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Halloween Costume Contest 2016

Toothless from How to Train Your Dragon

Toothless with open wings

My daughter found a Toothless sweatshirt on Pinterest and just had to have it.  We decided I would make it for Halloween.  Well…  Since the wings were too small and the tail did not have the red wing, we had to make some alterations…  So, we looked up the proportions of Toothless and the rest is history.  The tail is about 5.5 feet and the wings are approximately 8 feet each.  I started with New Look pattern 6142 for the sweatshirt.  My daughter helped with the sketch work and also approved each piece.  To put spines on the hood, I added them to the seam down the center.  I split the pattern sideways to attach the ears and lobes.  For the spines on the back, I cut the pattern piece down the center instead of on the fold and added them to the center back seam.  For the arms and hands, I cut slits in the arms and filled them in with fabric to make them wider and to add the spines.  I sketched the shape of the fingers to make a pattern.  The tail was drawn to scale.  I came out too big so I cut it down.  All the painted scales were drawn and painted by my daughter.  The wings were a project of their own.  First my daughter sketched them on some newspaper.  We had to tape several pieces together.  Once the wings looked and were sized as we wanted, we had to make a pattern.  She traced each section and added a seam allowance.  I cut and sewed each piece together.  For the structure of the wings, we used dowels, PVC pipe, and extra-large zip ties.  Her pants are made from Simplicity 1104.


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  1. user-6471513 | | #1

    Absolutely FABULOUS! I've collected dragons for years, but I've never seen Toothless. I salute you...

  2. sassysandy | | #2

    Thank you very much, user-6471513. My children love dragons also.

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