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Conversational Threads

What have you sewn lately?

dressed2atee | Posted in General Discussion on

Hello everyone, hope you had a wonderful Easter!  Here are my latest projects:  my granddaughters’ Easter outfits and one of five prom gowns.  The prom gown is my knockoff version of Uli’s dress on Project Runway.  I think I need to hold my camera a little more steady.  Hope you enjoy them!




  1. mimi | | #1

    They look adorable!  What a good job you have done.  The girls look pleased as can be with them :)  I think you have a future model on your hands with the older one...


    1. dressed2atee | | #6

      I think you're right.  She really surprised me when she posed like that.

  2. ctirish | | #2

    How adorable, your dgd are beautiful and so sweet. You can tell they are just thrilled with their new outfits. The outfits are so cute, the pink trim on the older ones and that yellow embroidered fabric.  You did a wonderful job on them, from top to bottom.  I would say you are grandma of the year right now. 

  3. flossie | | #3

    absolutely delightful photos of your grandaughters - your work is really lovely.

    Thank you so much for sharing these pictures - makes me want to try and make more time to sew.

    Who is the prom dress for?

    Pauline ( Melbourne, Australia)

    1. dressed2atee | | #5

      thanks, the prom dress is for a client.

  4. jatman | | #4

    I am really impressed with your projects.  Very versatile and everything is really pretty.  And the models are adorable!


  5. fabricholic | | #7

    Your oldest DGD is stylin'. I love the skirt and jacket matching. The little one is adorable in her yellow dress. The prom dress is gorgeous. Thanks for sharing.Marcy

    1. dressed2atee | | #8

      Thanks, is there a listing somewhere of the abbreviations I see a lot of people using?  "DGD". 

      1. fabricholic | | #9

        It's short for darling grand daughter. You might do a search for abbreviations.Marcy

        1. Lynnelle | | #10

          Remarkable, absolutely remarkable!  Well done!

        2. dressed2atee | | #11

          ok, thanks

  6. User avater
    purduemom | | #12

    Where to begin?  The girls are adorable (too bad they don't enjoy posing for the camera!), the fabric is gorgeous (do you shop online or locally?), and the prom dress is great!  Your garments look fabulous.  Don't you just love putting your own spin on Project Runway or designer looks? 



    1. dressed2atee | | #13

      Thanks so much!!! I sure do.  That show especially caused my creative juices to flow.

      I got the prom gown fabric from Oriole Textiles in NY, I buy wholesale from them.  The girls outfit material was from Joann fabrics, it's a linen blend.

      Happy sewing


  7. solosmocker | | #14

    You are one prolific sewist! The girls are darling as are their outfits. Great job!

    1. dressed2atee | | #15

      Coming from you, I am really flattered!

  8. Gloriasews | | #16

    You deserve all the kudos! You did a fabulous job on all garments.  The girls are cute as can be & the dresses are perfect for them.  I really like the braided trim on the prom dress - will have to try that myself (of course, I'm too old for such a plunging neckline!!!), but it would work on other applications.  Thanks so much for sharing!  (You look too young, in the raincoat photo, to be a grandmother)!  Happy sewing & keep on sharing!

    1. dressed2atee | | #17

      God Bless You!!!

  9. Josefly | | #18

    Thank you for the great photos. I especially noticed the skirt and jacket for your granddaughter. (The print reminds me of that old-fashioned rosebud batiste that was used so much for girls when I was growing up - from babies to pre-teens - and then again when my daughter was growing up.) The cuffs of the jacket caught my eye. Are they attached with a sort of fagotting stitch? Is there a ribbon or braid you used above the cuff? Sorry - I couldn't make it out exactly, but noticed it as a very nice detail. A very smart outfit.

    1. dressed2atee | | #19

      Hello, the fabric has a border and I cut the sleeves so that the hem hit the border.  I also used the border for the jacket collar.

      It was a linen fabric with all-over embroidery.



      1. Josefly | | #20

        Thanks for your answer. It's a beautiful fabric, and you used it beautifully.

      2. solosmocker | | #23

        Just wanted to say that you are turning these young ladies into some serious fashionistas. The prom dress is darling as well. How did you do the braided trim on the prom gown. Was it one of those funky knitting yarns? It looks great.

        1. dressed2atee | | #24

          Thanks so much. 

