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Conversational Threads

what serger stitch is this?

bonkers | Posted in Equipment and Supplies on

To all you lucky owners of new sergers; I`m making my husband some underwear(briefs) and noticed the stitch on boughten briefs looks like some kind of cover stitch. I`m talking about the stitch that attaches the  waistband elastic to the garment and also covers up the seam on the fly area. My old serger does not have a stitch like this. Does anyone know what I mean? I am in the market for a new serger and want to make sure I can do this on it. Thanks, Bonkers


  1. jjgg | | #1

    Im sure it is a Cover Stitch. You will find this on 5 thread sergers. It does bump up the price considerably, but is well worth the money.

    I have an Elna 945 serger, Elna makes at least 2 lower models that also have the cover stitch (the 945 is more computerized). I"m sure each and everyone us on this board will tell you just how much we love the particular brand of serger that we each own.

    YOu should go to a good store and try out the different brands, I can say this though, in comparing the Elna to the Bernina sergers, the Elna is a LOT easier to thread and use. I know many people with bernina sergers and many that hate them, although there are of course those that don't hate them, so go play and wee what you like.

    1. bonkers | | #3

      Sorry I am so slow replying to your comments. I did look at some sergers and decided to buy a coverstitch machine rather than a new serger. Bought a Janome CoverproCP. So far it seem to be what I needed. I had my old serger tuned up and it is fine for regular serging. Does anyone else have a Coverpro? What are the pitfalls if any? Thanks to all who replied. Bonkers

      1. Betakin | | #4

        I own a a coverlock combo machine and cannot comment about a cover hem only machine but if you wish to check out PatternReview.com there are several discussions on their message board about the Janome CP and one thread is several hundred pages long dedicated to the Janome CP900 and CP1000. The first page of this thread has many links and tutorials in regards to use and hints on using the CP including info on where to purchase attachments and binders. It seems people that own a CP are really into different sizes of binders and they really love this machine otherwise the thread would not have gone on as long as it has. Many have purchased a cover hem only machine just from reading the thread at PR. I hope you love your new CP as much as they do.


        1. bonkers | | #7

          Tried the PatternReview site and spent all afternoon reading all the posts. Great advice and helpful hints. Thank goodness for all the helpful people who reply on all the sites such as this one and Patternreview. Bonkers

          1. Betakin | | #8

            I'm glad you found the site ok and yes, I totally agree that it is so nice to have these sites for help and hints.

      2. JanF | | #5

        Re the cover stitch machine - my daughter bought herself one but in fact has hardly got to grips with it -too busy with new job and likes to use the overlocker. I have used the coverstitch and like it. However it is an acquired skill to use it. I think it is easy to thread, but the problem = learning to start and finish a line of stitching. Somehow you need to be a little "brutal" with it to make it work well - and it is a noisier machine so u r reluctant to push it. However - it works really well at speed and I have found that when u need to remove ur work, lift the needles up and then turn the wheel at the side back a little to release some of the tension...and then pull ur work out towards the back with a flourish! It seems as if the needles are going to break - and sometimes u have more threads than the 4 you have really... but this sorts itself out if you pull the thread about 6 inches long - cut the threads and then the extras just come out!
        It suggests u run onto a spare piece of fabric - but b...r that for a game of soldiers - if things come undone - it is easier to start from scratch again - though you will find that u get better at it!
        The adjustment of where to actually sew is the hardest bit - but practise makes perfect - good luck!

        1. bonkers | | #6

          Thanks JanF, I read the reviews on the patternreview.com website and got many helpful hints. Especially about starting and finishing the stitching. All the reviews for the Janome 900 were very favorable. Hope to get busy with it soon. First thing will be finding some fabric. Only have a very basic JoAnn`s to shop locally. Every fabric store around here has closed in the last few years. The internet is no subsitute for a well stocked store!!!!    Bonkers

          1. JanF | | #9

            How right you are - I have yet to buy any fabric off the net - but the day will arrive - our local store(well - 30mins. drive away - and I know to a lot of you in US will think this is just next door)seems to be going over to furnishing fabric now. I will have to sit down and search the net - if only because the pupils in my class will need to buy fabric soon and I would like to point them in the correct direction. Trouble is - they need to appreciate the handle of fabrics to help with choice - how can I give them that experience easily? I have tons of bits of fabric for them to see and feel in my storeroom - but they really need to feel the actual fabrics they might choose from!
            No such thing as impulse buying either - could save me a lot of money personally! Good luck with the new machine! Jan

  2. Betakin | | #2

    A coverstitch is used on many hems etc. including tee shirt hems but a flatlock stitch is also used on many garments and store bought tees and can be done on most basic sergers that do not have coverhem ability.

    Flatlock can be done on the body of the garment instead of the regular serged edge stitching by doing it on the fold and letting the loops fall over the edge..then just pull the fabric on each side to let the loops lay flat. The back side of the fabric will show a ladder stitch but you can also reverse the look just as you can when doing coverhem.

    Flatlocking as well as cover stitching and chain stitch can be used for deco stitching too and especially nice when done in different colored threads. I also have an Elna coverlock and enjoy doing all of the many stitches.


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