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Conversational Threads

to line the sleeves or not

user-97015 | Posted in General Sewing Info on

I am making a suit with a wonderful, fluid, middle weight fabric.  The jacket is a tailored fit. I planned to line the entire jacket, but when I put it on, the sleeves felt good the way they were and I wondered if it is a must to line the whole thing or can I omit the lining on the sleeves?

This is my first time to join the gatherings–thanks in advance for your help.  Sharon


  1. solosmocker | | #1

    Will there be a show thru issue from a contrasting blouse fabric? You wouldn't want the bodice to shade differently from the sleeves. You may also have a more prominent hem stitching line on the sleeves. If you are going to the effort to line the bodice, it is no more work to do the sleeves so ,my vote is to line it all.


  2. cynthia2 | | #2

    Hi Sharon,

    I would recommend lining the sleeves as well.  Lining really helps the jacket slide on and off more easily and makes it more comfortable to wear.


    1. user-97015 | | #4

      Thank you for your reply and good suggestion. As I was making the lining for the jacket--I realized that (1) it is very light and would not detract from the fluidity of the sleeve and (2) lining would make the jacket easier to put on.  All of these were suggested to me in these gatherings

  3. sueb | | #3

    If you don't line the sleeves then they will wear at a different rate than the rest of the jacket since they will be exposed on the inside to abrasion from putting the jacket on and off and body oils and such from your arm resting directly against the fabric. 

    1. user-97015 | | #5

      Thanks,Sue --this is a great way to ask those in the know. I have decided to go ahead and line the sleeves for a few reasons--(1) easier to slip arms in, (2) the lining is very light and won't detract from the fluidity of the sleeve--which is sweater like, and (3) I think I will get graded down my judges if I choose to enter this garment in the county fair.


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