This cap-sleeved jacket was inspired by Threads article Artistry by the Strip; the article appeared in the Feb/Mar 2012 issue. The Butterick pattern number is 5214 and is a Retro pattern…
I drafted pieces off a 1935 Beyer's Modenblatt sheet and added seam alowances to create this halter dress. I went for a fabric as close to the print illustrated in…
This dress and jacket started life as a very large grey linen tablecloth. The dress is cut on the bias with a drawstring hem. The jacket is pieced, stenciled and…
This orchid is going to be the inspiration for my future project.The colors of the background and focused subject are going to be the featured colors and fine flowing.
Cassie Stephens' colorful outfits are inspired by famous works of art.
On the red carpet a model or celebrity's best accessory is often their skin. Photos may be edited for magazine covers and posters, but candid shots really show off how…
I am the seamstress and my mother is getting really good at using wool roving and doing felted art projects. I had made this cranberry A-line dress out of wool…
This is a blouse I created using cotton bobbinet from an original 1935 vintage Vogue pattern. The blouse is fitted with a series of horizontal pin tucks in groups across…
I created this three-piece ensemble for my 20116 Arizona Make it with Wool submision in a spirit I call 'Springtime in Prescott'! I drafted the kimono bouse and wrap skirt…
The peacock shawl is an original design by Linda Bratten. I digitized the feathers using Bernina Artista software. The birds is raw edged applique with free-motion thread painting and embellished...
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