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Conversational Threads

What’s your style?

carolfresia | Posted in Talk With Us on

How would you categorize your style? Classic? Romantic? Trendy? Arty? Haute couture? Edgy? What are your top style inspirations?

Let us know what looks you like best!



  1. dotty | | #1

    Good question. The fantasy is retro(but time and fitting issues prevent that). The reality is camp shirts in all colors and fabrics with slim (another fantasy) black jeans. Never courture. The goal is sleek ,comfortable and splashy.

  2. liselaure | | #2

    Dear Carol,

    As a personal image consultant I will allow myself to add the following to your list: natural, gamine, current, Parisian and dramatic. My own style is a mixed one: natural and gamine.

    Will you let us know what is yours, Carol?


    1. carolfresia | | #5


      Yes, add any other categories you think might apply! The more the better--and if you'd like to define some of them more fully, that would be great, too.

      I have to admit that I'm not exactly sure how I'd define my style. Contemporary-retro with a girlish slant? I should ask my co-workers. It's often easier to characterize someone else's style than your own!


    2. Zipster | | #10

      This is such a fun topic.  I've been classed "Romantic with Classic"--it works for me:  flowing stuff, but a little formal.  I like Lise-Laure's types (come do a workshop for us in Ottawa! :-)  It's one more way to get things in your closet to work together.  Does anyone have preferences by pattern companies for the different types?



      1. Katcleland | | #17

        I notice a reference to Ottawa in your post, I am wondering how many Canadian's use this site, I just found it and I now live in Summerside Prince Edward Island. Right now it is heaven on earth, lush green breezy and warm.  I am originally from Toronto but married a chap from this next of the woods and have just been told I am going to be a grandmother come January so I am inspired to sew on a whole different level. I wish there were more sewing functions in the Maritimes, years ago there was a Sewing Expo in Halifax and I went with a girlfriend and we had so much fun.

        Anyway I was just asking because there haven't been that many sewers in my circle.


        1. Meemur | | #19

          I think I am natural/classic.  Comfortable pants and tops at the weekend and suits during the week.  I've recently discovered the joys of skorts for summer ... the comfort of shorts, the slimmer silhouette of a skirt.  Just what this late 40s body needs.

          And yes, Katcleland, there are Canadians using the site.  I'm from Brampton, Ontario.  A great distance from you and not nearly as pretty.


          1. Katcleland | | #20

            That is a lovely spot, I grew up in Toronto, but married a man from here and thus remained for 30 years.  I love skorts, I have thighs that make 100 year old oaks weep, so shorts are uhm shall we say less than attractive, so this season gauchos's and what I used to call Platzo pants in high school are keeping me happy and current in a world full of mini and shorts I am also thrilled and the trumpet gorded skirt a blessing for me with hips and thighs in abundance. Easy to make this seasons skirts too.

            I work in an office so all week I am in office apparel, come evening or weekends I want comfort yet cannot seem to walk far away from more tailored clothes I have a few flowing dresses and skirts and they keep me stretched in my wardrobe choices.

            Thanks for replying I am pretty new at this whole chat room thing.

            Edited 6/23/2006 1:39 pm ET by Katcleland

          2. Alexandra | | #21

            'nother Canuck wading in, I'm on the Wet Coast, but originally from Niagara.  I work in an office and walk every lunch time, so pants are the most practical.  I like to look different, I make blouses with odd styling and special detailing.  With rayon batiks I make outfits, long skirts and blouses with patterns from Batik Boutique or Erickson or Sewing Workshop.  I like the romantic long and flowing but it doesn't fit into my life style, I guess eclectic would be the best description.

        2. MarshaK | | #22

          Hi, I'm Canadian, living out west in Alberta. I guess we all would say the province we're living in is the best, and the most beautiful. I've travelled to the west coast and north through the Yukon, (on the way to visit my mother in Alaska) and east as far as Ottawa. Each part of Canada has it's good and bad places, doesn't it? I am hoping to someday get to PEI, although it may be a hard-sell to get my husband onto the bridge.


        3. marbuesong | | #26

          We Threads people are spread across the country! I live in Powell River B.C.  Any neighbours out here?

          Find Burda patterns are the best for me but have just made a Poduluk (latest but one Threads) which I liked very much. Made it in patterned linen interlined with silk organza.


