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JeanM | Posted in Fabric and Trim on

In my stash are two cuts of Ultrasuede, one purchased many years ago and one several years ago.  Now that I am back into sewing after several years of doing other crafts, I would like to sew these two.

I was just curious if anyone has sewn using these fabrics and what was made.  More importantly, is anyone even using this fabric any more?  I know several lighter, substitute fabrics have come out which I have used.

I do have information on sewing with Ultrasuede, so I’m not hesitate on sewing with them.  I am just wondering what others have done.


  1. starzoe | | #1

    First of all, ultrasuede is washable, so before you do anything with it, wash it in cool water, just a touch of the dryer and then hang to dry or dry it flat.

    I have sewn with ultrasuede and find it really nice to work with. Mostly, I use it for trim on garments and for embellishments. Because it is so washable it is possible to use it on fabrics that would ordinarily be washed - denim, corduroy, fleece, etc. It works into beautiful jackets and vests. I think a skirt might "bum out" unless it was lined.

    As for its current popularity, I have seen rtw jackets, they tend to be of the minimal-seam, unlined variety. I have a beautiful length of bright blue which has been languishing in my (bountiful) stash. One day inspiration will strike, I hope.

    1. JeanM | | #4


      I did wash the fabric when I first got it, but it's been so long that I will wash it again before I cut into it.  (It should be nicely aged by now!)

      The older one, gray, was going to be a skirt--A-line, with yokes, so it would fit in the amount of fabric I bought.  I had forgotten about the wear factor, so I think I may rule out a skirt and switch to a vest, lined, of course.

      The red cut was intended to be a jacket and I think I can make it on the 1 1/2 yards I have.  I tend to get stingy with fabric when it's about $45 a yard (and I have no idea what it costs today.)

      Edited 2/1/2009 8:30 pm by JeanM

  2. lynnewill | | #2

    When it first came out I made a pair of pants they did not last long, I literally wore a hole through the seat.  Since then I have made book covers, riding chaps and vests, used it as trim and binding.  The company Ultra Sytyle Design at http://www.ultrstyledesigns.com carries ultra suede in many colors and different weights.  The suede look fabric that has become so popular of late is actually a micro suede usually a knit also available in many different weights.

    Have fun!

    1. KharminJ | | #3

      There are also many, many colors of "faux suede" hanging out in the Home Dec department! These are generally woven polyester, "designed" for upholstery and drapery, but they wash and sew beautifully for garments, too.Happy February, everybody!KharminPS, Jean ~ Duh! Your original question was "What do people do with US these days?"! In answer to that, I have a couple of "favorite blazers" (RTW) made from various types of not-real-suede and I love 'em! And I've made harem pants for SCA garb - very attractive and comfortable, too. K

      Edited 2/1/2009 3:52 pm ET by KharminJ

    2. JeanM | | #5


      Too bad your pants didn't last.  There were probably too many "wear" areas.  Thanks for the link (you left out an "a").  The site is now down for updates I believe, so I will be checking back.


      Are your purchased blazers lined?

      At a sewing show years ago I joined a class on Ultrasuede.  The woman brought in what must have been thousands of dollars worth of Ultrasuede garments of all types which she had made.  I don't think any were slacks, but it could be because she didn't wear slacks.

      1. KharminJ | | #6

        Yes, they are lined - standard RTW satin, completely attached.

    3. NansiSews | | #8

      I just tried that website but it's down right now for redesign.  Will have to remember to check again.

  3. NansiSews | | #7

    Funny you should mention that.  I'm starting a blazer now using a pattern already tested for fit.  Which is probably a good thing since I was reading up on sewing with Ultrasuede in the Palmer/Pletsch book and they recommend trimming away one side of the seam allowance to reduce bulk.  I will baste together first to double check.  Idid wash and dry it ahead.  I do like the lapped seam method they describe for collars with stands, too.  It's been about 15 years since I last sewed on Ultrasuede but it does sew up nicely.  Have fun deciding!

    1. JeanM | | #9

      Have fun!  I guarantee you that you will finish your blazer before I even cut into my fabric, so let us know how it turned out. 

