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Vogue patttern sizes

TzipiGlick | Posted in Patterns on

I haven’t bought patterns in years so can anyone please tell me where i can find what a chart of body measurements that correspond to Vogue pattern sizes? Also do you recommend Vogue patterns? i saw some interesting ones on line and am thinking of splurging and buying a couple of them.

thank you


  1. fabricholic | | #1
  2. stillsuesew | | #2

    Buy a copy of the Vogue pattern magazine. All of the size charts are in the back of the magazine and there is usually a "buy 2 get 1 free" pattern offer included. At today's pattern prices that can save you lots of money.

    1. TzipiGlick | | #3

      thank you for the tip.

  3. gailete | | #4

    FYI, All the major pattern companies use the same measurements: Simplicity, McCall's, Butterick, Vogue and New Look. They may fit slightly different, but all are based on the same sizing except for specialty patterns like Sandra Betzina's Today's Sizes or Connie Crawford for Butterick.  Hope that helps if you get distracted by a non Vogue pattern! A size 14 is a size 14 throughout those lines. Specialty branded patterns have their own different sizing.

    1. TzipiGlick | | #5

      Thank you , but is there any chart on line with the measurements corresponding to each size. I have for years been using Burda magazine patterns or making my own .So Burda uses a European sizing. Thank you

      1. marymary | | #6

        Each of the big four pattern companies has a sizing chart on their web site.  For example...Butterick has it listed under "tech".  Kwik Sew, although not considered one of the big four, has a great deal of information about sizing and adjusting patterns on its site under, "support".  Simplicity has a new site and doesn't make it easy to find the charts.  If you click on a pattern, you will find a line that says, "International Sizing".  Click on that and the charts pop up in another window.  McCalls has a size chart tab on their home page.  Vogue has a Tech center heading at the top of their home page that leads you to a chart.

        1. gailete | | #7

          I have a big four sizing chart .jpg file that I would be happy to send to anyone that asks. Just PM with your email address and understand it will have an attachment to it so do whatever you need to to prevent it ending up in your spam folder. I need all messages addressed to me to have 'sewing' in the subject line so I don't think it is spam either - I get a LOT!

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