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Conversational Threads

Western Showmanship Pattern

westshowmom | Posted in Patterns on

Can someone direct me to a place that has great jackets with large collars for a western showmanship outfit?  I have all of the patterns from Suitability – I need one with a bit more pizzaz  thanks


  1. fabricholic | | #1

    What kind of collar design is it? I guess you have looked at the big 4 patterns?Marcy

    1. westshowmom | | #2

      yes I have looked at the big 4 - it is a very stiff large pointy collar

      1. User avater
        purduemom | | #3

        Oh, your post brings back fond memories!  Hours and hours of designing, cutting and sewing intricate appliques and applying all those crystals!  I really did enjoy the whole process.  This is my first year as a former horse show mom andthe first time in 10 years I will not be making any show clothes for my daughter. 

        My favorite showmanship jacket pattern is Vogue 2702.  This jacket has such nice lines and fit it makes a really classy showring look.  I used it twice; the first had a larger collar added and the second had a modified stand-up collar.  For the pointed collar, I used a heavy interfacing and played around with another pattern's collar piece until my daughter and I were happy with it.  I used the stand-up collarband the pattern shows and simply added the pointed collar to the top.  I have also used McCalls 4596 for jackets I made for 2 other girls, each of those also had collars adjusted to look more showy.  Good luck. Please post pictures - I would love to see what your finished jacket looks like. 

        1. westshowmom | | #4

          I can't thank you enough, any other tips you have would be so appreciated, what fabrics worked best for you for Showmanship?
          I will post photos for you, I will probably have many more questions if you don't mind helping me.

          1. User avater
            purduemom | | #5

            Because of the dusty or muddy nature of the showring and having a black horse who loved to rub her face along my daughter's arm, we leaned toward fabric that was black and washable. Besides being easy to keep clean, it looks good in the ring. I found nice stretch polyester suiting, not double knit, gave the best results. I always used ultrasuede for the appliques and as long as everything was pre-washed, keeping the jacket clean and looking good was not a problem. Stitching in the pleat in the pants guaranteed that no matter how hot and humid it was, the show outfit always looked great. I never lined the jackets - too hot, especially when you are talking about a black jacket! I do not know where you are located; we are in Indiana and it always seemed to be the hottest week of the summer during our County Fair. You didn't mention riding outfits. My daughter only showed Western. She loved the riding shirts I made her - I used Lycra swimsuit fabric and then added the ultrasuede and crystals. Others in the club always wanted first dibs on her old outfits, until it came time to talk about money. They have no idea of the time and energy (30-40 hours per shirt when you consider drawing out the design, cutting all the appliques, sewing the appliques, buying crystals and applying them)put into each design. They want custom designs for mass-produced catalog price! Until now, nothing I have sewed for my daughter has had so much of my heart and soul poured into it. I imagine nothing else will unless she asks me to someday make her wedding gown. Always glad to help. Keep us posted on the progress.

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