      Clotilde is a good source for Ultrasuede also.  In her book Sew Smart she suggests making the test muslin out of denim.  What fabric did you use?

      1. Palady | | #10

        As Nans/Sew posted in message 9508.10, the site is down for redesign.  As an IYI the URL posted in message 9503.3 is missing an "a" byte between the r & s.  The corrected URL is -



        1. JeanM | | #21

          I just tried UltraStyleDesigns.com again and the page which comes up states that the domain name has expired.  Well, darn.

  4. Ceeayche | | #11

    I received two different lengths of ultrasuede recently as a gift (thanks to my grandmother)  for which I have the following two projects planned:  padded headboard for the guest room--- saw this in a magazine priced well over $3,000!  The room is already destined to be decorated in a rich chocolate brown.  The ultrasuede is a rich burgundy that is picked up in the fabric I chose for the drapes (yeah the fabric is purchased, the drapes are still in my mind).  I was thinking the tactile nature of the ultrasuede would insert a feminine touch to the room--and give me impetus to get the drapes finished.  This is my conscious decision to do at least one room in my house where my father will feel comfortable sleeping.  Although last time he stayed (for inauguration), he stayed in my bedroom full of purple and cream!

    The other will be used for accent pillows in a different room (alas, there's not as much of that piece).

    In the past I've made a clutch purse with a self covered button closure, trimmed a Harris Tweed blazer, inset a wool challis dress at the waist (looked like a cummerbund) and I've sprinkled appliqued leaves over a wool throw I made for my mother.

    I agree with the others: it's versatile.  I share the recommendation to wash it first.  And, I encourage you to experiment with pinking shears as a decorative edge.

    1. JeanM | | #12

      You have done quite a variety of projects with Ultrasuede.  I tend to think of it for garments, but that would be limiting it.  Thank you for posting about your projects.

      1. platexas | | #13

        I have 3 ultrasuede jackets: 2 lined and one unlined. I prefer the lined because they're easier to slide into and the lining doesn't really add weight. The two lined pieces were custom made in Hong Kong (wish my business travel still took me there!) and one jacket has ultrasuede braid down front and around neck, plus on sleeve edges. It is a really nice touch and looks easy: just 1/4" pieces braided and tacked onto the finished garment.

        1. NansiSews | | #14

          OOOH!  What a great simple idea!  If I were doing a chanel style jacket I would be trying that right now!  The one I'm making is strictly tailored for office wear, so the braid wouldn't work, but I'm filing that idea away.  That would be neat on clutch bag or even an eyeglass case (maybe 1/8" width instead).  I'm making a sample to save now!  Thanks for the idea.  what style is your jacket with the braid?

  5. autumn | | #15

    I sewed my daughter's wedding dress (Plains Indian style) out of white ultra leather, and her husband's shirt from tan ultra suede. It was $42/yd. 9 years ago. I nearly fainted, but it was SO easy to work with and turned out beautifully. My daughter embelllished both dress and shirt with her hand-made bead work. Wow.
    Are you talking about ultra suede, or suede cloth?

    1. JeanM | | #16

      Thank you for your response.  Yes, I meant Ultrasuede.  The one that makes a distinct sound LOL. (and is rather expensive!)   I hadn't heard much about it in the last few years and had been wondering if anyone was still using it; thus, the post.

      Have not tried it but I heard that it is quite difficult to get a hand needle through it.  A beading needle is even smaller, so how was this done?



      1. starzoe | | #17

        No, it isn't difficult to get a hand needle into ultrasuede, I've done beading and hand-sewing it with no problem

        1. Ceeayche | | #18

          ditto! I've also had no problems with needles in ultrasuede.  I do sometimes play around with the right size.

        2. JeanM | | #19

          More good things to know.  Thank you.


      2. autumn | | #20

        I loved sewing on the ultraleather and ultrasuede, but I did not use a hand needle. My daughter did the beading on a loom and them attached it. I really don't remember how it was attached, since it was 9 yrs. ago. I doubt that we glued it. That would be too hard to remove, so maybe we just struggled with a hand needle.

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