          The fabric for the gown was a stretchy metallic so I cut 3 strips about 2" wide the desired length and pulled it until the ends curled making a self facing.  Then I started the braid and secured it under my pressure foot and finished braiding it.  I then hand sewed the braid to the finished gown. 

          1. solosmocker | | #25

            Very ingenious and creative!

  10. MaryinColorado | | #21

    Your girls are so preciouse!  They both look very happy and pretty in thier outfits!  I can see that you are an accomplished seamstress!  Very nice work and choice of embellishments.  Someone is going to feel like a princess in that prom dress!  It is lovely, I especially like the way you used the braided trim on the dress and straps. 

    Love that ULI!  She and Kara San were my favorite on PRW.

    1. dressed2atee | | #22

      Thanks so much!!!  I love Project Runway, it was so inspirational.

  11. Desiderata | | #26

    I'll just say everyone has said what I am feeling right now!
    Incredible, and the little detail (beads) on the bodice of the prom dress is sooooooooo cute.

    1. 416 | | #27

      I have just finished making a dozen 12 inch bears in memory of a loved one. The family brought favorite garments that the loved one wore and I made bears out of the fabric. It kept me busy for a couple of weeks but it was rewarding to see the bears in the different colors with ribbons tied around their necks. The bears sit alone.

      1. fabricholic | | #28

        Now that is an original idea. If the loved one had a big family, each could have one to keep in memory of them. What a thoughtful way to remember them.

        1. 416 | | #31

          Thamks. Probably any easy toy or gift would do.

      2. Josefly | | #29

        What a lovely idea!

        1. 416 | | #32

          Thanks. What have you sewn lately?

          1. Josefly | | #35

            I've sewn very little, I'm afraid; still doing more reading than sewing. However, I did sew a protective knife case for my grandson's small Swiss army knife his Dad bought him when they went to Switzerland last fall. Grandson is way too young for a knife, but nobody asked my opinion :>) and he may only use it when sitting down and supervised by Mom or Dad...But I digress...I'm Southern and can't help it.... Last week, when he saw my husband's (Boppa's) larger knife in a sturdy protective case, he wanted a case too. So I made him a velcro-closed case just like Boppa's - I made 4 before one worked! - testing fabrics, interfacings, padding, length and width of finished case, etc; it was a tiny little thing and kind of hard to work on. He was delighted, though. Such small things please him, it's so nice. I loved your idea of using a loved person's clothes to make something memorable and easy to keep. I must put my mind to thinking about what to do with some of my father-in-law's ties, as mementoes for his grown grandchildren.

          2. 416 | | #36

            I'll have to think about ties. Surely, there is something you can do with them. I'll let you know when I come up with something. I said "when" so I'll be looking for a gift.

          3. Josefly | | #37

            Great, I'd love to have your ideas.

          4. JanF | | #39


          5. fabricholic | | #41

            What's wrong Sweetie? Depressed because you haven't made anything or just depressed and can't make anything? I've been there.Marcy

          6. solosmocker | | #42

            Jan, its OK to take a break. We're here for you. Feel free to vent if you want or whatever you need to do.solo

          7. JanF | | #45

            Than you for ur concern - I do appreciate it - and hopefully I can be kind to myself and just sew this weekend to cheer myself up - it never fails to do so once I'm free to while away the time in my sewing spot!!
            I'll let u know when Ive produced some stuff so that u dont all think i'm contemplating sticking my head in the oven!!
            Also i'm off to get well and truly p...sed - its Friday night!!

          8. solosmocker | | #51

            I will spare the details but my DH figured out one day that he has a much happier wife if she were pursueing her creative endeavors. And if wifey ain't happy, ain't nobody happy! So he now totally supports me in my creative pursuits, and understands when dinner is late, or out, or very simple. It's just not an issue at this stage of our marriage (37 yrs). But I had to get over doing everything for everybody. It took me ####long time to realize its OK to take some you time. You and all those around you are better off for it. This is just a little pep talk to get you motivated again. Creating something all your own is so exciting. I hope you find this excitement soon again!solo

          9. Crazy K | | #52

            Very well said!  My DH is wonderful about it.......especially if he can see that I'm right in the middle of a project.  He's often the first to suggest carry-in or a quick bite out. ........and he makes a 'mean' frozen pizza!  I still find it hard to take 'me' time but I'm working on it!!


