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Water Spots and Silk Dupioni-Help!

DesignandSew | Posted in General Sewing Info on

I am making a flower girls dress for my nieces wedding and the bodice has water spots on the silk dupioni.  They are faint but noticeable.  Any suggestions on how to remove them safely and quickly without a trip to the dry cleaner?  Any suggestions would be helpful:)


  1. jatman | | #1

    Hi DesignandSew - I don't really have a suggestion for getting out the spots but if you have extra material leftover maybe you can experiment on that?


  2. User avater
    matzahari | | #2

    in my experience, silk dupioni takes water very well. I always wash it in themachine before sewing with it. So.....I would spray the entire piece till wet and then use a warm iron to iron it dry. Hope i don't lead you down disaster's path.

    1. DesignandSew | | #3

      Your suggestion is going to be my last resort...thanks!


  3. User avater
    Becky-book | | #4

    Try the "total wet" idea on a scrap first, it may shrink!


    1. User avater
      matzahari | | #5

      that's precisely why I always wash all my dupioni silk before I use it for anything.

      1. solosmocker | | #6

        I'm backing up matzahari. I do the same, wash all my dupioni in the machine on gentle. I subscribe to the theory of "if it doesn't survive, I don't want it" for 99.9% of all my fabrics. I too would wet it all and iron dry. solo

        1. HopeHare | | #7

          Once I have made and fitted it in muslin (which of course I washed and ironed before cutting),  I am planning to make my daughters strapless wedding gown and shrug out of dupioni silk. I hadn't even thought of washing that first! Would everyone recommend going that route?


          1. mygaley | | #8

            Yes, wash the silk dupioni first but be aware you may need to send it to be pressed. On my son's wedding day, it rained, and the dress was just muddy from dancing on an open pavilion; fortunately, I had already hand-washed every component and could restore this dress by washing it in the bathtub! I like spray starch to restore a "limp" fabric. I always use starch instead of fabric finish. Also, I have used spray starch to disguise water spots: Spray until slightly damp, cover with press cloth and press until dry. Something about the starch helps the fabric recover without rings. Test First! Galey

          2. HopeHare | | #9

            Thanks for your information. Could you explain why the fabric might need to be "sent out" to be pressed--? Does dupioni not iron well?



          3. User avater
            matzahari | | #10

            I dont know wht the previous poster sends it out to press. I press dupioni all the time and actualy i prefer it when it softens up a little bit. it is still a relatively stiff weave even after washing.

          4. mygaley | | #11

            As any silk, dupioni irons beautifully. The only question in my mind is am I willing to iron 5+ yards of 60" wide white? Sometimes I am, sometimes I'm not. Also, I learned to use spray starch on gowns, especially satin, when I returned a rental and all the shop's employees were busy ironing using spray starch. Another tip that has served me well is to use a satin press cloth for satin and other silky things--you get a wonderfully smooth finish this way. Galey

          5. HopeHare | | #12

            Of course! Ironing miles of fabric is not high on my list of favorites either--many thanks for the hint!


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