This ensemble was inspired by a guild challenge to be creative with 2 yards of linen.Cutwork is a traditional technique that is often used to embellish linen. Here,I give it…
I made this dress for a client who is going to wear it for her wedding vow renewal. The dress is made out of silk organza, underlined with cotton batiste,…
Fitted jacket made with tapestry and denim fabrics.
She was wearding a beutiful dress that I made with CHARMUSE silk, FRANCE CHANTILLY and was drapeaded all the top.
Dress I designed for one of my grand daughters, more pics on my blog in Oct 28, 2006.
Underlining solves everyday fabric problems, from stabilizing loose weaves to reducing show-through.
Faith and I made this dress for the homecoming court at her school. We wanted to achieve a sophisticated look that wasn't over the top. We love to layer sheer fabrics of...
Discover a speedy assembly method that puts together all garment layers at once, and conceals all the seams.
Use these sewing principles to streamline your work and greatly enhance its quality.
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