          10. Ralphetta | | #53

            It took me many years to realize that my family and friends were much more flexible and unconcerned than I was giving them credit.  I realized that I was fretting and making myself feel guilty unnecessarily.  My family was quite willing and capable of getting along without my supervision if I got lost in some creation.  I was the one putting pressure on myself...not them.

          11. Gloriasews | | #54

            That's exactly what I had going, Ralphetta - it's true that, when I'm in the middle of a project, the family does manage without me & the world does not come to an end!  It took me years to realize that, yet I still feel guilty once in awhile - but I'm working on it, telling myself, "Why should I feel guilty?"  Sometimes we just have to do what we have to do, eh?  & we enjoy every minute of it, too!

          12. autumn | | #59

            After MANY years, I've finally figured out that I will "snap out of it" if I give myself time. I have days when I can't do anything, so I just tell myself to wait a while and I will be back to normal. It always works. But I know the feeling you mean about feeling guilty doing something you like, just for you.  I think most/all woman are like that if they are married and have a family. I'm retired now, so I can sew as much as I want, but I get burned out on sewing sometimes so I just do other things until the inspiration hits again.

          13. JanF | | #64

            I think "snapping out of it" will hit me in about a week!
            End of term usually sees me for 1-2 days with upset stomach - possibly a horrendous cold sore - which I can feel coming 'cos I suddenly feel very tired physically!! and then Bingo - back to usual happy self.
            I'm beginning to realise how easily middle-aged women like myself begin to feel their age - purely because they are tired from trying to do it all - anyway - Im taking all this advice on board and having a total rest this summer vac. doing whatever I want to!
            Hopefully a fortnight away in Europe will give me some time to relax too!
            Thanks - Jan

          14. JanF | | #44

            Its a bit of both really!!
            I get annoyed with myself sometimes 'cos I have all these plans for things - and somehow life gets in the way really! Am I the only sewer who finds work is the first call - then any time u set aside - meals to cook!!
            I thought that when children left home I'd be able to be selfish and sew when i felt like it - possibly hubby might think - shall I stop my tinkering in the garage and go and start a meal?? Some magic fairy just might do all the cooking/cleaning/shopping for me?
            The long and short of it is - I always end up doing the other stuff first - cos I feel selfish myself if i'm sewing and there are meals etc. to do!(possibly my own hang up 'cos I work part time and not full time like hubby so I think I should be doing all the rest cos Ive got the time"???)
            I know I'm not brilliant at making "me" time - I sew when everything else is done and if there is a meal time/job to do I just cannot sit sewing - I feel guilty - as if I'm doing something naughty - a bit like "fiddling/sewing while Rome burns!" sort of thing.
            How immature is that?
            Possibly end of term is making me a little "fractious" and I need a break! Normal service will resume now Ive had a moan - sorry folks!Sorry to answer ur question - I very often think Ive run out of ideas - and inspiration and don't like to feel quite so uninspired - but then i see some brill work from artists etc and soon get back on track- usually!!!

            Edited 7/6/2007 11:47 am ET by JanF

          15. User avater
            Becky-book | | #46

            I think it is a good thing that you "can't sew if there is a meal to fix".  It shows the maturity of deferred gratification; get the work done first, then play.  And sometimes the play/sewing time is not even in the same week!  I haven't done much lately either! If I don't have the satisfaction of a completed project, at least the home is not all messed up and screaming for attention.

            Feeling fractious?  term end pressure can do that, AND you are dealing with food allergies, don't discount their effect on you too!

            Tomorrow is another day,


          16. fabricholic | | #47

            I know, I always think I will sew on Saturday. When DGD is there, I can't even open the sewing room door. She loves to get into my thread. After I do my little bit of cleaning, buy groceries, and cook, I am pooped.Marcy

          17. Teaf5 | | #55

            Your frustrations are probably shared by most of us; it's really not possible to "do it all," so we have to remember that it's not always necessary to do so, either.

            Household obligations tend to expand to fill whatever time we have; during my school vacations, I can easily spend most of every single day catching up on housework, laundry, and grocery shopping.  I do just that for the first couple of days and then remind myself that all the housework still be there when I go back to my job, but a precious mid-day hour to sew or read won't be.

            Just keep reminding yourself that a perfectly neat and tidy household does not necessarily guarantee the happiness or fulfillment of the people living in it.  Once a week, you can have a "everyone fends for him/herself"dinner night that will take you off the hook, and once a week, after making sure the entryway is spiffy and there are fire escape routes through the rest of the house, you can let the rest of the housework go so that you can work on something beautiful and rewarding.


