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trying to applique

bellefille | Posted in General Discussion on

Hi everyone!  I’m trying to applique fleece onto fleece, and not having much success.  I have a Kenmore 24-stitch sewing machine, nothing fancy, and I’ve used special removable glue.  Any tips?


  1. betsy | | #1

    I haven't appliqued fleece to fleece, but have found that pressing butcher paper to the wrong side of the base fabric has aided many applique projects. It prevents the fabric from being "chewed up". Remember to BE VERY CAREFUL NOT TO MELT THE FLEECE! USE A TEFLON IRON COVER AND PRACTICE LOTS FIRST TO PREVENT GUMMING UP EVERYTHING! What about using light wonder under on the applique'?Good luck!

    1. bellefille | | #2

      Thank you--Ill try those!  I think my biggest problem is that I'm afraid!  I'll let you know how it goes!


      1. FitnessNut | | #4

        I've done alot of fleece to fleece applique on jackets for my boys when they were young. Maybe you're overthinking this....I cut out the shapes from my applique colours, pinned the pieces to the base fabric and sewed around them with a long (4 mm) straight stitch. You don't need satin stitch, as the fabric doesn't fray. A straight stitch gets buried in the pile so it doesn't have to be perfect. You may find it helpful to use a "needle down" feature if your machine has one, to help with repositioning on curves. Why don't you practice on some scraps until you feel comfortable working on the real thing? Hope this helps.

        1. bellefille | | #5

          You guys are all so wonderful!  I actually ended up doing it the way Terry suggested.  I live near MA, and happened to be in Malden Mills one day, and there was a little jacket there with fleece appliques, and when I asked about it, the salesperson who made it actually SAT me down by the machine they have set up there, and showed me how to do it!  It really turned out to be very easy, and though they aren't perfect, I'm very happy with them!   Thanks for all the encouragement, I love this forum!


          1. FitnessNut | | #6

            Glad to hear it was a successful project. I actually responded to the post before I realized that the original query was some time ago. Oh, to be able to get through the doors of Malden Mills. Maybe one day, on a visit out east.....God help my bank account!

          2. Tish | | #7

            Everthing I hear about Malden Mills is great.  I got good service when I ordered yard goods from them.  Do you know what's happening with the financing problems?  The last I heard Fuerstein had until September 25th to buy back his shares from his creditors, or they were taking over and taking the factory overseas.  I was surfing news sites the other day but didn't find anything current.

          3. FitnessNut | | #8

            I, too, had wonderful service when I mail ordered some fabric from them about 2 years ago. They set the industry standard for many of their performance fabrics. No one else makes some of their unique textiles, like power stretch (the best fabric in existence for winter running tights!). I'm sorry to hear that they're having financial problems...it would be such a shame if they went under or overseas. I'll keep an eye out for any news on this.

          4. bellefille | | #9

            I bought Power Stretch and used it for long underwear for my 21-year old son.  He is a roofer.  When I sewed it, I did it with the shiny side out, and the more textured side in, because it felt warmer against my skin that way when I was testing it.  He loves it, and says it keeps him quite warm up there on the roofs! 

            Malden Mills is a HUGE old-fashioned-looking factory that takes up many city blocks.  The retail outlet is in one of the old factory workrooms from the look of it.  It is very much a factory outlet, and not "mallish" at all.  To actually see the true color of a fabric you have to take it over to the very tall windows, because the lighting is so bad.  I like the people there, and I like the old mill atmosphere, but I bet it's not anything like what you're visualizing! 

            I would definitely be sad, though, if they moved--I just barely found them myself!

          5. Tish | | #10

            Here are a couple of news reports from July and September:



            If Malden Mills is moved overseas we will still be able to buy Polar Fleece, but the people in Lawrence, Mass will be out of their jobs.  Doesn't quite seem to be a fair deal, does it?

            Edited to say that it was here that I heard about Malden Mills.  Someone, I think Jean, posted a thread titled "Malden Mills Needs Help" during the bankruptcy procedings. 

            Edited 10/4/2003 8:29:42 AM ET by Tish

          6. SewTruTerry | | #11

            Glad I could help.  I would love to see pics if you have them and can download them.

          7. bellefille | | #12

            That's kind of you!  I'm really pleased with the way they turned out!  I'll try, but it may take a few days--I'll have to enlist my husband's help.  He's the computer whiz in the family!  Thanks again for your help!


  2. SewTruTerry | | #3

    Are you still having problems with the fleece to fleece applique?  If you are remember that fleece does not ravel so there really is not reason to actually have to satin stitch around the applique unless you really want to make yourself go completely over the edge.  I would just use a longish straight stitch and actually do the cutting after sewing it onto the other piece.  Good luck and let me know how it came out.

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