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Conversational Threads

What are your fitting challenges?

VictoriaNorth | Posted in General Discussion on

In our new special fitting issue (#142), we asked our authors to “describe a fitting challenge or mistake you’ve learned from”. What are some of your fitting challenges or lessons you’ve learned?


  1. kayrosie | | #1

    I have tried to make jeans and they always seem to gap in the waist when you sit down.  Any idea.


    1. user-249324 | | #4

      I have a problem with every pair of pants I wear; my own pattern or ready-to-wear: wrinkles form in the crotch area, beginning right along the seam between your #10 and 11 (of the Point Placement # System) and then fan down diagonally away from the point of all 4 seams coming together, crossing the line between your #10 & 9, along my inner thighs toward my knees and never rise to even a straight horizontal level, but staying in a forward and downward sweep for about 5" in front of the inseam. I can see where the back of the crotch depth may need trimming out (though pants hang and fit smoothly in standing and walking) but am unsure about what the front half needs, as that seems unaffected by the old axiom "The wrinkles point to the problem." The seamline fits best when it rises rather quickly and shallowly, nowhere deeply/widely cut as the back half of the crotch.I have wider, high hips than derriere (3" to 4" down is where I measure my 'hip' measurement), have a flat-ish fanny several inches narrower than my high hip and can get all the rest of my pants areas to 'hang from the waist' rather than hang up on my hips or anywhere else.Also, I do cut the back of all of my pants on the straight grain: NO jeans orientation for me!
      I hate the way that style cups around the buttocks and emphasizes them. Designers today use it in every style of pants/slacks and don't limit it to just jeans: that's a main problem and what drove me to finally developing my own slopers!What is causing this set of forward-sweeping wrinkles? And how do I fix it?

  2. JeanM | | #2

    For me it's learning adjustments to make for an upright stance, with tilted hip, especially for pants, as so little information is provided for this.  I'm still working on refinements and better ways to do them.

    Edited 3/9/2009 2:53 pm by JeanM

  3. katieinok | | #3

    I have small shoulders, and a 32J bust.  I can't find clothes to fit, and I have trouble fitting patterns so much that now I am afraid to sew anything.

  4. User avater
    ThreadKoe | | #5

    Wide shoulders, small width across the back, full arms, full bust, low bust point. All those fitting issues in such a small area! Until a dear friend posted a list of which issues to tackle first, I was lost! Once I had a 1,2,3 list of which changes to make in which order, fitting became so much less complicated. Rather than compounding the fitting problems, the order they were done in solved more than one at a time! Cathy

  5. GailAnn | | #6

    Dear Miss Vicky:

    I've been sewing clothing, literally, since childhood. 

    The most difficult challenge, for me, by far, has been accepting the fact, that the body I live in and need to clothe at 57, only distantly resembles the body in which I was living, and for whom I was sewing, at the age of 17!

    Either no one warned me or I was too arrogant to listen.  Something! 

    "Back in the day", with more traditional and symmetrical (not to mention smaller) measurements, I struggled, even then, with the width of the upper arm patterns pieces.  When everything else fits, they are still way, way too small.  Sometimes I've wondered who has arms that thin?

    Another challenge, often mentioned in this Gathering, is the absence of fine fabric stores, from all but the largest cities.  It is difficult to sew as we wish, and become the seamstresses we hope to be, when finer fabrics are unavailable to so many of us.

    Yes, I've taken "Fabric Shopping" vacations.  Too often forgeting some important item  until I'm unpacked at home, where it is unavailable. 

    Yes, I've ordered from the internet.  The "turn arround time" is always so discouraging.  Of course, there is, also, the problems of "true colour" and "hand" as well. 

    Fine Fabric Stores have disappeared from most neighborhoods, and we all mourn the loss.  I REALLY miss the simple little things, like a 200 sq. ft. Sewing area of Pendleton Wools, China silk, a few nice linens, some basic notions, and patterns in almost every full-line department store, whether a National Chain or a locally owned store. 

    Who knew that was a luxury?

    Who knew locally owned department stores would become a luxury?



    1. Palady | | #7

      Ah yes Gail - who indeed knew!

