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Conversational Threads

Where is the digital version for Android tablets?

gax0000 | Posted in Feedback on Threads on

I would like to know when the digital version of Threads Magazine will be available to ALL tablets (including android based systems), not just apple products.  The Threads site states that digital editions for android and windows-based tablets should be available by the end of 2012. We are now half-way through 2013 so I think this statement needs to be changed and an update provided.  Also, the cover of the last issue stated ‘Now available on tablets’ which is more than a little misleading since it really is only available for apple products – not tablets in general.  I realize that iPads may make up the majority of the tablet market, but tablets and iPads are not synonymous.


  1. Evamarie | | #1

    Threads on Android Devices


    We hope to offer Threads on Android devices sometime in the next month. Before releasing the Android version, there some technical issues that are in the process of being resolved to ensure that it works properly for everyone. We will announce when it is avilable on the website. 

    Thank you for your patience.

    1. zmarn | | #2

      Android devices

      I am not finding Threads for androids.  Your response in July of this year said it would be a month.  It is now October.  Am I missing something?

      Thank you,

      Zita Arn

  2. user-1112706 | | #3

    I'd like to know that, too.  It's almost February and would like to be able to read Threads on my Kindle Fire.


    1. Evamarie | | #4

      Tablet Editions for Android Devices

      We too are anxious to offer Android tablet editions of Threads. Android compatiable versions will be released once we are 100% satisfied with the product, and will alert our readers when it becomes available.

      Thank you all for your interest and feedback!

  3. jak_line | | #5

    We are in mars 2014 and still waiting for android version...............on 172's cover it is announced " Now available on tablets"!!!

    but it is still only for I....

  4. User avater
    kathys120 | | #6

    Android App for Threads?

    I came to the forum today to find out where to get the version for Android.  I am dismayed that you still don't have it. I'm also dismayed that I'm not being allowed to express my oppinion (something about a spam filter).  There was nothing in there about anything except the fact that you promised 2 years ago to have this available for TABLETS (that includes other brands besides Apple and Amazon).  If you don't want to support Android (the most popular in the US for tablets/cellphones), please just say so.  I'm about to cancel my subscription.  Two years is long enough to pay for digital access and still have to buy the print edition because you haven't gotten around to writing the code for Android.  You know how--you have "Fine Cooking" available for Android.  I guess you're just lazy.

  5. PABarnes | | #7

    Still waiting for Android app

    I too have been inquiring concerning the Android app's arrival. When I called customer service to inquire, I was told 2015. This is my first time seeing this forum and am glad there has been a demand for the Android version. I used to own a Windows 8 tablet and the digital versions were available on it. Now Windows 8 was a newer format than Android, which has been around for a LONG TIME and I do not understand what the hold up is.

    why do we keep getting the run around concerning this, obviously we your readers would like to have this option without having to purchase an IPAD. Can you please look into this a little more fervently?



  6. user-2852000 | | #8

    Android app login problem

    Hi,  I downloadedd the app for Android. I am an Insider member and was asked for my email and last name, which I gave, but was unable to logon. Is there something else I should be doing?  Thanks


    1. Evamarie | | #9

      Android Tablet Editions


      You can access detailed instructions for Android tablet versions here: http://bit.ly/Android-Tablet-Tutorial

      If you are still experiencing problems, please call our customer service from M-F, 9 A.M. to - 5 P.M. EST at 800-477-8727.

This post is archived.

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