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Conversational Threads


Camart | Posted in General Discussion on

Dear Threads Forum:

I am a weaver and have recently been awarded a grant to research the technique of weaving with fabric strips in the warp and weft.

I can offer three examples of this technique:

By Jilli Blackwood as seen on her website http://www.jilliblackwood.com/fabrics.htm specifically Textile Ref No: tx18, which is the upper most left hand image.

Also in Ann Sutton’s book “Ideas in Weaving” on pages 52 and 53 (all the pages aren’t numbered, I counted up from page 35). This example is described as “Wool yarn and silk/cotton rag warp and weft by Jilli Blackwood, UK.”

I would also consider the twined rag rugs as described by Bobbie Irwin in her book “Twined Rag Rugs” to use the same technique since the twining is happening on a frame with a fabric strip warp.

If you have used or seen this technique please email me directly at [email protected]

Thank you,


  1. rjf | | #1

    No, I haven't seen anything like that but your sample certainly is interesting.  Weaving with rags as weft I understand but as warp?!?  What kind of loom do you use do accomplish that?  The other pieces were also very intriguing......beautiful colors and textures.           rjf

    1. Camart | | #2

      Hi rjf

      If you are referring to the image on Jilli Blackwood's website - the samples are hers.

      I weave on a Glimakra loom. It may be a bit misleading to think of fabric strips in the warp of a textile as rags. I have only used fabric torn on grain. Thank you for your interest.

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