      >>Fine Fabric Stores have disappeared from most neighborhoods, and we all mourn the >>loss.  I REALLY miss the simple little things, like a 200 sq. ft. Sewing area of Pendleton >>Wools, China silk, a few nice linens, some basic notions, and patterns in almost every >>full-line department store, whether a National Chain or a locally owned store.     >>Who knew that was a luxury?                                                                              >>Who knew locally owned department stores would become a luxury?

      I'm 21 years your senior.  At a soon 78, I spent a great deal of time in these kinds of stores with my mother.  Later, on my own, as I ventured into the world of sewing +.  The changes are quite dramatic overall. 

      My stash has a remnant of an orange of a fuzzy synthetic ydg from which I sewed a robe circa 1982.  It came from J C Panny's.  Yes, I still wear the robe.  When I happened upon the remnant, out of curiosity, I checked it against the robe.  The color was very near the same.  And believe me the robe has been washed more than a few times.  The only discernable difference was in the hand.  The remnant had a bit more body.  I doubt I could find anything comaprable today.






      1. GailAnn | | #10

        Quality.  Quality.  Quality.  Does not, always mean 'costly'.   When we are willing to settle for lower quality, that is just what we will get.  Lower

        and Lower.

        and Lower.


  6. Ceeayche | | #8

    My fitting challenge: I'm built like a girl.  Can't find a pattern book that shows clothing on models with breasts and hips that aren't regulated to the "women's" section.  I'm curvy, very curvy.  Even when I was 120 pounds I was curvy.  I have hips and breasts.  I even LIKE my curvy backside.  But I'm swallowed in women's sized clothing patterns--which also tends to be a tad too old for me. I wish patterns came with the alternations for those of us with a larger than B/C cup, so we could readily adapt every style.

    1. GailAnn | | #9


      Girls, of all ages, just want to be girls!!!!

      Why is "Drives like a man." a complement.

      And "Throws like a girl." an insult.

      I'm an Old Doll, but proud to be girlish.  Gail

    2. User avater
      ThreadKoe | | #11

      Hear! Hear! CHL, you got it WOMAN! I am a WOMAN also. Not a girl. I like to dress like a woman, I have curves. I am not a stick or a coat hanger. I want my clothes to reflect that. I am neither a sweet young thing, nor an old woman. I am an active mid-life person. I want to wear attractive clothing, WHERE IS IT???????? Where are the designs for people who have active lifestyles but are curvy, but the years have just started to show? How do I adjust the Sweet Young Thing patterns to reflect my more mature experiences? Show me how these styles would reflect on a more mature figure! Show me more Womanly Figures! Please!!!!!
      Sorry for the rant (again, and again, and again....) Cathy

      1. Sancin | | #12

        While this isn't related to fitting it is related to need for style?I would like to find some casual clothing for older women that don't look like one is going to the beach or some other sports activity or copying sloppy teens. I want some cleanable, comfortable, yet somewhat stylish clothes to wear around the house - other than sweats, jeans and TShirts. What do other retired women wear? There seems to be a big gap between professional wear and home wear.I understand the womanly fitting. Over the years I have adapted to my own body but absolutely cannot sew for others. Now I am into reshaping my fitting for the changing aging body.

        1. GailAnn | | #13

          I retired about 9 years ago.  My husband just this past January.  So now, with him at home, I feel the need to look "kinda put together" all day every day.

          I like skirts and sweaters with knee socks and loafers, in cooler weather.  I'll still pop on an apron to takle a messy task. 

          In the heat of the Summer, I NEVER have known what to wear at home or out and about, either.  At least in an air conditioned office, I could dress to ignore the weather!  Gail 

          Edited 3/12/2009 2:02 am ET by GailAnn

        2. miatamomma | | #16

          For several years I have bought pants at Dress Barn.  I buy just the one style which is a cotton/lycra mix.  Just a tiny bit of stretch.  They have vertical welt pockets.  I have every color and duplicate of some.  I buy a 16 petite and they fit perfect.  I wear them around the house most  of the time unless I am doing nasty jobs and I always look decent to go out.  A t-shirt and a blazer and you are set.  I even tore apart one pair and made a pattern off of it so I had a wider choice of fabrics.


