An intriguing new use for hairspray at the crafting or sewing table.
An ironing technique for getting into tiny spots that you can eat with a spoon.
Passers-by might wonder why you need to primp in your sewing room but you'll know a craftier use for that empty lipstick tube.
Self-belts can be slippery little guys - here's how to keep your silky belts in place.
Try using a dry kitchen sponge to remove lint.
Make a thread cutter from a floss dispenser and a pill bottle.
Here are some great sewing tips from the brilliant members of PACC, which we just couldn't fit into our latest issue.
Create an instant backless bra to wear with your new backless dress by using a waist stay.
Learn how to use your nose to figure out the right side of your fabric.
Sew a mini muslin to try out your pattern instructions.
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