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Toothpaste on Silk

Sewnut | Posted in Fabric and Trim on

Help Help! I have been working on a difficult pillow for a Christmas gift for my mother in law for some time. Somehow (Who Knows) I managed to get toothpaste (I think it is toothpaste it smells like toothpaste)on it. Not in just one spot but on two places. Front and back. The silk is lined in the orange, bronze, green area with embroidered dragon fly.  Does anyone know how I should proceed? I have so much money and time invested in this pillow I could just cry! I can not believe that this happened to me,I am the meticulous sort!


  1. User avater
    paddyscar | | #1

    Have you tried brushing it out with a very soft, dry brush, such as a new makeup brush, or a child's toothbrush?  You can wash silk by hand and placing the item in a hand towel and squeezing (not wringing) the water out, then hanging to dry.


  2. sueb | | #2

    Take it to a professional dry cleaner and ask them what they'd recommend.

  3. SewingWriter | | #3

    If the substance is encrusted on the surface -- without having penetrated the fibers -- you might try pressing a piece of clear tape or masking tape onto it to see if it will lift off.  Use your thumbnail to press the tape as firmly as possible before lifting it off.


    1. Sewnut | | #4

      Well, I got it out! After thoroughly reading everything on this website about cleaning silk. I was brave and I tried.The way I looked at it the pillow was not any good the way it was. Nothing to loose.  I took a new thin cotton white dish towel and wet it with ice cold, mineral free water. I saturated the spot then blotted dry feathering on the edges. I used a cool dry iron and the same dish towel over water spot and dry ironed. One spot I had to do twice, but it all came out! This toothpaste was the whitening kind also. Either the toothpaste does not work very well or silk is more durable than we think!  Thank you to everyone for there help! :)

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