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Conversational Threads

Threads of Hope

PGuinn | Posted in General Discussion on

I am writing to you today to provide you with information about a new program that I wanted to share with you.

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For the last 10 years my husband and I have been sponsoring a girl in Cambodia through World Vision. For all of these years we have been receiving annual progress reports. Until last fall, none of these progress reports had given us any personal information except that she is growing and moving up through the grades. Last fall, her progress report arrived with a small glimpse into the future of her life – she wrote that she wanted to be a tailor when she grew up. I have a college degree in Clothing Design, so with one word this child reached out and connected herself to me in a very profound way. She has no access to training or even to a sewing machine to be able to achieve her dream.

I contacted World Vision and we created a program Threads of Hope. For only $150 per person, World Vision will provide a sewing machine and vocational and business training to women and girls in different countries around the world. These are women and girls who would not have had any access to training or sewing machines without this program. There will also be a loan program available to them to finance their businesses if they choose to have their own businesses.


 In Cambodia, specifically, World Vision will provide sewing machines and training for girls who have been rescued from the sex trade in that country. This will enable them to financially support themselves and protect them from future exploitation. Your generosity would provide these girls with the opportunity to be self sufficient and independent businesswomen. This will have a positive impact their communities and create futures of their choosing, not those that are so often forced on them by financial or familial needs. I invite you to participate in the opportunity to impact the future and to contribute to the life of another.


The program is available through the website: www.justgiving.com/pfp/threads.


My gift of creativity was a gift shared with me by others who have gone before me, people who loved to sew. I know that sewers understand the importance of sewing machines and the power of creativity. By providing training and sewing machines these women can develop their creative abilities and positively impact the communities that they live in. And we all know how much the power of creativity can change the world. Please consider sharing this opportunity with all your friends.

Thank you for your time and consideration!!



Patty Guinn

The sponsor of a child with dreams of being a tailor.




  1. mem1 | | #1

    Hello Pam what a great idea . Do you know if this is happening in World Vision throughtout the world as I live in Australia?.

    1. anneelsberry | | #2

      Check out http://www.worldvision.com.  I believe I saw this program in the last catalog I received from them.  It's spectacular -- you can "buy" various farm animals and other things for folks living in impoverished areas.

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