          18. JanF | | #57

            Thanks for this - I DO realise that the solution is in my own hands - and head!! Hopefully this coming holiday will be a time that I can comfortably "switch off!" - forget the house etc. and achieve some new things with my own work.
            lets face it - those of us who live in the UK must be doubting that we are ever going to get some sun - so what else is there to do except sew?
            I've already said that when we finally get away in our new motorhome (I think over there u call them RV's?)sod cooking a meal - eating out at night for us!
            I concede to making toast etc for breakfast and sandwiches at lunch - but evening?-No way!
            thanks for your support - a fellow teacher perhaps?

          19. Teaf5 | | #65

            Yes, I'm a fellow teacher, but one who lives in the opposite climate.  Instead of praying for the rain to stop, on my summer break, I'm always praying for the temperatures to drop below 100 F(38C) so that I can plug in the iron and sew! 

            I always have a long list of projects to do, but many--such as refinishing furniture or pressing seams-- can't be done when it's too hot.  That's when I finish up hand sewing or do some beadwork embellishment on a rtw garment--anything that doesn't create more work for our air conditioner.

          20. JanF | | #68

            Gosh I can't imagine this scenario! We have a lovely day here today - first without rain for what seems like weeks - so much so that school sports day was cancelled half way through, weeks ago! and we are hoping to complete the 2nd half this Monday afternoon (weather permitting!)
            Not sure it will take place - grass miles too soggy for safety!and school finishes on Wednesday!
            we have the National Eisteddfod taking place in the same town as my school beginning August - and I pass the field where they are putting up the tents etc. on my way to school. They are putting down loads of duck boarding - obviously not expecting the rain to stop for August which should be about our hottest/driest month!!
            If I find anything on the net to explain the Eisteddfod - I will add an attachment - for those who dont know what it is!!
            Janhttp://www.eisteddfod.org.uk/english/anyone interested
            brifly explains in English!!Edited 7/14/2007 11:53 am ET by JanF

            Edited 7/14/2007 12:00 pm ET by JanF

          21. Gloriasews | | #49

            Jan, it's not like you to have nothing in progress!  No wonder you're depressed.  You need inspiration - hope these threads can supply it.  Hang in there - it, too, will pass.


          22. JanF | | #63

            I have been inspired by the Audrey Hepburn dress - and thought id access the pattern site mentioned - great - how do I decide which ones to buy - 'cos of course - I dont just like this one!!
            will they post to Uk?
            Awaiting info re. an email!
            One word of caution to myself though!
            There is NO WAY that I will look like the model in the pic - so I am going to be realistic and somehow get around the design to use it for my "lot less height and ... lot more weight!"
            This is my challenge for the summer!
            Os s..t - what about my other challenges? Which shall I attack first??
            I feel a lot of ready made meals on their way!
            Any suggestions for a suitable top to the dress? If I cant get the pattern I'm going to have to do it myself! What will look best under that complicated jacket neck line - allowing for the fact that if its originally a round neck I'll HAVE to change it!!
            Feeling better already!

          23. Gloriasews | | #66

            Which Audrey Hepburn dress are you considering?

            On your comment about being tired when school ends - I have decided it's because of the stress you're working under all year.  When I retired, other retirees told me that they were exhausted for the first 6 months.  I said, "No way will that happen to me!  I am so excited about retiring & have so many projects to do, that I can't wait!"  Well, lo & behold (& much to my surprise), that happend to me, as well!  I was sleeping in in the morning, had no energy during the day, etc., but I wasn't depressed at all - in fact, quite happy.  I read a lot during that time, but, sure enough, after the 6 months, I started to have more energy & got busy again starting my new life.  Maybe the work stress is cumulative & we don't realize how much we have until it catches up with us.

            Hope you find the right pattern.  As well, have a lovely holiday & come back refreshed!


          24. JanF | | #67

            I think ur correct! I'm going to try to have a great holiday break!
            The Audry hepburn dress is the one featured in the mag - red with grey short jacket - if only I looked as tall and willowy(do you think the pic looks enhanced??)

