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Help with a Halloween Costume…

CLS | Posted in The Archives on

Hi, all. I’m visiting from Cooks Talk and was hoping someone could give me some advice.

I’m making my son’s Halloween costume. He’s going to be a bumblebee (he’ll be 7 months old). I purchased a fuzzy yellow sleeper and I’m going to cut the legs off, hem them, and sew black felt around it to make the stripes. He’ll wear black tights and socks, and I am using an old head-band to attach pipe cleaner antennae to, which will have little black pom-poms on the ends.

The problem I’m running into is attaching the wings. I have some stout, but light and easily bendable wire that I’m going to shape the wings from, and I was going to buy a pair of cheep white stockings and stretch one leg over each wing to make the wings. What I can’t quite figure out is how to attach them to him. I was hoping to use velcro in some way, but will it hold? He’s only going to go to about 10 houses (friends and relatives) with his Daddy, but I do want him to look cute for his first Halloween. Does anyone have any experience with costumes, and particulary wings attached to a small, wiggly person?

Any advice would be welcome.


  1. silkscape_ | | #1

    The larger the surface area of the velcro, the stronger the hold will be. Since you are going to sew the black stripes on perhaps you could use black velcro (hook portion) along the middle stripe... then, form the ends of the wings into wide loops adn stick a strip of black felt through the loop and a strip of black (loop portion) velcro under the loop and sew them together by machine (except over the metal of course. it'll give you a large area of velcro for the attachment. Nice thing about the velcro is that you can easily take them off for stroller or car seat then put them back on when he is ready for his "trick or treat".

    the other thing you could do of course is use ties. if you sew ties to the middle black strip (just long strips of fabric folded in half and sewn down the fold so there are two ends to tie together)..you can loop them through the wing's wire loop and tie them securely.

    Sounds so cute! what a lucky little guy! I've never made one like it but i do love to do costumes. have fun!

    1. CLS | | #2

      *Ties! That would work and I didn't think of that. I was just interested in something that would come off easily in case he got fed up with them or when he had to go in his car seat to visit Grandma or Grandpa. Thanks so much, Dawn. You've given me two great idea. I think I'll try the ties first and see if it works, and if it doesn't, use velcro ties. They sound like the same ties I used on the bumper pad for his crib - instead of regular ties I made velcro tabs. I swear, a mother invented velcro - Thanks again. I'm really excited about making this costume, and the ones in the future. One of the best parts of Halloween is making the costumes - buying it in the store is just not the same.

      1. sanderson | | #3

        *So who's going to get to eat all of the Maxisaurus' chocolate haul? I just saw a pair of wings made as you plan to do and they were to be worn via criss-crossed elastic (like the cross your heart bras, sort of). Making the elastic adjustable with velcro would be best of both worlds.

        1. CLS | | #4

          *Sanderson, what are you doing here? I didn't know you sewed. That's a great idea. I may have to try them all before I figure out one that the Maxisaurus will wear for more than 5 minutes. He's so wiggly.As for his haul - well, he's not going to many houses, but I'm going to make sure he gets his candy! (LOL) Since he's still nursing, he can get it through his Mama - It will be a burden, but I only want whats right for him.

          1. karen_morris_ | | #5

            *cls, when my daughter hannah was about 4, she had a wonderful pair of angel wings that she wore for several years & loved to play in. (i didn't make new costumes every year; being a busy threads editor, i just adapted them--the angel became a princess became a wild maiden, etc.) these sheer pink wings just had a loop of elastic for each arm, and you put it on sort of like a vest. it worked. also, the elastic won't slip much on the fleecy sleeper fabric.now she's 14, taller than me, and still loves chocolate, but it's a whole different set of problems....

          2. CLS | | #6

            *Karen, thanks for the advice. I'd say a 4 year old qualfies as a very wiggly person. Well, I'm going to pick up some elastic today just in case that's the route taken. I want to try a few things on him to see what works the best.

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