          1. Katcleland | | #28

            We are going to Prince George this month for My husbands brother's son's wedding. We haven't been to B.C. in about 10 years. We are looking forward to the trip, it will be short but nice. Thanks for answering my queries. Can I ask what you enjoy sewing the most? I have wavered between clothes for me and quilts, years ago it was clothes for our children but they are all married and settled now but I shall be a grandma in January for the first time from one of our sets of married children. This is exciting and I have renewed my subscription to "Sew Beautiful" to brush up on my heirloom sewing to be able to make lovely baby clothes for this already loved little one.
            Thanks again for answering my queries.

          2. marbuesong | | #29

            Hi Kat,

            I like sewing for myself best of all; from Jeans to tailored suits to evening wear. I did sew for my daughter and daughters-in-law and the men in the family, but now, as they are all in their 40's and 50's, I figure they can do it themselves:-) I did sew for my children when they were small but not to a great extent. Always found there were other things to do with the family like hikes and cooking which everyone could do.

            I did try quilting but it is not for me. Cutting fabric into small pieces and joining it together again is not my idea of fun!!  I can hear all the screams from distant Powell River!! I admire it all but do not have that kind of patience. Heirloom sewing is making a huge comeback but once again it is too fiiddlely for me.  As you can tell I like classic stuff most of all where the fabric is king:-) !!

            I did, in my working days, design and make costumes for the professional theatre company in Regina which I really enjoyed but it is a completely different concept to making clothes for people to my mind; although I have made the occaisional wedding dress (family and close friends) and graduation gowns but making clothes for myself is best of all!

            Great talking to you. I hope you have a great trip to Prince George and the sun shines on the wedding day.

            Happy sewing for the new grandchild.


          3. SewNancy | | #35

            A woman who speaks the same language! I too like to sew for myself bes, my daughter is always complaining that I stick her with pins on purppose. I cannot fathom any reason to do quilting or heirloom sewing or better yet what does everyone do with all that embroidery? I love beautiful clothes where the fabric and cut are the stars.

          4. WandaJ | | #33

            The type of sewing that I like best falls under two categories, which is clothes for myself employing a lot of Couture hand-sewing techniques and heirloom sewing for infants and children.

            The former, I taught myself by reading many, many books and Internet sewing articles. I've always believed that if I'm going to spend the time sewing that it should be a much better quality product than what I can afford to buy at the store, including design, fabric and finish.

            When I became disgusted with my sewing a lady I met in a sewing discussion group, several years ago, suggested I become engaged in Heirloom Sewing where there are no mistakes!  After reading about it, I did become interested to the point where I enrolled in Martha Pullen's course.  Participation in this course gave me confidence to 'sew on' along with learning new techniques for sewing.

            I have not achieved the level of sewing, although I am quite good, that I'd like to as I've yet to master 'fit!'  That area I am working on.

            I have sewn for my children, niece and former spouse years ago.  My son still wants me to make his silk shirts (!) and has been asking for me to make a minister's robe for him, which I have yet to do.

            Sewing for my daughters when they were young was quite enjoyable, and to that end I now sew for my granddaughters. These garments due to time, are limited to special occasions.

            Too, I have sewn for others, for-profit, however, I've only had one client that was willing to pay the price deserved for the work as she appreciated quality clothing, and loved the feel of natural fibers (which is only what I sew with) and custom fit.


          5. Katcleland | | #34

            Wow you sound like you have worked hard at mastering your craft.  I sewed so much more years agao when my children were little, my daughter was of course the most fun to sew for and at that time I did a lot of Laura Ashley designs for myself and her.  I did introduce myself as well to Heirloom work and I have only done a few pieces. I am looking forward to sharpening my skills in that style for this new little grandchild due in January.

            Today I bought a couple new skirt patterns I love the swish of the new styles and I shall make a couple of basics in that for the next few months and line them so they last better and drape the way I want them too.  I love working with silk too, you mentioned doing minister robes for your son.  Is he a Pastor?  My oldest is now an ordained pastor, but his focus is youth and he is very grateful all he needs is a suit and fun shirt on Sundays.

            Thanks for writing to me.  I am new at the whole chat thing.  I would love to take a Martha Pullen school someday.  Living in the East Coast of Canada makes access to such things a little trickier than I would like them to be.

            Have a great day.

    3. Sarahbelle | | #36


      Having had personal style consultants attempt to work their magic on me, I now believe tht I fall into every style category conceivable.  I've decided to call myself: eclectic.    Few people know what that really means, so I never get an argument! 

