This is a project I’ve been doing between making dolls. When I just don’t want to sew any more. It’s a Knit 5 Purl 5 piece on circular needles, about size 11.
I curl up in the bed on one of those half chair pillows and look at an old black & white movie, or pop in one of the tapes I made of craft shows from Simply Quilts to Sandra Betzina and every other needlecraft that was on TV since 1999.
The mystery is, I don’t know what it will be. It may be a cape. I’ve toyed with the idea of it being a skirt or dress. Depends on my knitting mood.
Rodezzy, Fiber Artist
It looks so soft and cuddly, a perfect cuddle up and watch TV project. Love the colour. I guess you are like me, projects all over the house in different stages of production....Cathy
Yes I am, I have to. I'm almost at a point in my life when I have to have something to work on. You don't know how many times I've been tempted to take some knitting of crochet out the door with me on occassions where I know I will be looked at crazy!
Ok, then that means that I definitely am crazy then. I almost always have a to go project bag. I knit a full sized afghan while waiting in the doctor's waiting rooms with my kids on all their appointments (there were a lot). I take one with me when visiting relatives(always). When I used to bus to work, I think I knitted 3 sweaters one winter, just on the bus. I always have a small project ready to go in the car when DH is driving. When I do not have one, my friends ask me if I am sick. Cathy
Well, I am knitting and sewing. I have a piece of real Harris Tweed, a green/blue mix, very pretty. Not enough to make a whole jacket but plenty enough for the body. I am knitting sleeves from the sewing pattern. It's been a bit of a learning curve. I have always had issues with knitting patterns as the sleeves are always formed the same, back and front. This time they are not and I had to run off knitters' graph paper (lots of free sites on the 'net) to match the sleeve gauge and from there on it was, not exactly a snap, but close to it. After tomorrow evening the second sleeve will be ready and I will match it to the body pattern of the jacket, then cut out the jacket and go from there. I have extra yarn so will probably knit a narrow shawl-type collar and front overlap. Shouldn't take long to line the jacket and apply the sleeves.This is the type of sewing and knitting I most enjoy. No one on earth will have this garment except me and I have used some of my ageing brain cells to produce it. The weather is still hot in the afternoons so it may take some time to finish as I like to spend time outdoors while the good weather lasts, but I'll try to post a photo when it is finished, my skills in that department are not as developed as the knitting/sewing ones.
This sounds like a gorgeous jacket. Please show us photos when you finish. :>)
I'll make a note of it (and fiddle with the photo-stuff before trying to post.)
I'm crazy too. I have a little basket with a pair of socks going all the time. It's just big enough to hold one small ball of yarn, the needles, an Altoids tin with my stitch markers and tape measure and my little notebook for noting any special changes for the pair I'm working on. The basket measures about 6" in diameter and height, so it doesn't take up much room at my side in the car or wherever. Back when I was really struggling with panic/anxiety disorder, my knitting was like a security blanket for me, helping me focus on something productive while working off a bit of nervous energy.
My therapy too. Cathy
Lordy, you're a busy woman, Rodezzy! Now you have another new skill - knitting in circles - well done! I suspect that this piece will talk to you, too, as all of your projects have been quite talkative :) At least they don't all talk to you at the same time! Let us know what you will turn this into - or what it says it must turn into.
I cannot figure out what you are doing here. If I did a knit 5 purl 5 on circular needles I would probably turn the work, but you obviously are not doing that. Does it just keep going in an endless circle? And, what are the green (yellow) threads in the middle? Are you using two colors of thread? But then, how does the outside stay so red? As you can see I do not know a lot about knitting, just the basics. It looks to me like a nice warm poncho at this point.
I am knitting on circular knitting needles in the "round". I do not stop, just go around and around and around. Knit 5 Purl 5, you don't have to turn the work for any design. From my study of knitting in the past year, the big plus with circular needles and knitting in the round is that you don't have to interrupt your design. Especially in color work sweaters. Sweaters are knitted in the round and then they knit in extra stitches that are going to be cut open (steek stitches) in order to open it up for a cardigan style sweater or cut open sleeve openings. Check out this site, it will explain steeking. If I continue enough of a tube, I will make it a sweater or cardigan.
The green yarn are marker yarns that I'm using to keep me knitting the knits and purling the purls. I can't always distinquish between the two. So, the markers are there to keep me straight and still I've made a mistake. But on with the show. giggle.
I'm just going to keep working at it until "it says" for me to stop and this is what I want to be. Until then I'll "just keep knitting, just keep knitting, just keep knitting....." giggle.
Thanks. I remember now making a toddler sweater in the round using those needles, but that has been so long ago I had forgotten it. I never did master the art of making a sweater that actually fit someone! Except for that small sweater that had to be grown into.
Neither have I. So this is an experimental piece.
I crocheted a scarf last night. I have just a couple rows left to do. Its a ruffled scarf to match my kimono jacket. Yesterday a dear friend stopped by the office and brought me some of the most delicious yarn. Its a merino wool and cotton yarn in medium warm gold.
Its very soft and awesome to work with. I couldn't wait to get home and make something with it. So I made the scarf. She also gave me a ball of ribbon yarn in shades of dark and navy blue which I put in the scarf. Also a companion ribbon yarn in shades of medium to silvery light blue. I have a touch of that in the scarf because I ran out of the other one right before completing its row. It works out fine since they are the same yarn and similar in color.
I then worked in a row of varigated ribbon yarn I had of gold, cranberry, and rust. The row I'm on now is a beautiful fall red micro spun yarn, very rich and has a silky texture. I will end the edges in the wool/cotton gold. It will be a beautiful accent for the jacket. Those are the colors of the embroidered flowers in the jacket. I love it already and I'm not even done. I have some dear friends.
I think your friends must know you very well to choose the colours and textures you love so well. Cathy
Actually, Francis loves rich browns and rich golds, lots of warm colors. Warm just like her heart. She used to make quilts in those warm and cozy colors, and now she is making beautiful artwork, where she has branched out and used more cool colors in her art pieces.
Check her out at
She seems like a warm and fun lady. You seemed a little off yesterday. Here are your hugs (((()))) hope you have a better day today. Cathy
Yes, a little off yesterday and it was busy here too. Better today, but I had better go, we have guests.
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