I was looking for the whale of a costume. This year I envisioned a sleek, sensuous, silver fish. I wanted to make an easy-to-wear mermaid costume by adapting a fit-and-flare evening gown to be an actual mermaid dress. I utilized a “shark-skin” two tone taffeta for the under-skirt and a glittering shear for the over-skirt and highlights on the bodice. In order to turn flare into flipper, I simply ran a gather up the center of the front a back and adjusted until seaworthy.
Halloween is my favorite holiday and I often find myself in the “sewing zone” at this time of the year. Costumes are by far my favorite thing to sew and have made many over the last decade.
I enjoy reading Threads and Sew Stylish so I can continue to grow as an artist. I hope everyone enjoys this costume.
Victoria Ann Davis
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