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Conversational Threads

Threads pattern for scrapyarn sweater

Jnj | Posted in Knitting and Crochet on

In a very old Threads magazine there was a pattern for a sweater using a circular needle, and knitted from the bottom ribbing up, using scrap yarn.  I started the sweater, and somehow in a move, lost the magazine.  Can anyone tell me the issue number?  I would think it was in the teens or twenties issues.  Thank you so much, Bungie–


  1. katina | | #1

    Hi!  I can't access my copies right now, but I think the one you mean is #28.

    The sweater is on the cover; Arlene Mintzer is the designer.

    Hope I'm right - Katina

    1. Jnj | | #2

      Thank you so much.  Sadly that is not the issue, I have that issue, and the sweater that I am looking for is raglan sleeve, knit in, round neck, and worked on circular needle from the bottom up, with scrap yarn.  How did you ever just pull that issue out of the air?  I would never have been able to do that.  I just am amazed.  Bungie

      1. FitnessNut | | #3

        Do you remember any other details...like what colour the picture was etc.? It might trigger some long-forgotten memory and enable someone to locate the issue number for you. I have most issues of Threads and would be happy to look if I knew what I was looking for.

        1. Jnj | | #5

          It was a small article, picture and 2 pages with pictures, and the yarns were all kind and weight.  It had ribbing around the neck, and I think around the sleeves.  I remember it suggested using two yarns together if they were lighter weight, and I did that.  I have this sweater about to the beginning of the sleeves and dont have enought knitting know how to go on.  I think it was called "Using up scrap yarn" and gave directions to make this sweater in any size.  I hope I am right about that, it has been awhile.  When I heard some of you had extensive collections of Threads, I decided to ask about it.  My collection has "holes" in it.  Thanks, Bungie

          1. Jean | | #7

            I found an article in #21 called 'Knit Landscapes from Leftovers' by Carole La Branche. It's a 2 page spread. I could email it to you.

            Could that be the one?

      2. katina | | #6

        I'll keep racking my brains.  I remembered it because I had searched through my magazines a few years ago looking for that issue and and some association of ideas just made the number stick.  I don't remember the stuff I should though!

        Good luck - Katina

  2. Jean | | #4

    In issue 7, Pg 47 there is an article by Elizabeth Zimmerman that gives directions for knitting a seamless sweater from the bottom up. I doesn't show it in scrapyarn though, but it could easily be adapted.

  3. katina | | #8

    Hi again!  I'm racking the old brain - was it a sweater knitted in many shades of blues/white?  I can't possibly remember the issue number, but if that's the one, someone else might be able to go through their back issues for you.

    I'll keep thinking - Katina

    1. Jnj | | #9

      I thought I had posted an answer to your last emal.  I think you have it!  I remember thinking well, I didn't have blues, but had lots of yarn in all colors.  So started it in what I had and it is turning out really well.  Having never knitted a seamless sweater, I am stumped at how to go on when it get to the sleeve.  Maybe someone will remember where this is.  Thanks mucho.

      1. Jean | | #10

        Well, it appears I'm invisible so I won't look any more. :(

        1. Jnj | | #12

          Oh, you're not invisible, I lost my post address and had just the one on favorites.  I really appreciate your looking out for me.  I did check out the # 7 issue.  As a novice knitter, can I put a ribbing on the neck of sweater?  Would I need to lower the shaing of the neckline by how much in inches  I wanted the  neckline to be a normal crew neck.  Would I pickup a certain ratio of stitches  for the ribbing?  I think I will go to a used book store here called Friends of the Library and see what they have in knitting reference material.  I have been to Barns and Noble and others and dont see  a good reference with instructions general sizing etc, like you can get for pattern making for clothing.  I lost other messages also in my ineptness on the computer, so hope no one else feels I have ignored them.  I really count you as my friends.  My daughter made a trip to France with the university choir for a concert tour, and she brought me some beautiful yarn.  I am trying to get my act together so that I can do it justice.  When I was newly married, my mother-in-law knitted a full length coat for herself that was just gorgeous.  It won prizes at fairs etc, and it has been my ambition to knit something as lovely and useful.  One of my sisters-in-law in heirited it and I hope to get a closer look on the Christmas holidays.   So far, I have been fortunate in having the gauge correct on my knitting even guessing at the weight of some of the yarns.  As you can see I have fallen in love with this peaceful handwork.  Thank you for letting me run on and on.  Bungie