          25. Josefly | | #69

            I think you mean the Katherine Hepburn dress, not Audrey. :) Easy to mistake. In looking at the photo of the pattern envelope, I thought I could make out the words "jacket" and "dress", leaving me wondering, also, about what the top of the dress looks like. A very glamorous look, and Katherine Hepburn, who was tall and lanky, could carry it off beautifully. I think the jacket is gorgeous, but I would need a longer version, I think, for my body shape.
            Wish we had some of your rain here in Georgia. We're suffering from drought, hot, baked clay soil, stressed-to-the-limit gardens, restricted outdoor watering, etc. I guess there's either too much or not enough, yes?
            The Eisteddfod sounds like a wonderful literary festival. I had never heard of it before. Do you speak the Welsh language? All those w's and y's!

            Edited 7/14/2007 2:15 pm ET by Josefly

          26. JanF | | #70

            Isn't that just typical of me - of course its Katherine!! I very often pick up on something and when running with it get the details a touch wrong!
            yes an eisteddfod is a festival of culture - but covers all areas - in the national one thay include textile work and they do have Urdd festivals - which are purely for the young.
            If you can find a site for Llangollen International Eisteddfod - about 10 miles away from me - every year they have a fantastic week - when people come from all over the world - just finished last night!
            A week in Llangollen is very colourful - Ill try to add a site!
            I cannot speak Welsh myself - only bits of it - my family is English - in as much as Dad was from London. However I had to study Welsh in school - as do all children unless the school has exemption because its so close to the border etc.!My pronunciation of all those LL's is not bad - but holding a conversation I cannot do!http://www.international-eisteddfod.co.uk/

            Edited 7/16/2007 3:25 am ET by JanF

          27. Josefly | | #71

            Thanks for that link, but it took very long time for me to access it, for some reason. I'll try it later.I am more and more curious about the Welsh language...all the double d's and double l's in odd places, preceding or following yet another consonant. I'm going to see if I can find a pronunciation guide!

          28. Gloriasews | | #72

            As Josefly stated, I think it's the Katherine Hepburn dress you're speaking of and, no, I don't think the photo has been enhanced (they didn't do much of that in those days, as they didn't have the equipment we have now - nowadays, anyone can look beautiful with the right equipment used on the photos - even us)!  I suspect the dress under the jacket is quite plain, as the jacket is quite something!

            It's amazing that, with all that rain, you don't have webbed feet already!  Josefly is drying out from drought & we (Alberta, Canada) have a heat wave here (which we're not used to) & the sporadic rain shower or thunderstorm, which is causing higher humidity (which we're also not used to, as it's usually very dry here) - if this keeps up, we'll be worrying about a tornado.  No happy medium!

            Have a wonderful holiday - it'll inspire you when you return refreshed.


          29. JanF | | #74

            Its the pic of the dress in the Threads mag that I think is enhanced - either that or the model is very, very tall with a rather large head - or do my contacts need changing??
            Actually i didn't really like the picture of the model at all - but that's me just being bitchy 'cos I'm a lot shorter and fatter!!
            Somehow I thought it just looked wrong!-even though i loved the style of the outfit to bits!
            Mind u - I do go around staightening pictures on people's walls too!!
            so possibly an explanation?
            On the original pattern sleeve(Evadress site) I think the dress looks brilliant - and Ive ordered it to fit me too - cant be bothered to try to make my own - taking this relaxing holiday thing a little too literally!

          30. Gloriasews | | #75

            What page is that model on?  (or am I being super-slow because of the heat here - too hot to sew or do anything else but read)?  How long will you have to wait to get your new dress?  Hope it turns out perfectly! 

            I was just thinking of you (glad you replied) & wondering if the floods are affecting you or your holiday in your motorhome?  Hope not.  Enjoy your holiday.


          31. JanF | | #76

            Don't rub it in - we go next weekend over to France - but had to plan a route around the country to avoid the floods - we would normally have gone down south close to Oxford - but to play safe we are going via Cambridge! Hopefully see that other famous university city. I'm ashamed to say - never spent any time in Cambridge - just flew past on the motorway! it doesn't sound that great in N France either - but will let u know after our trip how we fared!
            The pic is the one on the contents page of issue 132 - probably just an illusion but she does have a long neck and is probably about 6 foot tall - sickening really.
            However, I am visiting the gym again so all is not lost - yet!
            just realised - that seems to hint that going to the gym will make me grow taller!!

