It’s my third costume that I make for competiton in convention. It took me 3 months to do it… work every day after my job 5pm to midnight and all weekend.
I like this creation because I use so make different technic.
I draw all my patern with only the drawing from the video game.
There is soo many imperfection, but I hope you like it or it’s scared you 😉
It's a costume inspired from a game: Ar Tonelico. Which make it a perfect Halloween costume.
It's a costume inspired from a game: Ar Tonelico. Which make it a perfect Halloween costume.
It's a costume inspired from a game: Ar Tonelico. Which make it a perfect Halloween costume.
It's how I make my shoes ^^
I use the same technic to do my gloves and ears. For the gloves: I took dollard store gloves and apply the foam and sulpt my big hands.
My big head made in papier-mache.
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