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Who wants to vent about their serger?

Evers | Posted in The Archives on

I’m ready to drop some $$$ on a serger this week. Have been looking at White 2000 and Juki 654. Now, I’ve found a good deal on a Babylock Imagine LX. Does anyone have any comments that would help me feel great about my final decision? Thanks bunches.


  1. Jean_ | | #1

    DH just bought me a Janome Compulock for a kings ransom, I guess we did get a good enough deal on it, so I'm eager to start sewing up my stash of fabric. I guess most of it will go to charity. . just a good excuse to buy a pricey toy...too bad we can't afford these things when we really need them. I made ALL my kids clothes when they were toddlers and on up thru high school, actually. I enjoyed sewing for my short and chubby grandkids, too. Their mom couldn't buy clothes that would fit them. Fond memories there.

    1. Chris_Knoblock | | #2

      *I own a White serger and am very happy with it. I looked at the Babylock Ecllipse serger but it was out of my price range at the time.The only problem I have with the Babylock Imagine is that you cannot manually ajust the tensions. This is a persional quirk of mine--I like to adjust my machines to suit me and what I'm sewing/creating.Chris

      1. jonesie6 | | #3

        *HI,I know that JUKI is the most trustworthy of sergers...they're the ones who started it all for homesewers and Babylock took off with the idea...in truth, though, sergers are finicky and temperamental, I have a love hate relationship with them...when I sell one, I miss it, so I replace it, then get sick of how they aren't perfect...I would NOT go with White...I think they're the most temperamental of all....JUKI and Babylock are good. Elna's are now very good too. They all end up having features you want ONE to have all of!!!! Have fun, don't look back...none will be perfect!

        1. Darlene_ | | #4

          *My advice is to test-sew every possible make that you can and see if it suits your needs as to fabrics you use, decorative threads and type of serging. I have had a Bernette 334DS for 12 years and really like it because it is a workhorse and only had one small problem. It didn't have automatic threading but you get used to it. SO I just dropped a couple thousand on a brand new Bernina 2500DCE without trying it, going on name alone and because it had the coverstitch. What a mistake. It is real easy to thread, has automatic tension, but the coverstitch aspect is crap as it is so sensitive things keep going wrong. It has been across Canada to the factory for "Internal tension adjustments" and still is a P.I.T.A. (pain in the ***) I am now trying all different sergers and am going to trade it in as soon as I find one that I really like.

          1. silkscape_ | | #5

            *I purchased a Huskylock 905 (Viking) last year and have been thrilled with the performance. A stitch finger (for rolled hemming) did break and have to be replaced, but other than that, I have no complaints... it always does what I ask of it (as long as I do my homework as far as threading and tensions go.)

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