          1. Jean | | #13

            As a novice knitter, can I put a ribbing on the neck of sweater?  Would I need to lower the shaing of the neckline by how much in inches  I wanted the  neckline to be a normal crew neck.  Would I pickup a certain ratio of stitches  for the ribbing? 

            Elizabeth addressed this at the very end of the article the neck is shaped by going back and forth until the back neck is long enough, then the neck back is done in K2, P2 ribbing, although the photo shows the band as K every row. You can do whatever you like!  Just a word of caution when you get to binding off the neck stitches--make sure it is done loosely enough to stretch far enough to slip over your head.  I usually use a very large gauge needle for the bind off stitches to ensure that they are large enough and still are the same even-ness.

            Have fun. I'm happy to see more and more people getting excited about knitting again!!

            I hated it when Threads dropped knitting from its format. I still like to go back to those early issues for inspiration and instruction. They are priceless.

          2. Jnj | | #14

            Oh Jean, I was so sorry to see it go too, I just enjoyed and envied the aptitude I saw that others had in knitting, and all the letters that came in with comments.  I, too, love to review the old issues.  However the current issue of Threads came in the mail yesterday, and I was amazed at all the info included.

            Also, at this late date I am having to learn how to use my computer, and after losing a bunch of stuff, I have really learned the value of the "save" button!  Since my retirement I have to do what others did for me before.  However, I am learning.  It is possible to teach old dogs new tricks.  Will be out for a few days, but will be looking forward to more posts.

          3. rjf | | #17

            "I hated it when Threads dropped knitting from its format. I still like to go back to those early issues for inspiration and instruction. They are priceless."    Right!  I've seldom seen a knitting book that has as much information and advanced techniques...except for the compilations put out by "Threads". 

            I happened to have #53 in my hand when I read this discussion.  It's a great looking sweater but not all in one piece and I haven't been back to the stash to find #7.  Hope I have it.

            I've been doing invisible cast-off for necklines and cuffs.  It has a nice turned look and doesn't stretch out of shape but the important thing is that it does stretch to go over your head.  If anyone is interested, I'll try to find the issue that carried that technique.

            Jean...still haven't found my crocheted snowflake book.   Sorry.   rjf

          4. Jean | | #18

            That's Ok, don't sweat it.

            There are instructions for a tubular cast off Here

            Is this the one you mean?

          5. rjf | | #19

            Yup.  That's it and it's what I use most often but there is a set of directions for K2P2 ribbing in that issue of "Threads".  It's just more involved and really doesn't look any better.             rjf

          6. Jean | | #20

            I never tried the K2, P2 version. Mainly b/c I machine knit and invariably use a K1,P1 rib. I should try it for the challenge alone, but I probably won't.  :)

          7. rjf | | #21

            Now that I'm retired, I'm trying to convince myself that I don't have to prove anthing anymore.....invisibly casting off K2P2 is close to the top of the list.  I'm impressed with machine knitters; my single experience with a knitting machine was a dismal failure but fortunately, it made me realize that I knit because I like the hands-on aspect and there was more of that in hand-knitting.  What impresses me is that you can come up with the exactly right website for every occasion!     rjf

          8. Jean | | #22

            What amazes me is what google can find for you if you ask the right questions. ;-)

          9. cer | | #24

            RIF -- I don't mean to discredit Threads... but I too miss an excellent knitting source. And I believe I've found one. INTERWEAVE KNITS. A bimonthly magazine (Summer, spring....) It has the same detailed instruction as Threads.