            Edited 7/25/2007 3:56 pm ET by JanF

          32. Gloriasews | | #77

            I doubt going to the gym will make you taller, give you a longer neck, etc.!  But you're right about the model - she does have a giraffe-like neck (or so it seems, as my neck is non-existent) - I always wanted a longer neck, too, but I don't think the gym will help with that.  Her bigger hair may make you think her head is larger - or, as you say, maybe it's your eyes.

            Hope you have a trouble-free holiday.


          33. User avater
            matzahari | | #78

            being of a "certain age" i often break out in perspiration while sleeping and wearing a lightweight cotton nightgown prevents me from getting clammy and waking.... so i have made about seven white cotton nightgowns  ( no pattern) with embroidered yokes and thin straps for summer comfort.  Next I will make some for a girlfriend.

          34. fabricholic | | #82

            I, being of this age, discovered what works for me, when I am trying to sleep - no top. I did not have any night sweats last night. Hooray!

          35. User avater
            purduemom | | #83

            I just finished skirt #116 from the August, 2007 Burda WOF. The front of the skirt has inverted pleats with the inset cut on the bias.  The back of the skirt has wo knife pleats that create the appearance of a panel.  This is part of my entry in this year's Make it with Wool state contest.  The pattern went together easily and I am quite pleased with my first attempt at a pleated, plaid skirt.  I am making a black mohair jacket to partner with this skirt.


          36. fabricholic | | #84

            Hi Purduemom,I love it. Did the pattern have all of those design elements or did you come up with it yourself? That is a very impressive skirt and the black mohair jacket will be beautiful with it. I hope you win.Marcy

          37. User avater
            purduemom | | #85

            Thanks for the kind words, Marcy.  I cannot take credit for the creative use of plaid.  I made the skirt exactly as the pattern suggested. 


            P.S. Could I perhaps get you to sit at the judges table on Friday? :)

          38. fabricholic | | #86

            Oh, it's this Friday? You will have to let us know how it goes.

            Edited 8/6/2007 3:53 pm by fabricholic

          39. User avater
            purduemom | | #88

            Marcy, The update on the wool contest was a bit delayed...school started the 14th and it seems things have not slowed down one bit!  I did not enter the skirt after all.  I had major problems with the jacket - must have cut pieces off grain or something.  One shoulder is higher than the other??  Quite puzzling given the pattern is the same one I used last summer for my perfectly fit, Threads-inspired, Chanel jacket. Oh well!  I am saving the skirt for next year and will make a new jacket.  I did place 5th with a wool car length coat, lined pants and a wrap top. I'll post pics as soon as I get around to re-dressing Ilean (my slightly tipsy dressform). Received a nice piece of Pendleton wool/silk blend and will be looking for something unique at the Novi Expo to pair with it.  The way I figure, since I depleated my stash by 6 pieces, replacing with 6 new pieces will be totally guilt-free! My mission is to see how much more I can use before the Expo - I love sewing with a plan!


          40. fabricholic | | #89

            Hi Sue,I am sorry that the jacket didn't work out, but getting 5th for the car coat and pants is awesome! Congratulations. I can't wait to see the pictures. You certainly deserve to buy more, without guilt. So, your dressform has been hitting the sauce? LOL If you like sewing with a plan, you should read Marcy Tilton's newsletter. It has tips about going through your closet and seeing what pieces you need to go with your wardrobe. Don't forget to post the pictures.Marcy

          41. solosmocker | | #87

            What a wonderful update to the classic plaid skirt! Great job!

          42. User avater
            Becky-book | | #38

            What to do with Grandpa's ties... I think I have directions in one of my project books for making a needle book out of a tie ... that might work for the ladies... but what about the guys...? I made a toy snake out of two garage sale ties for my son when he was little, not exactly the same emotional vibes as a bear!

            I'll think on it some more,


          43. Teaf5 | | #40

            Once you open them up, ties have a lot of useable fabric.  Used alone or pieced together, they work well as photo frame mats, scrapbook or photo album covers, fabric bowls, or notebook covers.  If you have a lot of them, they are very luxurious pieced into a throw or decorative pillow cover, and they can be woven together into interesting vests and mats.  If your gift will need to be washed or drycleaned, you need to do that to all the ties before you start; otherwise, you can use them as is.

          44. Josefly | | #43

            Those are good suggestions. I especially think the photo frame mats would be something everyone could find a place for, and I'm going to go through all our photos for some good ones of my father-in-law to put in the mats. I'm thinking I could use some narrow piping on the edge of the mat, or possibly between two layers of mat......Thank you for the ideas.

