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Conversational Threads

Tool Belt ?

Diane_U | Posted in Equipment and Supplies on

I am tired of not having the item I want right next to me when I need it, so I was considering making a sewing tool belt or some such gizmo to hold the few things I always want but are on the other side of the room:
seam ripper, pin cushion, clippers, marking chalk etc.
Any ideas?


  1. Nancy_in_NM | | #1

    I saw something like this in Michael's Friday afternoon. They are made of canvas and designed for crafters. There was an apron version and a "belt" version (like the old kind of apron you tied on your waist). The belt version was around $4.50. There are two rows of gusseted pockets. I suppose it wouldn't be too hard to make one but the price is right on the pre made version. You might also want to check a hardware store, perhaps one of their tool belts would work for you.

    1. Betty_Kershner | | #2

      *I fixed this problem by having 2 of everything. One on cutting board, which is next to my machine and one set on the ironing board. You'll still lay things down even if you have a pocket to put it in.

      1. Darlene_ | | #3

        *I have a shallow basket that I put all my scissors, thread ripper, marking tools etc. that I carry with me from cutting table to ironing board to sewing desk. It didn't take long to get in the habit of putting everything back in the basket after I used it - or spending "lots" of time looking for it because I couldn't remember where I put it. I tried the apron, but when sitting down everything from waist level down dug into me, and pockets above waist weren't as convenient. You have to see what works for you.

        1. Suz_ | | #4

          *I can appreciate what you are saying, I have ADHD and if I stay up late and "stitch past my Ritalin" I loose everything. I have found a chatelaine works well for me and you can be really creative in making them. I have some "holiday ones" I take to classes but my favorite one I made from a pattern produced by the Heirloom Shop in Jackson Miss. They may be out of bussiness now, but you might could find the pattern at one of the shops that sell french hand sewing and smocking supplies. If you dont have any luck, I'm getting ready to clean out my sewing room, E-mail me and I will try to find the pattern for you. Can't promise anything, my stash is totally out of hand and magazines are about to take over. Oh well, its cheaper than therapy!

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