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Conversational Threads

why is my post being rejected as spam????

stacywacy | Posted in Talk With Us on

I am trying to post a question about creating a pattern from a ready-to-wear dress. It has been rejected several times because it “triggered the spam sensor”. Why should this be?

PS I pasted in the text here and got rejected again.


  1. Pattiann42 | | #1


    Try asking your question without pasting from another site/source.

    1. stacywacy | | #3

      re your suggestion

      Hi, just answering your suggestion- I had typed my question in, no pasting involved, no other web sites or sources involved.

      1. sewchris703 | | #4

        Same here.

        I tried to answer a post the other day and got a message saying that my post was spam.  I've been a member of Gatherings for years.  There was nothing in my post that was remotely spam.  No advertising, no questionable language, no pictures, etc.  If this message doesn't get through, it might just be the last straw for me on this board.  I've stuck it out through the changes and the dying.  And having to log on when I didn't log off and having to verify my posts at random times.  But this just might drive me away.


        1. User avater
          VictoriaNorth | | #5

          I'm not sure why you were getting caught in our spam filter, but I've changed a setting on your account and you should no longer have a problem. Please let me know if you continue to have trouble posting.

          Thank you,

          Victoria North

          Senior Web Producer


          1. SewingSis | | #7

            spam...why me?

            I keep trying to reply to threads and it always comes back that my message has set off the spam filter!!  Frustrating!! Can it be fixed somehow?


            And I hope this goes through!!!

  2. HelgaPataki | | #2


  3. Pattiann42 | | #6


    Try contacting the forum moderator to see what the problem is.

This post is archived.

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