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Tiny Snaps and Hooks & Eyes

ajar | Posted in Equipment and Supplies on

I am trying to find tiny snaps and hooks & eyes.  I have been searching the web and getting nowhere.   I think snaps (sew on) come in sizes as small as 00 and 000, but I can’t find any.  None of the fabric stores carry them that small and can’t special order them.

If anyone knows where I can get tiny snaps and hooks & eyes, PLEASE TELL ME!!!!!!


  1. kai230 | | #1

    I haven't seen tiny snaps or hooks and eyes for ages, but I bet you could find some on a doll clothes site.

    1. ajar | | #2

      I haven't seen them on the doll clothes sites either.  Smallest I can find is #5/0 for snaps and #0 for hooks & eyes.

      1. kai230 | | #3

        Well, drat. Do you suppose you could contact one of the snap companies and see if they have any ideas? If they are no longer made, you may have to cannibalize an existing garment--maybe from a thrift or antique store. Good luck!

        1. ajar | | #4

          I can't get Dritz.com to open.  It may be my internet service provider.  Does http://www.dritz.com show up for you?

          1. ShannonG4d | | #5

            Hobby Lobby carries them.......I don't know if they have them online, but I've seen them in the local store.


          2. Jean | | #6

            The Dritz page doesn't open for me either.

        2. Crafty_Manx | | #7

          If it's a small enough project you could try to canibalize old doll clothes too...I know that Mattel used to put small metal snaps on Barbie's clothes before switching to plastic sometime in the 80s.


          1. Jean | | #8

            AHA! I just got to the   book store today and was reading it in the car while DH drove.  Some one asked a similar thing on the Questions page. May 2003 Pg 14. One source is Mini-Magic, Inc. http://www.mini-magic.com There are others, too, but buy the mag......it's great! :)

          2. rjf | | #9

            I just visited the site you found for doll stuff: http://www.mini-magic.com   What a beautiful collection!  The first thing I looked at was a wedding dress kit(!) for $100 or so.  And a doll-clothes-sized ironing board!  And teeny, tiny shoe buckles!  Even a hoop skirt!My supply of exclamation points will run out.   It gets to be serious business, doesn't it?  Thanks for sharing with us.    rjf 

          3. Jean | | #10

            It doesn't look like the original poster ever came back to see that site. Too bad for her.

          4. ajar | | #11

            Thanks for web site!!!!!

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