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Conversational Threads

Wash Away Felt

jazz1 | Posted in Machine Embroidery on


I am new to this forum and am looking for a source for the wash away felt featured in a recent issue of Threads magazine.  The magazine said it was available through Great Notions, but, they do not have it.

I did a search and did not find mention of the felt on this list.  Does anyone know another source for that product>

Thanks so much.







  1. MaryinColorado | | #1

    I have heard of wash away stabilizers and wash away mesh but not the felt.  Maybe http://www.quiltingarts.com will have it, they have alot of unique products for the fiber artist. 

    1. jazz1 | | #2

      Hi MaryinColorado:

      Thank you for your response.  I checked the site you suggested and did not find it.

      Actually, the article I was referring to was not in Threads magazine.  It was in the May/June issue of Designs In Machine Embroidery.

      I contacted Great Notions several times, which is the resource listed in the magazine, and they finally are now able to send me a sample.  Perhaps they have had a difficult time in getting it in stock.

      The felt is much like the puffy foam which is used for satin-stitched embroidery.  Except, this felt washes away so that you don't have the stiffness of the puffy foam which remains under the embroidered design.  With the wash away felt, you're left with a design which has soft raised areas.  I hope to have my sample some time next week.  I am anxious to try it.

      Thanks again for your help.




      1. MaryinColorado | | #3

        Please let us know your perception on this product!  Maybe some photos?  I look forward to hearing about this.  I tried the puffy foam years ago, it looks cute but am not too crazy about it.  It sounds as if the felt will look more like Trapunto, but then when it dissolves I am curious how it will look. 

        Thanks for the info.  I will check out DME!  Mary

        1. jazz1 | | #4


          I'll try it out and let you know.




  2. ncreasey | | #5

    I have a question about this product. If it washes away after doing your embroidery, doesn't it also wash away from under the actual embroidery just like water soluable stabilizers?

    1. Pattiann42 | | #6

      Wash Away Stabilizers and Toppers

      The "felt" is normally used as a topper to help hold the stitches from sinking into heavy nap, such as terry as well as keeping the foot from catching on the nap.

      You still need a stabilizer on the bottom of the item.   There are many free tips, guides and techniques at Embroidery Library (machine embroidery website).

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