      2. sewslow67 | | #14

        Hey Cathy; I just love it when you go on one of your rants.  When I listen to you, I feel like I'm actually looking into a mirror and hearing my own voice.  Chuckle chuckle!  The only thing different about this one, is that your issues are very different than mine.

        Here's my take:  I'm basically a stick (except for my D cup up front).  I have no rounds anywhere ...and am built more like a boy.  Normal (but bony) shoulders, no rounds on the hips (straight on the sides) no butt (very, flat ...and sagging {ugh}), long thin legs ...with very thin but very, long feet at the ends of them (sort of like a yellow lab puppy, with long legs and big feet ...falling all over himself).  And ...here's the corker ...'  ever since I started PD (perotineal dialysis), my waist has increased by seven ...yes SEVEN ...inches!!!  That is horrifying to me.  And now, they are insisting that I add more fluid per cycle every night.  Crumb ...crumb ...crumb!  Soon, I will have a body like a balloon!  Very round with four sticks hanging out - two on top for skinny arms and two below for two skinny legs.  So now ...how do I fit this "thing"?

        OK ...I've had my rant now ...time to let it go and be just plain grateful to be alive ...and sewing ...pretty, feminine separates and dresses.

        1. User avater
          ThreadKoe | | #15

          Ah,ha ha ha, sorry if I laugh darling friend, but I just had this cartoon picture in my head, and if I could draw worth beans, tee hee, you would laugh at the picture too! My very warped sense of humor at work here. I can almost see your balloon bobbing away. At least you would not hurt yourself falling off of your roof my friend! I truly sympathize! Have you got your latest issue yet? The article on larger tummies was interesting. Did you find it of any value? Cathy

          1. sewslow67 | | #17

            I figured you'd get a good laugh out of my message, my friend - at least, that was my hope ...and you didn't disappoint.  hahahateehee teehee!  Yes, this shape of mine would have been very helpful when I went through my "falling off the roof" stage.  At least I wouldn't have shattered my tailbone back then.  What a bummer that was!

            The really scary thing is that this 7-inch increase has happened so fast.  Can you just imagine what might happen in the next stage?  Maybe I will have to resort to maternity clothes.  Remember those big tops from the 60's? No doubt, it would get some good laughs, i.e. "Look at the pregnant old lady, waddling down the street"?  She must be going for the Guinness Book of Records"!  LOL!

            Now then, DH is finally going to tear the bathroom apart and make a new one.  That's the good news.  The bad news is that I will have to use the one in the basement until he gets it done ...and that is a really frightening thought.  It's like a dungeon down there and really creepy.  If it weren't so cold (20-below yesterday and still 10-12 foot piles of snow everywhere), I would just take the hose to myself outside; probably not one of my better ideas right now.  But ...the new bathroom will be nice.  And if he actually gets it done in a reasonable time frame, I might refrain from jumping in my car to escape down south until it's done.

          2. JeanM | | #18

            Welcome to the comedy team of Sewslow67 and ThreadKoe.

            Now that's what I would like to see more of: multiple fitting problems and their corrections.  It is basic to adjust for one high shoulder or a long torso, but I would to see more of the mutliple adjustments.  Someone might have four problems near the area of the neck and shoulders.  One adjustment might do the trick or it might take four separate adjustments.

            Of course the authors might not prefer this, saying that particular multiple adjustments pertain to a small number of people; whereas, two related adjustments affect a greater number.

          3. sewslow67 | | #19

            Haha ...thanks Jean.  That's a nice complement.  Of course, I'd like to know if you are in our age group ...but I can't afford to pay for the information - i.e. your quote about your age:  "How much are you willing to pay for this info".  That'd good Jean ...very, very good!  ;-)

            As for my ever increasing waist measurement:  I suppose I should just give up and resort to pull-on pants, but ...I'm not going to give up yet.  I've decided to cut my waistbands on the bias and put a bit of easy-stretch elastic on each side.  If you or anyone else have any thoughts on this, I'd welcome any suggestions.  The bias idea wasn't mine (I read it someplace today, but can't remember where) from someone who wanted more give in her waist area, as well. 

