Hello everyone,
I’ve heard about a fabulous ruffled scarf that was a “quick sew” project in a past issue of Threads. Does anyone have the pattern to share? I just saw a cashmere version in T.J. Max (for $39.99!), but I’m thinking a flowy fabric would look even better. Even in a woven, the drape was incredible — it looks like the kind of wrap that drapes perfectly, and although I could fiddle around and try to figure out bias considerations and fabric quantities…why re-invent the wheel?
Thanks from beautiful Cape Cod, all!
Are you talking about the ripply organza one shown on the cover here?http://store.taunton.com/onlinestore/storeitem.html?iid=15337
Looks like that might be the one!
There have been one or two reviews of this lovely scarf at sewing.patternreview.com and there are indeed tricks to making it.I do not know if you have to be a member to read reviews there, but here is a link, complete with photos:http://sewing.patternreview.com/review/pattern/9363It has also been discussed here at gatherings, with recommendations for yardage and finishing:http://forums.taunton.com/n/mb/message.asp?webtag=tp-gatherings&ctx=&cacheTag=14-56&msg=4449.1&redirCnt=1http://forums.taunton.com/tp-gatherings/messages?msg=3845.18&redirCnt=1
Edited 11/3/2009 8:43 pm by woodruff
There is also a ruffly scarf project in our December issue of Quick Stuff to Sew. It is reminiscent of what's being shown in the stores now.
Wow, Deana, that sounds like just what I've been searching for -- and since I pre-ordered that publication, now I'm especially eager to find it in the mailbox! Thanks so much.
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