We haven’t heard much about issue #146

What did you think of the most recent issue, Threads no. 146, Dec./Jan.? <!—-><!—-><!—->
We are thrilled to receive feedback about our issues because it helps us with future planning, and we’d love to hear from you either via email at [email protected] or right here in Gatherings. Here are some of the things we’d like to know about:<!—-> <!—->
*What did you like the best in no. 146, and why?
*What would you like to try in a future sewing project that you learned in the issue?
*Did we show a garment (or part of a garment) that you particularly liked?
*Was there a technique that you were thrilled to learn about?
*The staff talked about the sewing items we’d love to receive as a gift in the article “Great Gifts” on pg. 74. What would your dream sewing-gift be?<!—-><!—->
We hope to hear from you!<!—-><!—->
I was totally bowled over by the latest issue. It really has something for everyone! Even if you only want to read about sewing and ideas!. While I don't consider myself to be an expert as so many others on this forum are (I've seen the illustrated results) I have successfully sewn lots of advanced patterns and made most of own clothes over the years. This issue is a total inspiration to me! In particular the article on "designer denim" caught my imagination. I decided to look up the pattern used and maybe imitate it in some way and was amazed to find that I had already made it up in silk, but the interpretion by Ms Robison is just so far away from the illustration on the pattern or indeed my version of it that it really points to the infinite variations that those of us who sew can carry into our hobby.
I could go on and on about this latest issue but it is so full of good ideas that I will leave it at that as the article on denim and those ideas will keep me going for the next year. Keep up the good work.Thanks
The only thing I didn't like was the skirt with the lace right on the back of the ladies butt. I think the skirt would have looked much better without calling attention to that feature. It reminds me of those sweatpants that were in style a while ago (although I still see them) that had words on the back of the pants like 'princess' and it seemed I always saw them on women wearing size 24 pants that really needed size 32 or so. Why call attention to the biggest part of your body. The lace would have looked much nicer at the base of the skirt at the kick pleat or back seam. My husband agreed with this also, he thought it looked awful.
Other than that I loved the magazine and it came on a day that I really needed a boost!
I have to agreee with the lace right on the butt. I thought this ruined the skirt too. I'm not a big fan of the pants the young kids wear either.
> We haven't heard much about issue #146
I haven't been able to access this site ever since the powers that be changed the site. However your nasty words in your reply to my entry still rankle with me as in fact I was far too polite to critizise a typlicaly American design on the bum of the skirt. However I did admire to myself the workmanship that went into it. So over to you I won't be contributing to this website any more as it seems to have totally changed from when I first started to read it. In those days it was NICE.
Considering that the post you are replying to is no longer up and the thread is about a magazine issue that is a year old, please reconsider contributing to this board. If everyone who has had a bad experience over a post leaves, there will be no board for us sewers, amateur, professional and all experiences in between to meet and exchange thoughts, frustrations, and solutions.
I love the feature on Marimekko godets. The technique really excites me, I'd love to see these on an evening gown or jacket.
The technique for Sculpt a necklace is interesting but would have liked more examples, the necklace shown looks clumsy. Just showing one finished item makes the article a bit thin. It's so easy to be put off by choices in colour or design.
I enjoyed the detail in Take it to the cleaners. Fascinating and gorgeous dresses.
All the trimming contains some interesting tips and ideas but I can look at photos of trims in a catalogue or online these are not necessary in a magazine. Photos of bought trims seem to be just a quick way to fill a few pages. why not photos of clothes showing each type of trim?
The cover is boring.
My experience, after subscribing to THREADS from the beginning, is that some issues are WOW, some are SO-SO and some are YAWN. This one is between SOSO and YAWN.There's nothing there that at first read catches my eye, but who knows, down the road, in future projects there may be something in there that will be useful.The WOW issues, I must say, are in the majority; there are some with ideas that I have used again and again, well thumbed issues.
I haven't had time to
I haven't had time to do more than flip quickly through this new issue, but I can say that my immediate impression was that Threads is EXACTLY back on track and addressing intermediate/advanced garment sewers like myself.
As for my dream sewing gift? It would be SPACE! I have my sewing supplies and machines in a large closet in the guest room, which is too dark and cold to turn into a sewing room. Schlepping a machine and all the necessary bits and bobs upstairs to the dining room table is such a hassle that I don't sew anywhere near as much as I'd like. So yes, a sewing room, please, Santa!
Glad to see that someone else thought the lace insert looked like a big white arrow pointing UP her backside! While I thought it wasn't a bad idea, I thought it should be maybe a bit LOWER DOWN, and not QUITE so directly UNDER her backside!The Marimekko godets were interesting, and I always appreciate an article on fitting and pattern alteration, but I agree; not a "GREAT" issue overall! Now the one with the gloves? That was "GREAT"!
But I will say ONE THING: do wish you people would STOP fecking with the format of the magazine and just SETTLE on something once and for ALL; it is TOTALLY IRRITATING that lately you never seem to stop fiddling-fiddling-fiddling with the magazine format! Features appearing, then DISAPPEARING from one issue to the next! I'm all for "change" and "growth", just not every time I open the magazine!
Rabia, thank you for your comments. I had one question; could you clarify what you mean by magazine "format"? I'm not sure if you mean the inclusion of departments from issue to issue, or if you mean the overall look of things, as in text or art formatting.
Hmmm, I think it's the
Hmmm, I think it's the constant re-shuffling of the magazine's appearance, the inclusion of redundant "filler" articles like that interview with Jenna Loofe in Threads 143. Talented she may be, but I'd rather read articles on sewing; who CARES about whether she prefers Prismacolor pencils or where she finds her inspiration? Why don't you just have her illustrate some of your articles?
I'm glad you brought back "Up Close" and those FABULOUS garments; it's one of my FAVE features and VERY inspiring, but puh-leaze, talk about the REAL history behind those fabulous garments and spare the fanciful rambling like that on the back of #144; I don't know if anyone else finds it annoying, but I did! I would have preferred to know whether all that metallic lace was hand-done, rather than all that nonsense about anvils!
Oh, and you may be interested to know that I own a bedsheet that once belonged to Christian Dior.It was given me long ago when I was 18, by a personal friend of his.It is HUGE, (at least king-size), pure linen, with 6-inch letters "CD" intertwined and worked in the most incredibly exquisite whitework, with a garland of forget-me-nots. When I figure out our digital camera, I will send you a picture of it; maybe you can use it for "Up Close"!
You shoulda seen the OTHER sheets she had; I remember one with a handworked ecru cutwork lace edge at least a foot and a half wide, and one with a handworked border of yellow sunflowers. All the work was breathtaking; I doubt anyone does such quality hand embroidery these days! There was also a pure linen tablecloth at least 20 feet long, with a border of ecru cutwork extending from the table edge down to the floor. I also recall some redworked napkins with "Dior" done in the tiniest cross-stitching I had ever seen; maybe a sixteenth of an inch or less! I wonder what happened to it all!
Love to see those Dior sheets!
And I agree about the wishy washy poetry stuff on the back cover. It's really frustrating to have these amazing photos with no technical details.
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