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Conversational Threads

weighing down hems

toriwid | Posted in Fabric and Trim on

i have a short skirt which would benefit (and so would my dignity) from having weighted hems.

Is there a specific way to do this/ haberdashery to use or is it just a case of sewing a pocket and using some kind of small ball bearings ?


  1. BYDEZINE | | #1

    I am not sure a short skirt will stay down with weights in it. it is the pull from your hips and rear that makes a short skirt rise, not the weight of hem. weights are generally used on a fuller and longer garment to make it hang properly. they often look like washers and are inserted inside the seam at strategic points and tacked down.

    Ball bearing would move around, click slightly and while interesting, I don't think you would get the effect you are looking for.

  2. mulholls | | #2

    I recall having seen somewhere, perhaps for curtain hems - a notion that was very tiny balls on a thread chain with the entire ball/chain wrapped in some sort of white thread or fabric.  It came in different "weights" depending on the size of the balls.   I was told at the time it was for dress or curtain hems.     When I asked why someone would wish to weight a dress hem I was given the example of the Queen of England doing so in order to prevent her skirts from blowing up.  THe other reason being to make a longer hem hang properly.

    I do agree with the posting on  short hem length being the factor --- I don't know that on a short skirt anything will really help --- and anything you put in the hem you'd end up sitting on.

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