One challenge of making a sweater-knit garment is the seam treatment. A technique that stabilizes seams, hides seam allowances, and enhances the design is sewing seams wrong side together and then binding them on the right side of the garment. You can buy knit binding, but making binding from yardage lets you choose the width.
1. Cut a binding strip or strips. Cut the binding on the cross-grain to four times the seam allowance width. Fold the strip in half lengthwise, wrong sides together. Machine-baste close to the edges to prevent curling.

2. Align the garment seam allowances, with wrong sides together. Then, align the binding’s raw edges with the seam allowance edges. Stitch the binding to the garment, stretching the binding slightly.
3. Steam and press the seam allowances to one side. Grade the seam allowances to reduce bulk. Fold the binding over the trimmed seam allowances and press it flat against the garment. Machine-baste the binding edge to the garment close to the fold.

4. Slipstitch the binding’s folded edge to the sweater knit. Remove the basting stitches.
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