I’m so excited about the Christmas present I got from my mom–SIX skeins of Jawoll sock yarn!!!! This is the yarn I used for socks for three of my daughters last Christmas and I loved it, but it’s so expensive that I would never buy it just for me. Mom went to the LYS in her little town (where I got the yarn last year) and asked them to suggest good wool sock yarn and this is what they recommended. Mom doesn’t knit so she was kinda at their mercy, but they are very service-oriented and helpful so she was in good hands. On top of that, I’m now registered with them so any time I get more yarn there, I get bonus points toward discounts. Last night I wound it all off into balls so now I’m ready to start a pair of socks tonight. I’m going to try a new pattern with a different method for turning the heel–I can’t wait!
Today we have to risk bad roads to get a prescription for antibiotics for my husband, who developed an abcess on his elbow. This is the weirdest thing. He wracked it against a rock during deer hunting in early Dec, but all that he got was a little cut that was healing nicely. On Christmas Eve day, it was a little itchy and when he scratched it, the scab came off and it looked a bit infected and by 9 that evening, his elbow was the size of a tennis ball. Off to the emergency room we went! They lanced it, gave him enough antibiotics to get through yesterday, but today we have to go to the pharmacy. Of course, we have freezing rain and icy roads to make it all more stressful than it already is! The good news is that the antibiotics are working, his fever has broken, and the swelling is much reduced.
Annie in Wisconsin, USA
~~Doodlestein Designs Quilt Patterns
~~Finely Finished: Machine quilting worked on a treadle sewing machine.
See patterns, quilting, and National sewing machines at: http://community.webshots.com/user/damascusannie
Glad to hear your husband is OK, and you survived the roads. I'm working right through to Monday, so it doesn't feel as Christmassy. We have lots of snow though. This is the 2nd white Christmas we've had in the past 11 we've lived here. The roads aren't too bad as long as the wind doesn't get going. Everybody's whining, but I love it.
I received a wonderful present from the husband--not a surprise though. He had me tell him EXACTLY what I wanted. I have a new Dritz deluxe dress form. It took forever to get the measurements close to mine. I have a very long back and this one has an adjustable back length. It's stretched out as far as it goes. It's still maybe 1/2 or 1/4" short in the back, but that's OK. Now to get off work so I can get something done! My son (17) cleaned the house on Christmas Day, which was a super present as well.
Today's Boxing Day in Canada--sort of our Black Friday for shopping insanity. I'm glad I'm not going anywhere today. Have fun with the wool! I've learned to knit several times in my past, but I'm terrible at it.
It sounds as though your husband had a strep infection, what used to be called erysipilas
DH and I were in Germany one summer when a little red spot on his elbow rapidly turned into something that looked as though he was growing a plum there. An elderly, retired pediatrician (!) in the hotel noticed it and said, "That looks like erysipilas, and If you have an anitibiotic in your kit, I'd recommend you start taking it."
Fortunately we did, and the "plum" was essentially gone the next day. Whew. Better living through chemistry.
Non-crafters would not understand the joy of getting yarn as a present. Some would think of it as "You got something that's not wearable? You have to make it yourself?" But we know it's exciting, especially when not expecting it.
Even though we might know what we are getting, such as a dress form, husbands aren't always the greatest at getting what we asked for!
Annie, glad your husband's elbow is getting better. There could have been some microorganisms on that rock. That must have been scary to see.
The abcess wasn't caused by anything on the rock--that didn't even tear his coat. He did get a little wound, but that was caused by the impact on the skin as it was stretched over the elbow. My family TOTALLY understands that I want stuff to work on for Christmas, so I often get fat quarters and gift certificates to quilt stores. Not that I don't like getting clothes--I LOVE the red cashmere sweater my daughter, Amy, gave me.
Sounds like you get some great gifts. A lot of presents are crafting books in our family.
My friends' nephew once hit his leg on a car door and it swelled "like nobody's business" and he was smart and immediately went to Emergency when he noticed that. There they told him that had he waited, he would have died. I forgot about that until you mentioned your husband's injury.
They didn't culture it, so I have no idea what bacteria caused the abcess. Apparently it's pretty common and the thing that throws a person is that it usually develops weeks after the original injury, in this case the fall onto the rock. The cause is actually the bruising to the fluid sac that protects the elbow, not any external source. The real bummer is that he's pretty much out of commission for two weeks, which means that I have an EXTREMELY bored guy on my hands. I might have to see if his friend Gene will take him ice fishing!Annie in Wisconsin, USA
~~Doodlestein Designs Quilt Patterns
~~Finely Finished: Machine quilting worked on a treadle sewing machine.
See patterns, quilting, and National sewing machines at: http://community.webshots.com/user/damascusannie
Edited 12/26/2008 2:04 pm by damascusannie
What a good mom, maybe she'll get a pair of your socks...giggle. Glad to know your husband is doing well.
She will get a pair of socks for sure. She wanted a pair this year, but I already had her gift (found it way back in May) so I think I'll just knit her a pair for the fun of it.
Sounds like your family knows just what to do to please you!! That's a good thing. Enjoy your gifts! Glad to hear your DH is on the mend!
Jeff is feeling much better. He and our son are cutting wood for a friend who has a serious back injury that's not really healing up, even after surgery. I hope Jeff isn't overdoing it--but he probably is!
well it does sound like he's up and around! Praise God for healing!
Amen to that!
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