      Although regarding your specific post -- I can eliminate from my list of possibilities: gamine (too old, too large, not at all innocent), and natural (personal choice).  I run the gamut between dramatic, romantic, trendy, and classic.

      I think 'eclectic'  suits me best as I own pieces from every category there is, but never put together an outfit using pieces all from the same category.

      This is why I love to sew!!!!


  3. mimi | | #3

    Carol:  First, let me say how nice the colors look here on the Threads page :)

    I would say that my style is classic/couture.  I would prefer to be a tall, thin romantic or even a tall, thin edgy but neither fit on my tall, not thin frame. 

    I just adapted a pattern for an asian inspired top, making it longer (tunic length).  I used a border print fabric from India that I have been saving; now I have an edgy/sort of romantic top, with couture details!


    1. carolfresia | | #6

      Hi, Mimi,

      The new navigation bar looks nice, doesn't it? I can't take credit for it--our New Media team designs the web pages.

      I know what you mean about not fitting ideally into a style that appeals to you. But the wonderful thing about sewing is that, once you figure out what it is about a certain look that you like, you can add that to clothes that suit your figure/lifestyle/etc. Your tunic seems to be doing exactly that.

      I've always loved the way Kayla Kennington dresses--if anyone's ever seen her, she wears these wonderful, flowing garments in the most fabulous fabrics and rich color  and pattern combinations, great trims and embellishment, etc. She's petite, but is never overwhelmed by her clothes. And yet I just can't pull off the look myself--unless I break it down into parts: one of her top patterns, with jeans or tailored pants; a slightly more sober palette; linen rather than Asian silks, etc. I guess I'd like to be Bohemian chic, but I'm just not!


      1. mimi | | #7

        I love the Kayla Kensington styles, but few of them fit me.  I am on the never ending search for stylish plus size patterns!


        1. carolfresia | | #15


          A couple of years ago Kayla had an article in Threads about her approach to garment design--"modular design," she calls it. If you can find that, you'll get a sense of how she designs her garments, and you could easily do the same thing, or some version of it. If, for example, you prefer a conventional sleeve and armscye, you can adapt a pattern to have a bodice shape more like Kayla's, but with the sleeve you like. One of the things I love about her designs is how perfect they are for showcasing gorgeous fabric.


          1. mimi | | #16

            Thanks!  I'll look for that article.


          2. MaryinColorado | | #32

            I am comfy casual with a touch of bohemian I think.  I like jeans, palazzo pants,   casual long skirts with feminine tops,  and long dresses with jackets or shawls.  Kayla Kennington is my muse! I love to make her patterns with soft Rayons  in earthtones. 

            I am petite bone structure, under 5', have the 50's "soft silouette", with a bust that I would have loved to have at a younger age, now it is a fitting nightmare, lol....

             If you go to Kayla's website, all her patterns are there, I just got her new jacket pattern with the godets, very feminine looking.  I think her website still lists all the Threads articles she wrote.  Here are some for those who are interested: 117 March 2005,92 Jan.2001, 104 Jan2003.  Mary L

      2. bostonquilter | | #8

        Bohemian, eclectic, that's certainly is me (a elderlyy over 70 can be that). 

      3. TJSEWS | | #31

        I'm glad the navigation bar is back for the home page.  There was some time where there was just a list of options toward the top left and a large empty space on the top right.  It made the webpage look incomplete but it looks great now!

  4. mygaley | | #4

    Dear Carol: thank you for starting these fun threads.  I think I am haute couture.  Mostly, I think I am Betty Grable or anyone in 1940's movies.  I always choose patterns by what I can do with the fabric I have selected.  Needless to say, some of them don't work on me, but I have a great time sewing/figuring them out.  Galey 

  5. Teaf5 | | #9

    Fantasy: haute couture. Reality: sensible cottons, khakis and shirts, comfortable shoes. For sewing, I choose elaborate blouses, vests and jackets to layer over the comfy clothes. Plus, I get to make haute couture and trendy clothes for my tall, size 6, 20-something daughter.

  6. opalmom | | #11

    Fantasy is Vionnet...reality is more Audrey Hepburn (sheath dresses, full skirts, cotton or linen tops/tanks, boleros).....ballerina flats or rounded platform heels....

    I should have been born for the 30's, I dress like I'm from the 50's or 60's.


  7. BarbF | | #12


    Well, I'm pretty much classic, but like the edgy twist to it.  Dress classic -read basic black and navy-at work, love Loes Hinse, Sewing Workshop, Sandra Betzina and Lorraine Torrence's patterns to stretch my creativity. 