            As for the flat buttocks:  My mother tried to solve that issue with a padded panty - but it slipped down all the time and looked really weird, so that didn't last long.  LOL!

          4. Palady | | #20

            >> ...My mother tried to solve that issue with a padded panty - but it slipped down all the time and looked really weird, so that didn't last long.  <<

            Rather than LOL, your post had me guffawing !!!  Some solutions just fail to work.


          5. sewslow67 | | #21

            Oh Nepa; I'm so glad you got a good laugh out of that.  Part of what made it so funny to me, was that my mother was the epitome of a lady.  She was sooooo feminine, never wore jeans, and was so polished, even on cleaning day.  During the last few years of her life, she got even smaller - so tiny, in fact, that I couldn't find "lady" clothes for her in the right size.  Clothes her size were decorated with Mickey Mouse etc., so I sewed quite a few of clothes for her.  I used to tell her that she was my very, own little Barbie Doll ...without the sexy side, of course.  She was so cute, and I just adored her - and miss her terribly still, after all these years.

            You are right though, that some solutions just fail to work.  I just ordered a couple of new patterns, so I hope they work OK for my new figure.  They are designed by Sandra Betzina, who uses a very different proportional croquis, so maybe that will make for a successful product.  I've been such a bag of bones for so long that, even though I'm not considered heavy right now, I feel like a MAC truck!  How we all perceive our bodies is usually so ....hmmm ....unrealistic, I suspect.

            Have a great evening and continue to chuckle.  Laughing always makes life worthwhile, doesn't it?

          6. user-249324 | | #22

            Ignore the Don-part here, it's the better part of this marriage!
            I've been visiting for a bit over a week now and have a question: is there anyone here in charge of this Forum who actually answers our questions?
            Or just someone who poses questions for discussions? I joined in the fun here because I want Answers: while I'm enjoying the banter among several of you who obviously are familiar with each other, I was hoping to be pointed in the direction of where a solution for our individual answers lay, even if it means purchasing a new bbook/class.DVD/whatever.I just rec'd Sandra Betzina's 'Fast Fit' book, as it looked as if it addressed my crotch-fit problem (it doesn't....) though there are several other tips so it wasn't a complete waste, and all info is presented in a short, concise, easy-to-understand manner, with the same formula for presenting each subject so one easily & quickly picks up on her style of explanation.Most of the other Give & Take Forums like this that I belong to do just that - someone throws out a question and a dozen others jump in to describe how they solved that problem in their own work; I don't see that yet in any of the threads I'm following.
            Is there another way to find the answers that I really need, before I put scissors to (good, expensive) cloth for summer clothes? I've taken off 55 lbs in the past 8 months, and while I have another 45 to go, I did want to celebrate the coming spring with a new pair or two of knee length linen or slubbed cotton shorts, rather than reworking my old ones. I don't want to invest a lot of time in the work yet: I thought the problem would now be solved with losing weight, but it persists, even with a now-flat derriere. There's something obvious that I'm missing in my thinking and want/NEED some suggestions/answers.
            I thought I'd find them here!!! HELP, please!!!

          7. JeanM | | #23

            Questions do get answered here (by fellow members).  There is a Fitting topic.  It probably would be the place to state your specific question.  You can give it a short title so readers will know the specific subject.  There are many long-time sewers here with a wealth of information.  HTH

          8. sewslow67 | | #24

            I have an article somewhere that gives a whole different slant on making crotch adjustments - and they suggest different tools than I've seen before.  My things are scattered between my home here in BC and down in Washington, so I'll have to search for it, which may take some time.  However, it would help to know if you are male or female, for starters.  If you can share that, as well as the fitting issues you need help with (you need to be specific), you may get some answers here.

            You are right in that many of us have become "friends who haven't met yet" here.  I enjoy that comradery as well as giving and receiving help regarding sewing issues, and support with some of life's other predictable challenges.

            As for fitting pants:  Check out Palmer and Pletch's book "Pants for Real People".  Also, one of the tools that was mentioned in the article that I mentioned above (the one I'll search for) is a metal (bendable) tape measure that you use to get your exact crotch shape and then, carefully removing it and using that exact "shape" on your pants pattern.  I'm going to order one of those  (what with my new shape) and expect it to make a huge difference.

