Has anyone been sewing with velvet lately?
Which direction does the pile lay?” I’ve bought some velvet fabric to recover two small armchairs and cannot decide whether one should slide into the chair with the pile leaning to the back, or slide out of the chair with the pile leaning towards the front.
Edited 7/24/2007 3:25 pm ET by sewpat
OOOh!! velvet on a chair? Rather u than me! I would imagine that the pile will look decidedly crushed whichever way u use it. Possibly rethink how dense the pile is 1st. before u cut the fabric pieces - will it do its job well enough?
If u think it would be ok I would think that the pile should be smooth running ur hand from back to front of seat?
How will u match up the pile on the rest of the chair? Nothing worse than half the chair appearing to be lighter colour than the rest because the light will play on each face a little differently!
Possibly be creative and crush the velvet as per guide on the website(I think it is)or as was in the mag = 111??
Good luck!
I appreciate your input, JanF, on the practicality of my project. I might rethink the whole plan - but this fabric is just right color for my room. The idea of making the fabric crushed velvet sounds like an idea. I'll look into that. - Thanks, pat
I DO so understand the lure of a colour!! - its usually how I look at fabric/clothes - colour 1st. and then how well its made if its a garment - then size! Hope u manage to use it for what u want - remember that i'm only giving u 1 person's view and i could be wrong. I do try to be practical though with my comments - it would be awful to cover the chair and then find it marked too easily.
How used will the chair be?
In a bedroom for instance it might be ok whereas in the sitting room it might be expected to have heavy wear.
It definitely makes a difference. Remembering from that upolstery class that I took years ago, I think the nap runs towards the front of the chair. I would check a upolstery source first.
Mohair might be a better choice
The deed is done! It maybe hot outside right now, but I've been real cool inside sewing with my luscious velvet fabric. In light of the sound advice I received, I modified the original plan and have made two very nice loose pillows.
I thank you all for your input.
I happened to luck into a set of three chairs at a "garage sale" at an office furniture supply company - they must have been very high end waiting room chairs - for they were covered in cobalt blue mohair velvet... I couldn't have bought 3 yards of mohair velvet for what I paid for those 3 chairs! And they are extremely comfortable to sit in. Anyway, the nap does run from top to bottom and from back to front.
Unless it's an upholstery velvet with a very short nap, it's probably not going to work well on a chair, no matter how little use it gets. Could you use the scrumptious velvet for a throw or for accent pillows and use a more appropriate fabric for the chair cushions and backs?
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