an image–all due to contractual issues (e.g. they couldn’t locate or obtain author/ photographer/ illustrator’s agreement to release a digital vs paper copy).
I would still buy the DVD/USB, IF I could get a list of those issues missing articles/images. That way I could selectively “cull” my collection and keep those issues whose full content is not on the DVD/USB. Does anyone have any such information? Thanks for reading this!
Hi! This is Sarah, Threads' editor. That is a excellent question, and I can retrieve that information once we are back in the office in a few weeks. Our former administrative assistant, April Mohr, kept a a record of all the articles and images we had to remove from the electronic archive due to rights issues. We expect to be back in the office by May 1, 2020, and then I should be able to track down April's records and compile a list. Thank you for the question, and for your patience!
Hi, and I trust this finds you all well and healthy !!
This was the first I have heard of 'missing info' from the hard copies on the DVD.
I am also interested in the list of missing info from the DVD. I have a DVD copy up through the 2010 issues. [My wonderful Daughter gave me this as a Christmas gift, to free up space]. And unfortunately, or now fortunately I had not done I had thought about regaining valuable storage space, and am now hesitant to do this without going through each and every year and issue to identify which ones I should save. The list will be most helpful in saving me time - another valuable asset for us all!
Also could you please let me know how I may obtain an update to the DVD? I had made several requests for this info about 2-3 yrs ago and received no responses.