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Conversational Threads

what to charge for buttonholes

fabricholic | Posted in General Sewing Info on

Hi everyone,
I need to know what to charge a co-worker for making a buttonhole on five polyester tops and sewing on a button provided. Three tops are black thread, one white and one is a greyish blue thread. Please let me know. I don’t want to jip her. I do want to make something off of it, though. People ask me to do repairs and things of this nature a lot.


  1. funkyjazzdesigns | | #1

    I would call some alteration/tailor shops in my area and ask them what they charge for that kind of work and then I'd charge my co-worker/friend/family about the same.  Do not under value your time or you might end up feeling resentful or taken.  And you set yourself up for expectations of low prices in the future by him/her and others.


    1. fabricholic | | #2

      Thanks, Christine. I have thought about calling one but, I was hoping someone had done this before and would know off-hand what I should charge. I'll call them tomorrow.Marcy

      1. funkyjazzdesigns | | #4

        I think that charges can vary a lot based on the area in which you live - part of the country, city or rural areas, etc.; so doing your own local inquiries is probably the best.  Good luck with your research and decisions.


        1. fabricholic | | #6

          I might call tomorrow for curiosity sake. Thank you.

          1. fabricholic | | #7

            A lot of alteration places I called didn't do buttonholes. The one that did charges 2.00 for buttonholes and 2.00 to sew on buttons. I think I will charge 2.00 for buttonholes and 1.50 for buttons. I have to try and match thread for one of them. No alteration place wanted to fool with the buttonhole when I called. They would say, well it will be next week or there is a minimum of 5.00 charge, etc. This gave me an idea. Thanks to both of you for helping me.

  2. GoodFibrations | | #3

    2.oo per buttonhole and .50 per button to sew one on is what I charge. Thats for machined holes. 5.oo per for bound.

    1. fabricholic | | #5

      That sounds good.
      Thank you.

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