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Conversational Threads

Where can I find fabric for a bike jersey??

als319 | Posted in Fabric Guidance on

Hello! I want to sew a bike jersey to use mountain biking and don’t know where to find the right fabric.  I wear a hydration pack that snags delicate fabric, and get sweaty and dirty.  Where do you buy sturdy stretchy athletic fabric?  What kind works well?  It’s hard to buy online when I can’t touch the fabric.  Bright colors would be great too – there can be hunters in the woods.


  1. ThreadsMagazineWeb | | #1

    Fabric.com is a great resource!

  2. simonde | | #2


    Zenith and Quasar feature a lot of athletic and swimwear fabrics. Lots of colorful and fun prints too!

  3. user-7746343 | | #3

    What on-line store is good for any kind of fabric? I can't get fabric in town and need a good on-line fabric store. Thanks.

  4. User avater
    MDNB | | #4

    Spandex World is a really great resource for the stretchy fabrics I think you are looking for. They will happily answer questions if you email them, and they also send samples so you can touch and feel. I have Meade swim suit for synchronized swimmers for 10 years and have used Spandex World the most.

  5. MinkyFabric | | #5

    I found very amazing stuff for bike jersey at icefabrics.com

  6. JohninKent | | #6

    Try Seattle Fabrics, they have an extensive collection of Italian made Lycra fabrics.

  7. chorvath | | #7

    Thank you for this question! I have been looking for breathable technical fabric without a lot of spandex to make golf shirts. I mountain bike too, so you've inspired me to put a jersey on my list of sew projects! I found this list to be a helpful resource https://www.thelaststitch.com/buying-activewear-fabrics/, but I haven't been brave enough to order any tech fabrics yet!

  8. angelabaumeister | | #8

    There are several Etsy shops that carry merino wool jersey knit. When I was biking a lot (even in the summer) the merino wool was sturdy, wicked away the sweat, didn't make me overheated when it was hot and kept me insulated when it was cooler - sheep are magical. I could even throw my favorite jersey in the washing machine without worrying about felting.

  9. siwelc | | #9

    You could try The Green Pepper.com they sell patterns, fabrics, accessories needed to complete a project. It's all about creating outdoor clothing.

  10. Liindas | | #10

    Finding the right fabric is not easy, you need a minimum of 200 g / m2, ideally more. Although I love Extremtextil for its thinner fabrics.

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