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Conversational Threads

What Happened to the April/May Issue of Threads??

maggiebob | Posted in Fiber Arts on

Although the last Threads issue was called the “Spring Issue” , Threads magazine elsewhere labels the last issue as “February/March.” Threads in the past has represented that issues are bimonthly and past issues have always covered a two-month period, e.g., February/March. Has Threads changed its subscription promise without notifying subscribers? Is this a foreshadow of Threads demise?


  1. shelleyps | | #1

    Yes, they have changed the frequency of the issues. I haven’t looked for the information on the site, but I read it in the Editor’s Note on page 8 of #213, where there are also details about how it affects your subscription. Your next issue should arrive in May.

  2. User avater
    maggiebob | | #2

    Shelleyps, Thanks for your reply.

    I have to admit that I am disappointed by this turn of events, but I shall await the May issue with hope and anticipation.

  3. duilawyernearme | | #3

    Thankyou If you can manage this Please
    By : duilawyernearme

  4. Taunton_Web | | #4

    Hi there,

    Yes, we have gone to a quarterly issue - our editor discussed it here, which was posted in January of this year: https://www.threadsmagazine.com/2021/01/25/change-of-frequency-letter-from-the-editor

    As Sarah mentions in the letter:
    • Threads is not going away. The COVID-19 pandemic has been hard on newsstand sales for many publications. It is expensive to print and distribute a magazine, and by consolidating the number of issues we release, we’ll reduce expenses and still be on your favorite newsstands as everyone ventures back to stores.

    • If you have a six-issue subscription, you’ll receive all six issues over a year and a half.

    • The number of pages per issue has increased. We are adding eight pages to each issue, so you’ll find more content in these quarterly copies.

    • The pricing of individual issues and subscriptions has been adjusted. Our new single-issue newsstand cover price has increased to $9.99. The cost of an annual subscription (barring special offers) has decreased to $29.95.

    • We’ll be able to turn more editorial effort to projects and content you have requested frequently: Additional free and Insider tutorial videos, new original projects and patterns, a more curated content experience at ThreadsMagazine.com, and more information online for beginner sewing enthusiasts.

    I apologize for the confusion! The letter published on our website, went in our e-newsletters, and was posted on our social channel, and was also in Issue #213 as mentioned by another respondent. We did our best to notify everyone of the change, but apologize it didn't get to you! We are planning on focusing more on digital content and video, but will continue to produce the print version of the magazine with all of the content you have come to enjoy and expect!

    Please feel free to email us at [email protected] if you have more questions!

    Christine, Threads digital content manager.

  5. CottonsMom | | #5

    I do not use social media platforms. Please do not convert to their sole use or you will lose another subscriber.

    1. sparklewench | | #16

      Right there with you!

  6. sewingqueen112 | | #6

    Looking at issues digitally and using them to learn a new technique, read an article, etc. are 2 different things. It is not so easy to go from one page/place in a digital issue, it can be very frustrating. It is pretty cut and dried in a paper issue, easy to find your place. I too hope that you do not go totally digital.

  7. sandraeche | | #7

    I’m quite happy when the print magazine comes however I paid for a bimonthly magazine and I barely use my Insider benefits. It’s often easier to use YouTube for a how- to- video because I don’t have to login. I have no idea what PinInterest is and to my dismay Threads wastes a page in this Summer issue (it isn’t even May!) on advertising their PinInterest posts or whatever.

    1. User avater
      smcfarland | | #10

      Hello – We always devote a page to announcing online content that may be of interest to our readers. This includes a mix of Pinterest and other social media, podcasts, Insider videos, and other posts.
      Subscribers' issues arrive about two weeks in advance. The issue will appear on newsstands in the first week of May. It is designated the Summer issue to cover the time span it is available: May through August. - Sarah McFarland, editorial director

  8. debmach | | #8

    prefer paper copy

  9. Deleted | | #9


  10. Momof3va | | #11

    This is my 1st subscription with Threads. Very disappointed that I paid for a print subscription and then get emails about articles that are online, only to find that the full article is only viewable if you pay another $49.95/yr for a "Threads Insider" add-on. Not what I expected and very disappointed. Will not be renewing my subscription.

  11. cgincolorado | | #12

    Online content and social media is the future of this type of content. If you don’t adapt you will lose out on the wonderful content in Threads. It’s a shame the magazine had to go to quarterly issues, but I hope you realize this was done so it can survive.

  12. User avater
    LivingBeauty57 | | #13

    Digital or quarterly Threads magazine is not for me. I am also dissappointed when the magazine directs me to go inline for more detail of info or "bonus" info. I have been a long time subscriber and do so to receive a bi monthly magazine. I will not be renewing my subscription. Thank you.

  13. user-2683982 | | #14

    78 years of age sewing for 60 of those Have been reading and subscribing to Threads ( and loving it ) for about 15 years Have welcomed the digital addition I find they compliment each other beautifully Am delighted to say I always learn something, and hope to continue to do so for a long time yet Keep up the good work people

  14. sparklewench | | #15

    I no longer am on ANY social media, Pinterest, etc due to safety and atmosphere reasons. I used to be on almost every site. Not anymore. I fear you will see more of it. Thus, less subscribers overall.

  15. apolline | | #17

    I'm not on any social media and I only use your website and your paper magazine. And I intend to go on like this.
    And I expect to have ALL your information these ways.
    I do hope you'll go on that way.

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