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Trims in NYC?

Terri_Fleming | Posted in Fabric and Trim on

I’m looking for fringe trims for a middle-eastern dance costume I’m working on. Luck has it I’m visiting NYC — Manhattan — shortly. Where should I go for the best selection? Any on-line sites I should check out?


  1. Sarah_Kayla | | #1

    Dear Terri -

    Take the subway to Macy's and walk north. (Macy's is at 34th Street) In the neighborhood of 36-38th & 6th ave is trimming heaven. Yes, it used to be better. But i would stop off at Tojo, they have a huge selection of beads and jewlery findings. The store is a branch of a Hong Kong store. They are not particularly pleasant and they take forever to ring up your order BUT they have a big selection. as you walk north (on the east side of the street) you will see some small hole in the wall stores , along with M&J trimming which has EVERYTHING but in teeny quarters. Beads, ribbons, fringe, belt buckles, handbag handles, beaded appliques... If you have a card they may let you into their super duper fancy trim store on 3rd ave where you can buy trim at well over $100/yard. Once you get to 38th street, turn East and wander from store to store. many of the stores carry bridal stuff. Be sure to visit the nice people at Manny's. They have lots of stuff and are fun, funny and sweet. In addition to these stores which cater to the millenery market, i would also walk west to the stores between 36th -40th between 7th and 8th avenues. Daytona is there on 39th St- lots of trim, as well as 3-4 others. Just keep poking around.

    If you are hungry, you may want to go to my favorite restaurant there. It is on 38th Street between 7th & 8th, on the north side of the street. You enter through a loading dock. They serve Kosher shashlik (roasted meat) with pita , felafel and all the usual israeli salads, roasted eggplant, tehina.... It is just a lunch counter, but the food is amazing, especially after etering byway of the loading dock.

    There is a man who sells beautiful hand crafted buttons out of a store the size of my highschool gym locker... The whole neighborhood is amazing. If you are lucky you will get a notice for a sample sale and buy beautiful clothes at silly prices.

    Once a man took me by the arm and said" For you i have beautiful clothes" From the front of his shop it looked unlikely, everything looked like junky polyester. He pulled me to the back of the store where they had a selection of Ann Taylor silk coordinates @ &20 per piece. I bought a pair of lined brushed silk wide legged trousers in a beautiful coffee with cream color.

    Have fun and give yourself plenty of time. Let me know where you go.


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