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Wool duvet problem & heming pants

viky | Posted in General Discussion on



I am new to this forum nd not a very good sewer.  I have a wool duvet which I love. It is a king size but there are no squares (Baffles ?) so all the wool keep shifting into a ball which is driving me crazy.  Can you tell me how I can fix this ?


My other question is how can I hem pants on the sewing machine? 


Thank you very much



  1. crwritt | | #1

    You can "quilt" your wool duvet with yarn or cotton floss. Smooth out the wool filling and safety pin through all the layers. Do this in an even pattern, to keep everything in place temporarily. With chalk and a ruler,mark out a grid pattern of dots evenly spaced 6-8" apart on the duvet. Thread a big yarn needle with yarn or floss, and poke the needle straight down through one of the chalk marks. Poke the needle back up through, leaving about 1/4" stitch showing on the underside, then tie a  secure square knot on the top , and trim the yarn ends leaving about 1"of yarn.  Continue until you've done the whole duvet!

    Yes, you can hem pants on a sewing machine.If you have a manual that came with your sewing machine, read about using the blind hem stitch. I always press up the pants hem before hemming them. Be sure to test the stitch on scrap fabric.

    1. viky | | #2

      Thank you so much for your help.

      1. crwritt | | #3

        Good luck with your project and let me know how it comes out!

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