  8. bksews | | #13

    I like classic styles for pants and skirts, but I like a lot of color in my tops and like a lot of detail work too.


    1. dotty | | #14

      I said never couture. What I really meant was I'd never be caught dead in a Channel suit or jacket. I am in favor of great workmanship and fit. I get inspiration from the fabric and the movies.

  9. Revelation | | #18

    My style is classic and comfortable.  I wear extended sizes and I prefer a simple blouse and pants made of good quality, washable fabric.  I work in an office and finding ready made clothes, in my size, suitable for work is very difficult.

  10. MarshaK | | #23

    My style is mainly Casual, I live in jeans and shirts, but some of them can be a bit on the wild side with embellishments. Would that fall into the Arty category? I like one-of-a-kind garments, although I am basically quite shy, I occassionally wear something flamboyant, perhaps it helps to 'bring me out'. I look to Lois and Diane Ericson, and others like Kayla Kennington and Marcy Tilton for inspiration.

    I would love to wear some of the flowing styles, but I guess I don't have to courage or the occassion to. Sewing shows are a great place to wear some of the 'Wearable Art' I always say if you're going to a sewing show, wear something you've sewn!


  11. SewNancy | | #24

    I love haute couture and edgy, but the reality is that I am too old for really edgy fashion, as well as not the right body type. I don't have the lifestyle for dressy clothes, or even really tailored things. I would love to find patterns for more avant garde casual clothes. Is that an oxy moron? I really hate art to wear as it always seems to be wearing the wearer. It also never fits a curvy body without adding 20 pounds! I am trying to sew only outfits these days, which really means a top and a bottom. I would love to find a dress pattern that was flattering and easy to wear but stylish. I haven't owned a dress in 20 years, I think. I tend to wear tops and skirts. or pants. I really pore over Style.com or Elle.com looking for great clothing that I can copy. I spend more time looking for patterns than sewing! Right now I have my eye on a Donna Karan bronze wrap leather jacket. I actually found an old BWOF fashion coat pattern that I think can easily be altered to look like the Karan. I am planning a trip into NYC to look for the leather.

    Edited 6/30/2006 8:48 am ET by SewNancy

  12. WandaJ | | #25

    Chanel is what I really love, particularly, the original designs (suits) versus what's being offered under her name today. I've made one Chanel-like jacket and was very, very pleased with the outcome, particularly the fit. And, I have some red boucle that is just calling my name so it can too be made into a Chanel-like jacket, perhaps with the hand-quilted lining this time.

    When working I'd like to wear clothes on that order, and I would say that I'm basically classic in that I do wear suits, including nicely tailored pants suits, silk blouses and sweaters, as well as, shirt-waisted and sheath dresses. And, oh do I love good shoes that are simple in design.

    I would love to wear some Kayla Kennington and I've seen several designs from independent pattern makers that I'd love to wear, but being short and on the stocky side I'd look like someone bopped me on the head and I fell into the ground, so most of them are a no-no for me.  However, I've made 2 of the Ying-Yang dresses and I don't look squashed in them, and are they ever so comfortable!

    I do like Marcy Tilton's jacket patterns. I think they are artsy with a toned down look and would look good on most people.

    As far as patterns go, even though I've made some garments from independent pattern companies, I must say that Vogue Patterns are my favorite followed by Butterick, and I'm now starting to lean toward Burda as I want to try them for the appeal of pattern sizing based upon what  I've been reading about them.

    In essence, I tend to be on the classy side, and like to employ couture sewing techniques into my garment making.

    Wanda J

  13. meyes | | #27

    My style is simple elegance (think Audrey Hepburn) funked up with tribal/ethnic influences in clothing and accessories.

  14. TJSEWS | | #30

    I would define my style as classic.  I like dress pants and shirts and blouses worn with kitten heel shoes.  I wear neutral colors as far as pants and use color for the tops.  I challenge myself to make clothing that looks like what is fashionable in ready to wear and looks store bought but it isn't because I made it (and it fits). 

    I have a difficult time finding ready to wear clothing that fits my oddly shaped body.  I have a petite frame, am short, but have a 34DD bust and a protuding 46 year old belly. 

  15. SchnauzerMom | | #37

    I would say that I'm classic/natural.  It seems to fit my general lifestyle the best.  I would love to be arty and maybe romantic.  I guess once in a while I could be arty and romantic.  Classic/natural the rest of the time (work, church, etc.). 

This post is archived.

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