Wanted: distressing denim- Threads #8…
Can anyone please help me? The archive has a folder on distressing denim.
Someone said the #82 Threads magazine has an article on page 14 with the solution. If you have this, could you please relay the information to me?
I make welding hats (to be worn under the hood) out of 100% cotton and the denim fabric is too stiff to work with but makes a nice hat. Thanks for any help, I really appreciate it!
That article (or tip) is actually on the Threads Web site, under the Fit and Fabric category. If you scroll down in that category to "click for more Fit & Fabric," you'll see the headline "Breaking in Denim." That's the full tip that ran in Issue 82. If anyone has any other methods for breaking in denim, do share**
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