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Restyled T-shirts

What can we do with the T-shirts we don’t wear anymore, but they are still new or look new?   Everyone has T shirts in their closet. We either give them away, throw them, or use it as a rag. But not any more. You can redesign your t-shirts with minimal or no hand sewing. I have transformed these T-shirts into my own designs, using hand stitches (serves both purposes: functional and decorative), buttons, trims, and fusible web. I am also teaching this class at a Summer camp in Hayward, CA.


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  1. sdsdancer | | #1

    Do you have a front shot of the orange top?

  2. Klotus | | #2

    Yes, I have already uploaded the front shot. I was given Summer Camp t-shirt to Re-design.

  3. sensible_seamstress | | #3

    Sorry that I am unable to attend your class! Is it possible to put instructions online for basic redesign? I would love to redesign old T-shirts like this!

  4. lynnewill | | #4

    These are some wonderful re-designs I will share them with my students. Well done, and very clever. I imagine your class went very well.

  5. User avater
    Milana | | #5

    great ideas!!! I`d love to know how you did the black one!!

  6. Fabia | | #6

    These are great designs! I have been restyling T-shirts too. Mainly because the t-shirts I like are usually in men XXL sizes and so I've been making them into simple T-shrit dresses. I'm new to Threads but I'll put some photos up once I've got to grips with it!

  7. Fabia | | #7

    These are great designs! I have been restyling T-shirts too. Mainly because the t-shirts I like are usually in men XXL sizes and so I've been making them into simple T-shrit dresses. I'm new to Threads but I'll put some photos up once I've got to grips with it!

  8. elric1128 | | #8

    ok but where is the pattern to copy or are u just teasing us great idea though

  9. lupesewing | | #9

    Very cute, and looks fun, I will have to give it a try.

  10. pstamp54 | | #10

    Would love to make this, but I don't know how to find the video or pattern. Is it for purchase?

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