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Viking Hebrew Font Typing Instructions

snivsl | Posted in General Discussion on

About 1/2 yr. ago I read where I could find a list of how to type Hebrew Font for the D1.  It lists the letters on the keyboard Upper Case or Lower Case letters and the corresponding Hebrew letters.  Does anyone know where I can find it?



  1. sanderson | | #1

    I found this site among many others with a google search.  http://www.zigzagworld.com/HKTutor/

    1. snivsl | | #2

      Thanks very much. 

      However, I was looking for info on Viking Husqvarna's equivalent.  They do not type the letters in same fashion as on a Hebrew keyboard.  I believe I saw this on the D1 Yahoo list, but I cannot find it or perhaps on another sewing forum.

      Thanks anyway.

        1. snivsl | | #4

          Thanks once again.

          Whoops! I guess I'm not being clear. 

          I have Customizing Plus software from Viking and they have included Hebrew front with it.  The only problem is that it does not correlate with a Hebrew typewriter and I have to trial and error to get the letters I want.  I know that they have a list, but I don't know where I originally saw it, so I was wondering if there are any D1 owners out there who know where I can find the list.  If not I guess I'll just e-mail Viking for the answer.

          Thanks anyway for being so thoughtful and finding me the Hebrew font.  I really appreciate your spending time on my inquiry.


          1. ehabib | | #5

            A     Aleph                          O         SamechB     Bet                              Q         Peh (pei)C     Gimmel                       T          ReichD     Dalet                           U         ShinE     Heh (hei)                   V         TzadikF      Vav (vov)                    X         final MemG     Zayin                           !           Tav (tov) (exclamationmark)H     Chet                            p (lc)    AyinI       Tet                               r (lc)     final TzadikJ      Yod (Yud)                   s (lc)    KoofK     Chaf (Kaf)                  w (lc)   final ReichL      Lamed                        y (lc)    final NunM     Mem                           z (lc)    final Peh (pei)N     NunHebrew & Yiddish words(type from Left to right as one would type in English):CHANNUKAH                               Heh-Kaf-Vov-Nun-Chet(EKFNH)MAGEN DAVID                            Daled-Vov-Daled (space) finalNun-Gimmel-Mem                                                        DFD (space) yCMMAZELTOV                                   Bet-Vov-Tet (space)Lamed-Zayin-Mem(BFI (space) LGMMENORAH                                    Heh-Reich-Vov-Nun-Mem(ETFNM)PESACH                                       Chet-Samech-Peh(HOQ)PURIM                                            final Mem-Yod-Reich-Vov-Peh(XJTFQ)ROSH HASHANNAH                   Heh-Nun-Shin-Heh (space) Shin-Aleph-Reich            ENUE (space) UATSHABBAT                                     Tov-Bet-Shin                                                        (exclamation mark)!BUSHALOM                                       final Mem-Vov-Lamed-Shin                                                        XFLUYOM KIPPUR                                Reich-Vov-Peh (space) Kaf-finalMem-Vov-Yud                                                        TFQK (space) XFJCopied and pasted from a saved email from the D1 list.


            Sarah H.

          2. snivsl | | #6

            Thank you so, so much.

            That's it!  That's what I was looking for. 

            Do you have a D1 as well?  It would be nice to know.

            Thanks again. 

          3. ehabib | | #7


            No, I don't. I subscribed to the list last year because I wanted one so badly, but I can't afford it. :-(

            I finally bought the Brother pe-150, embroidery only machine and unsubscribed ;-).

            Glad I could help,

            Sarah H.

          4. snivsl | | #8

            You don't have to unsubscribe.  They address many different topics that you could benefit from as well


          5. ehabib | | #9

            I know, but I was getting LOTS of emails :-)

            Sarah H.

          6. snivsl | | #10

            I used to get thousands, but then I decided to edit my preferences not to receive e-mails .  So, now I just peruse the list and send my e-mails to the list to participate and I get my answers just by checking the list not receiving e-mails.  You might try that.

          7. ehabib | | #11

            Well, now that you tell me this, reminds me that I didn't really unsub, just went "no mail", hummm, I should go take a peek at the messages once in a while.


            Sarah H.

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