Where is Pfaff Creative Sensation manufactured?

Where is the Pfaff Creative Sensation manufactured?
My wife and I are thinking of buying one (she has owned two Pfaff machines over the past 30 years), but we probably won’t buy one if it is made in China.
Are recent article in Consumer Reports about fires with major kitchen appliances attributes a likely cause as substitution of components in Chinese manufacturing facilities which were outside of the engineering specifications, which the applicance company could not or would not monitor.
Now, I don’t expect a Chinese Pfaff machine to burst into flames, but I think that a machine manufactured in China is more likely to deviate from engineering specifications than one made in, say, Germany.
Where Sewing Machines Are Made.
Bingo! Made in China is the answer. However, the more conscientious companies have their own engineers doing quality control.
I have three sewing machines (two are computerized) made in either Taiwan or China and none of them have burst into flames or have had to go into the shop for service.
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