          45. Gloriasews | | #48

            Look in your library for "Daddy's Ties" by Shirley Botsford (Amazon has it, new & used).  It's a quilting book using only men's ties - lots of patterns.  I've also seen vests made with ties & skirts.  So go for it!  Good luck!

            Teaf5's suggestion of the photo mat is excellent & will make very nice & appreciated gifts for the family (you could use real photos of photo transfers on fabric) - what a nice way to remember someone!  I, too, will keep that one in mind.


            Edited 7/6/2007 2:01 pm by Gloriasews

          46. Josefly | | #50

            Thanks, I'll look for that book, too.

          47. georgiagg | | #56

            I take men's ties and make vests with them for men and women.  i take the ties apart, clean, press, cut and start the vest using iron on stablizer for the base.  Can take a loved ones ties and make a vest making the colors flow and look pleasing.  Been doing this for years and have bags and bags of ties. I sell the vests at craft fairs and to friends and friends of friends.  I also take men's suit jackets and make purses from them.  The are so good looking.  Even embroidery on some of them.  Even used my husband's old tuxedo.

            I look at men's ties in a whole new way and jackets too. 

            Edited 7/9/2007 9:13 pm ET by georgiagg

      3. dressed2atee | | #30

        Oh my gosh, I am tearing up, that is such a wonderful idea!

        1. 416 | | #33

          Thanks, most people like bears, even men. 

          1. solosmocker | | #34

            This is such an amazing idea. How wonderful of you to make them.

      4. autumn | | #58

        When my son-in-law's father died, his mother made bears for the grandchildren from some of his shirts. It is such a cute idea and the kids will always remember their grandfather.

        1. proegge | | #73

          This is a great idea!  My father died not too long ago, and I have some of his shirts, wondering what to do with them.  Seems kind of weird to have my husband wear them, but the bears idea I really like!Thanks!Paula

    2. autumn | | #60

      Right now I'm making fabric cactus plants for my daughter who lives in Arizona, but spend her summers in the mountains of Colorado, so she can't have house plants because there's no one to water them.  So I figured she could have cactus plants that didn't need water over the summer. It was122 degrees at her house this week, but I doubt that the fabric cactuses will wilt.

      I got the patterns from Southwest Decoratives, http://www.swdecoratives.com

      1. 416 | | #61

        I did take a look at the Southwest designs. I really like the Kokopelli Indian design. I have a large design I plan to put on a denim jacket when it gets cool enough. I also plan to visit Arizona sometime in the Fall but 122 degrees? That's a bit hot for me. I have never known it to get that hot in Nashville, TN. I do need to find out more about Arizona before going or living there. That is a good idea to make cloth plants and they do last longer.

    3. SewNancy | | #62

      I am really sewing a lot lately. I have found that participating in a sewing contest, the current wardrobe contest, over at Pattern Review has really energized my sewing. I have finished a dress and jacket that I made for my son's wedding, a great pair of pants and the terrific Hot Patterns Sunshine weekend top. Really stylish. Also adding a coverstitch machine to my machines has really been a boon to my knit sewing. I realized that I was making bottoms and buying tops because I didn't like how knits came out with my sewing machine top stitching. The combination of machines gives me a professional look. Now I am trying to sew in wardrobe capsules so that I really have something to wear! I am starting to plan my fall wardrobe. It may not be as extensive as the one I am working on now, but at least it will be in groups. I have two jackets that I made last year and the year before that could be used more if I had more bottoms to go with them, so that is where I am starting my planning.

  12. Elaray | | #79

    The attached file shows my latest project: BWOF 05/2006 #132 & #134 -- from the plus size collection. This pattern had so many details -- pleated patch pockets, welt pockets with flaps, miles of top stitching -- when I finished it I had to sit back and take a few deep breaths (literally and figuratively). I took my time and sewed the details very carefully. But I haven't felt like sewing any clothing since I finished this outfit! I'm happy with the way it turned out except the navy blue color makes all those details practically invisible.

    1. dressed2atee | | #80

      Very very nice!  Nice detail photos on your blog!  Keep up the good work!

    2. proegge | | #81


      This looks great!  What I can see anyway...  But you don't look plus size!  Did you just cut it down to your size?


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