I am presently learning all I can on fitting. Since I like Vogue patterns, I am following their sewing book suggestions. So it came to mind also that I like Simplicity and McCalls patterns. Do these two companies use the same method of fitting or are they different? Do I have to purchase a book on each to know their systems? Any help is appreciated. Amapola
i'm not familiar enough with either to know, but i'd say go with what works best on your personal fuigure
Thank you. Amapola
I think the Vogue book would be appropriate for any of those patterns because it is general information rather than how to use just one kind of pattern. In fact, one of my chief complaints about those other 2 brands, is that they eliminate really important information/steps in order to make things "easy."
Thanks, Amapola
I, too, have tried to learn everything I can about fit. Two books that I have found helpful and are readily available are: Fast Fit by Sandra Betzina and Fit for Real People by Pati Palmer and Maria Alto. In Chapter 3 of Fit for Real People there is a chart showing that the pattern companies probably all do use very similar slopers to make their patterns - no discernable difference between them. If there is one element I have discovered about learning to fit myself is that if I make a garment and I don't like the fit it is probably my mistake (in alterations) then the pattern. But, when you get a garment to fit just right - it looks good no matter if its a good hair day or a bod hair day!
Thanks for the great ideas.
A good fitting book should include suggestions that will work with any pattern, but the different companies do have different basic fits, so the need for certain alterations may differ according to different brands. McCalls owns Butterick and Vogue, and and those three seem to have a very similar basic fit (although McCall patterns tend to have more ease, whiile Butterick and Vogue tend to be more closely fitted), while Simplicity, Burda, & New Look are very different. For example, I've used the bodice from one McCall pattern with the sleeve from a Butterick of the same size and found a very good correlation and a good fit, but I've never gotten a Simplicity blouse pattern to fit at all or correspond with a McCall's pattern of the same style or size.Once you've found a very good fit for yourself, you'll be able to judge the basic fit of each company. One way to do this is to purchase a very basic pattern from each (on sale, of course) of the same size and style, open them up, and compare them to your correctly fitted pattern. Although time consuming and messy, this process taught me a lot about the different brands and helped me find the ones with the fewest alterations for my figure.Of course, ten years later, my body and fitting issues have changed a lot, so it's just about time to do this again!
Thank you for taking the time and answering. Will try your suggestions. Amapola
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