            I have looked at Vogue Knitting and others but found that there were much too many errors in the patterns, etc. Extremely frustrating to rip out and re-think a "professional's" pattern.

            I think Joanns is now keeping Interweave on their magazine rack.


          10. cer | | #27

            Bungie, it's Carolyn again.

            You are asking questions about how to knit this and that. Well, I don't know your location but look into knitting (yarn) shops around your home. Most of the "up scale" yarn shops, i.e. more expensive and natural fiber yarns, will gladly give instructions and help when you are stuck. I don't mean 1 or 2 hour classes, I mean quick please help me on this one thing questions. The proprietor should surly help you in discovering a better way or idea.

            Call and ask around. I would be shocked to learn that you would find a closed door -- because we knitters love to teach ;)

      2. katina | | #11

        I know how frustrating this can be, believe me.  I had a brainwave - Threads article index is online, and I believe it's issue #53 you are looking for, p52.   You need a template to knit the sleeves the right shape.  What this means is that you cut a paper pattern of your sleeve and fit your knitting on it.  I have a book by Catherine Ham which has quite a bit of information on how to do this.  Perhaps you can get it from the library?  All the best - Katina

        1. cer | | #26


          What is the book's title by Catherine Ham. Making templates is something I have done out of necessity when I'm thinking up a knitting project. I did not realize there was a book of instructions. Please do tell.


          1. katina | | #29

            Hello Cer

            The book is "25 Gorgeous Sweaters for the Brand-New Knitter".  I have found it very useful, full of all kinds of little hints and ideas.  It's not a learn-to-knit book; it's meant for those who have learnt the basics.  On pages 47-49 she gives you info on how to cut yourself a simple pattern from paper.  I'd tried this before, but her suggestion to use the gridded paper (I use Monster paper) really clicked with me and I have made myself several templates this way.  She also has some good ideas for different edge finishes on a simple jacket.

            Hope this helps - Katina

      3. dawn | | #15

        Do you mean "The Oddball Sweater" in issue 17, pages 34-37?  It's reprinted in "Hand Knitting Techniques."  I actually tried this sweater. but I guess my yarn choices were a little too varied in color.  It turned out to be a lot louder than I'd actually wear.   I hope this is what you're looking for!


        1. Jnj | | #16

          Hi, I will check this one out, of course in the Desert Southwest, anything goes as far as color is concerned.  But I can understant people from other sections of the country needing to "cool"it.  Thank you so much for your interest and sharing.  Will be out for a few days(?) to have some lesions removed from my face hands and arms.  See you later friend.

  4. Jnj | | #23

    Hi!  I have been out of the loop for awhile due to having some minor surgery, but during that time I finally found the issue of Threads #17, with the odd ball sweater I had started, and also a copy of Hand Knitting Techniques that also has the pattern in it.  Thank you so much for all your suggestions and ideas and help finding this.  Jean thank you so much for you hints about the neckline and binding off the ribbing. Also Katinka, Dawn, Sandy, Rif, and others for you freely sharing with me.  I am loving catching up with this wonderful craft.  I saw an article in the Montgomery, Al Advocate on knitting and they called it the new yoga!  I think we all knew that all along and just didn't want to put it into words.  Bungie

  5. cer | | #25


    I have a pattern here at home that knits the whole sweater from the neck down on a circular needle. You place markers at the sleeves (raglan) and keep moving until you reach the bottom ribbing. Do you desire me to type it onto an attachment and e-mail it too you?

    I'm unsure of your experience. Can you knit something that has "markers" and such? It's a lot of stitches.


    1. Jnj | | #28

      Hi, I would say that I am an advanced beginner.  I have used markers, have knitted argyles sox, so yes I could handle this I think. I would love to have it if it isn't too much trouble.  I did find a sweater in the round knitted in stripes and all sizes given in an old Threads issue, knitted on circular needles.  I am very interested.  One of our friends suggested going to a knit shop for help.  We haven't any.  I have to drive 40 mi to get to a new one that opened in the next city.  However, it is a nice drive.  I appreciate all the good words.  Bungie

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