This 100% wool dress is made using Simplicity Amazing Fit #1586. It has princess seams, an invisibe zipper and is fully lined. The jacket, from Saf-T-Pockets, is made of a…
I needed a warm skirt for fall, and wanted to make something a little bit dark, a little bit gothy, so here's the result. To make the skirt, I drafted…
Made this lovely tote for my sister. I fell in love with this adorable chinese umbrella fabric wih a light peach background, found a few quilt fabric squares for the…
This dress is the closest I have ever come to a "one-seam" dress. The entire skirt is one piece (If you don't count joining panels) and the bodice, straps and…
Patch pockets are easy to make and fun to use no matter what type of garment.
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