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Conversational Threads

Waist size on gathered skirt

foxfyreutk74 | Posted in Fitting on

Sewers, I saw an adorable summer skirt in a store the other day. Very, very simple; just strips of color-coordinated cotton and elastic waist. It’s a full skirt, but not excessively so. How big should a waist be? Obviously, it has to be as big as hip measturement plus ease, but how much bigger? Is there a nandy rule of thumb? How about if if the waist was gathered onto a waistband? Would the size change? Thanks, Marlene


  1. Pattiann42 | | #1

    I would make the waist the same size as the hips, gradually tapering out from the waist to the hem for more fullness in the skirt.


  2. User avater
    Becky-book | | #2

    If the skirt is gathered onto a waistband, is it still elastic? The skirt must fit over the hips (or over the shoulders if put on from the top down!) so either you have elastic or an opening that must be closed up some how (zipper?)

    Curious? are the strips of cloth horizontal or vertical?


    1. foxfyreutk74 | | #3

      The choice would be to either use elastic ... then waist would have to be a minumum of hips plus ease or a waistband w/an opening, probably zipper. The "inspiration" skirt had elastic waist. The strips are about 3" wide and run horizontal. Skirt is mid-calf length. Very lightweight cotton.

      I found a skirt pattern that has about the right amount of fullness and elastic waist. Am going to measure pattern waist and use that as guide. Will post a pic when finished. Shouldn't take all that long. A Saturday afternoon "quickie."

      A variation occurred to me. If version one works, will try second one. That is sew on a waistband, using ribbon, probably grosgrain. Then make a placket style opening, and sew ribbon on top of piecing seams. Leave long "tails" on the two that would go over the placket. Tie waist band, and ribbons. Have not thought it completely through .. just a variation floating around in my head.


      1. User avater
        Becky-book | | #4

        Here is another idea...

        I have a skirt that opens at the side and has a pocket there, so the placket is formed by the pocket and its facing. (closed with a button, but you could use your ribbon idea!)


        1. Teaf5 | | #6

          Good idea! Being able to add pockets to skirts is one of the great advantages to sewing...

  3. sewingpenny | | #5


    Recently followed the leads to the be sew stylish website and remembered the project on that website that sounds just like the skirt you mention.

    Look under fast and fabulous projects

    Edited 6/10/2007 4:05 am ET by sewingpenny

This post is archived.

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