Would like to sell two Brother machines

G’day people:
I have two Brother machines that I would like to sell. One is a Brother KH-840 knitting machine and the other is a KR-830 ribbing machine. Both of these machines have a bunch of stuff to go with them and are in excellent condition.
I see now that trying to sell in the forums is not allowed. My apologies. I am way out of line.
Is it possible that some one may know what these machines are worth or what is a fair market value?
Knowing more I will take them over to Ebay and list them.
Thank you.
Edited 3/10/2003 10:41:00 AM ET by IMERC
IIRC the 840 is a 9mm punchcard machine and should be a workhorse if it's in good condition. I must add that the ribber works in conjunction with the knitter and is not useable on its own. Have you tried to sell it on ebay? Just curious.
No I haven't.
These machines are in excellant condition and there is a "bunch of stuff" with them. As near as I can tell they are complete.
I honestly don't know what they are worth used.
Hopefully I'm not walking all over protocol.
Is it possible that you can give a rough idea as to what these machines are worth and I'll head over to Ebay. They are in excellant condition and have all the gizzmos to go with them.
Thank you.... IMERC
Just got back from vacation and saw this post. I have no idea what the market value of this machine would be. I must repeat again that this should be sold as a unit. The ribber is an attachment to the knitter and is useless on its own.
G'day Jean;
How was your vacation? Great I hope.
I caught The item that both machines go as a pair.
Any suggestions as to where to go to get a value acessment on these things? Any help would be appreciated.
Vacation was too short.
I'd start by searching for Brother knitting machines at http://www.google.com
If you don't find a similar machine listed, you can always email one of the dealers and ask. I'm sure they would be wiling to assist, maybe even take it off your hands. I understand that Brother has stopped manufacturing knitting machines as of 2002. It's a pity, they made a good product.
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