            I have gained 30-pounds in the last 1.5 years, which I desperately needed to do, as I would have died otherwise.  I am 5'6" tall and barely weighed 80-pounds.  (Weight change (gain or lose) makes sewing for "the new body" a huge challenge).  Top that off with huge expansion of my waist due to dialysis ...and I've got new fitting issues that I've not had before now as well.

            Please give us a chance to help you, though ...so don't run off.  There are so many wonderful, loving, sharing, experienced people who sew here ...and so very skilled and willing to help.  As for this thread: apparently, the question of what your fitting issues are was just that.  So please ...think about starting a new thread and asking directly for help.  I suspect you will receive a lot of helpful answers. 

            Congratulations on your successful weight loss.  Good job!!


          9. user-249324 | | #29

            Thank you SO/SEW (Pun intended! as I love the idea of your Comedy Team!!**) much for your reply. Yes I'll hang in there and come back soon but must put this aside for now as our Tax Acct appt is next Tues and I just started my 08 business & our household paperwork prep work yesterday...
            ~ I do know about PD (a HUGE HUG to you!) diabetes is in our family too
            ~ Gender -I'm a 66 yo - very active Wife/Mom/Grandma
            ~ Cannot find "Palmer and Pletch's book "Pants for Real People" - currently online.... :o(
            ~ Had a 'Pletch pants book' in the 60s? 70s? but not sure where it is now...
            ~ I do have one of the almost-square-1/2" thick-plastic-covered-yard-long "Metal' tools for creating curves. I think this is what you mean for duplicating the full crotch curve instead of the metal tape measures; most ppl would interpret that as a retractable measuring tape. Mine is a rather stiffish but still bendable metal 'tool', used as a French Curve over longer distances.
            Stepping into and out of this very carefully, I think this will make a replica of my crotch. I'm just not sure if this is what's causing the wrinkle lines to form from sitting, as all of the pants I've made myself already hang perfectly straight from my waistband, and fit smoothly through the crotch, staying a uniform distance away from my body.I'll be following up on this in-depth RIGHT after we pay our taxes next Wed!!!
            Thx for your Reply Sewslow67!rkr4cds/Bobbie

          10. Palady | | #30

            >> ... Cannot find "Palmer and Pletch's book "Pants for Real People" - currently online.... :o(  ... <<

            Open, then scroll for the Palmer-Pletch book(s) at  -


            There's a "bendable" ruler that works well in many applications.  Scroll at the following URL.    As one might expect there are those who decry the tool as evidenced at the second URL below. 










          11. user-249324 | | #32

            Hi Nepa - I can't begin to tell you how much I appreciate all of the information you looked up for me!! I will be ordering the book from the site as soon as I'm finished typing here...YES! That's the 'ruler' that I have; I hesitated calling it a ruler, as it has no measurements on it. I know about using the string around the crotch-line from front-to-back and tying it to a belt so that another weighted one, tied to it in the center between your legs will mark the inseam spot.I was going DH's help to use this ruler to replace the waist-to-waist string, marking the inseam spot and vvvveeerrryyy carefully step out of it. It never occurred to me to measure the curve of just half of the whole: the Back and Front separately!And since my main complaint of pants designers is that they cut ALL pants backs, from jeans to the most expensive slacks and trousers, on a bias*** I will just place the top edge of the curve on the straight grain to begin with and the pants will all hang straight down and from the waistband. *** I've made a collection of images of all brands/styles/types/designs of pants (generic term) that have the center back seam set on an angle to the straight grain. When the 2 sides are sewn together, this causes the section at the hip to cup around the buttocks to cup around them, emphasizing them. This is the desired effect; jeans were originally designed to fit the body more closely to be working clothes, now they're a fashion statement which says "Look at me!"But we want many pairs of our other slacks to hang straight down in back, like classic trousers, without cupping under our derrieres: to do that the top section of the pattern—crotchline to waistline—must be swung over to be straight-on-the-grain with the rest of the pants from the lower portion, with the center seam at the waist beginning ON GRAIN, before making whatever curves it needs for all of our different Back crotch curves.Fortunately, my sister will be visiting me next month, (she's in a doctoral program on design and we're going to iron this out once & for all!) and this is exactly one of the things we were going to work on - the crotch curve that's causing the wrinkles I described in my previous post. I'd insert the number here... but this Forum is foreign territory to me!! I cannot seem to get to the immediate past pages of any thread/topic that I'm in, only the post that I'm replying to is on this page.For a newbie like me, I'm really struggling to find my way around, as I cannot get back to the rest of the posts in any thread (only Nepa's meassage shows below this window); clicking on anything else erases my typing here and only the accidents of having lost all of my 1-fingered, hour-long typing has taught me to hit COPY before trying anything so I can reconstruct my posts...So Thank You again for the suggestion on how to use the ruler on just half of the curve at a time, transferring that to paper.Bobbie R / rkr4cds

          12. Palady | | #33

            >> ... struggling to find my way around, ... <<

            Navigating a web site does present a challenge.  You might try using the drop down menu that appears on the left at the top of the discussions list.  You can choose how far back you wish to go.  Caveat is you'd need to recall how the first was listed.                                                                      

            Advance Search is also an option.  Using that is a matter of wording.

            >> ... sister will be visiting me ..., (she's in a doctoral program on design ... <<       Excellent resource for you.  Let us know how it goes.


          13. user-249324 | | #36

            Following a Discussion/Thread: Well, the only way that I've figured out so far, and to be certain that I stay in the same thread, is to go to the bottom of the page I'm reading, click
            "Navigate this discussion: Pgs:1-13 14-33 34-36"
            then choose one of the more recent ones, say - Page 33 or 34 - and then go to the immediate right by a few inches (in a red background/box) KEEP READING.On other pages the words Next Discussion & Previous Discussion appear there, taking one completely out of the thread.
            I'm slowly figuring out my own ways of navigating here: it's unlike ANY other Forum I'm in!I certainly will post in about a month, if/what we figure out about the crotch wrinkles.
            I was hanging up some khakis of DH's the other day and noticed that his pants have the same wrinkles! And he's really got a flat fanny.
            Is this a phenom I've just never noticed???
            Does everyone else just put up with it??
            I'm going to be asking all of my family and friends to please notice from now on.
            I can email an image of the wrinkle pattern to anyone who is interested...
            Is there anyplace in this Forum to post images?Bobbie / rkr4cds

          14. KharminJ | | #37

            Hi Bobbie! Happy Sunday Morning! "Is there anyplace in this Forum to post images?"Indeed, you can attach photos directly to your message here. At the bottom of the "Type in your message" box is a red "Attach Files" button. Click on that, and follow the instructions. (Your individual photo file probably has to be Closed in order to attach it.)Let me know if that doesn't work - I'm pretty much self-taught, too, so there may be more to it in different systems..."Is this a phenom I've just never noticed???" That's entirely possible. It's closely related to the "Don't think about an elephant" conundrum. Once you're aware of a problem, it seems to be happening all around you!You have my good thoughts for your flat bottom problem - I've never had anything close to that, so cannot offer any constructive suggestions from experience... ;)Bright Blessings! Kharmin

          15. Palady | | #38

            What has worked for me to upload a photo is to minimize the page I want the iamge to be placed.

            Open the page with the image to get it on your screen.

            Put your icon on the image. 

            Right click while the icon is there.  Or left if this is your dominate.

            A pop-up should then show which has a couple of choices.   The dark black are workable.  There'll likely be grey ones as well.  Grey means they're closed. i.e. unworkable. 

            Generaly I choose - Copy - from the pop up screen.  

            Then I minimize the page. 

            Bring back where I want to place the image.  

            Put the mouse icon where I want it to be. 

            Right click.  Choose - Paste - and the image is there.

            What shows on the right click pop up varies.  My son tells me it's because of how the photo/diagram was uploaded in the first place.

            With what you hope to post would need you to get the image on your computer hard drive.   How you'd do this depends on your Operating System.  WIN98? - XP? - Vista?     My success in this doing sometimes fall short in my first try & I go around the mulberry bush figuring it out.  One thing I finally learned is that because something is on the moniter screen I have to GET it on the hard drive. 

            Digital cameras have certainly made uploading photos a bit more easy.  But there's still a process to understand.

            Give it a whirl.  You'll probalby surprise yourself in the positive!




          16. FrancesC | | #34

            No need to send away - you can buy a bendable ruler at an office supply store.

          17. User avater
            ThreadKoe | | #28

            Hello! Don't panic and don't give up yet. Have you done an advanced search through old posts yet? There is a huge wealth of information and wise words there also. Many issues such as yours have been discussed in the past, and we are very happy to discuss them again. It is good to have many points of view. If you need help refining your search terms, ask away. Cathy

          18. sewslow67 | | #39

            I've been thinking about your fitting issues, esp. with regard to the wrinkles in the crotch area and remembered that I had a similar problem when I was in my freshman year of college.  I had gained weight that year (as many freshman girls do) and had rather round inner thighs.  During that time, I also had wrinkles in the crotch area.  The solution was two-fold: 

            First of all, I added to the crotch length in the front only, which helped a lot.  But then read that underlining pants would help considerably with wrinkling in general, so did that as well.  Bingo!  The wrinkles were either eliminated or decreased considerably - depending on the fabric I used.

            Therefore, my suggestion is to take a closer look at your thighs, and see whether you have any fullness there, and where that is, i.e. front or back ...and then adjust your pattern accordingly.  If your thighs are thin, than this remedy isn't likely to work, and we'll need to "go back to the drawing table", as it were.  Please let us know, so we can all check our books further to help with a solution.

          19. JeanM | | #25

            Since this thread was started by the editor to find out what our fitting challenges are, but not to answer specifically, I will continue this under Fitting, then Waistbands.

          20. sewslow67 | | #26

            Good idea, Jean; and good luck with your fitting issues.

          21. User avater
            ThreadKoe | | #27

            ROTFL, we do get our giggles in don't we! Oh My! Style wise, empire waist garments seem to be here for a while yet, so those might be of some help. Garments with fullness and gathering at the front also. The banded bottoms and longer lengths are back also. They all would probably work for you with some modifications. If you check out some of the maternity clothes, they do not even look like maternity stuff now! Some of it. And some style seem like maternity clothes, even when it isn't, tee hee. When you have a medical problem like you have, wear what you like Darling, and be happy! Just please leave the bottom adornments in the bottom dresser! I am laughing hysterically at the cartoon in my head over that one! Cathy

          22. sewslow67 | | #35

            Hey Cathy:  We always have such fun here, don't we?  The Lord was good when he blessed us with laughter. 

            I like your ideas, too.  And you are right; just wear what feels good and enjoy the day.  And yes ...I'm not going to follow suit, what with the fanny pads!  LOL!  I grazed through the pattern "books" on line too and, as you said, there are a number of really lovely empire style tops and dresses right now that I quite liked.  I think I'll try one to see how it works for me, and then go from there.

            I'm off to bed; after all, the last of the hockey games for the night are over, and the Oilers lost; what a pity.  I was so hoping they would win in after time, even though Colorado was my home for a few years, and I know how much it meant to them to beat a Canadian team.

  7. Beth | | #31

    My greatest fitting challenge was correctly identifying figure variations. For instance, I was buying/using a size 12 pattern, which hung off the edge of my shoulders. I'm not all that tall, 5'6", and my weight isn't a figure variation. The variation is that the distance through my body, i.e. front to back is less that size 12. Fit improved when I used a smaller size, lengthened the bodice, accounted for the lower left shoulder, took in side seams for a shallow chest depth.Things that helped were: photographs both in my underwear, and wearing clothing. Recalling previously learned figure faults, making the same pattern over and over, with small changes each time. I did many more things over a period of a few years. Now clothes fit well enough. I work out to keep posture and muscle tone. Beth

  8. biaspeggy | | #40

    Hi Bias peggy....  I would like to know what style (blouse) I should use to go from  size 14 across the shoulders to a size 18 at the bust line, just 9 inches lower.    I'd appreciate any suggestions.   Another Peggy.

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